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Nintendo DS: WiFi + touchscreen/stylus + 2 screens = It's begging for a web browser!


I just wanted to say again that the REASON why I have decided to support the DS with my hard earned cash is because Nintendo is being bold, in that it is introducing all of these new capbilities...another thing, these can be combined together to be more than the sum of its parts. web browsing is just one such thing ^__^
Drinky Crow said:
Do you chumps REALLY think browsing the web is going to feasible at the DS's ridiculously low resolution? GAF is almost unreadably scrunched on a 640x480 PDA, much less a 320x240 one. I can't imagine it at the DS resolution.

Like I said, your unqualified imaginations do all the work for Nintendo...up until delivery, of course, when NONE of this will be realized in any workable way.
Yes it is, its called small screen rendering.

Katcher said:
Yes it is, its called small screen rendering.


I found a SSR extension for Mozilla and decided to try out and see how GAF viewed in it. Not bad at all, if the DS incorporated a similar system I'd be rather happy with that as a means of viewing websites. Actually I'm rather surprised to see most of my favorite sites actually come out fine that way.

I even went out and looked up what cell phones use this technology and was surprised to see that most have a resolution much smaller than the DS. I even found a picture of the N-Gage using it and it looks just fine to me. If Nintendo or Sony could get this on either of their handhelds I would be in heaven. :S
DarthWufei said:
I found a SSR extension for Mozilla and decided to try out and see how GAF viewed in it. Not bad at all, if the DS incorporated a similar system I'd be rather happy with that as a means of viewing websites. Actually I'm rather surprised to see most of my favorite sites actually come out fine that way.

I even went out and looked up what cell phones use this technology and was surprised to see that most have a resolution much smaller than the DS. I even found a picture of the N-Gage using it and it looks just fine to me. If Nintendo or Sony could get this on either of their handhelds I would be in heaven. :S

But PSP doesn't have WiFi, so a browser wouldn't be as versatile.

Edit: It apparently does.


Junior Member
A psp browser would be good, except for the fact that analogue stick and buttons do not exactly create a wonderful input environment for the web.


So does this mean that web browsers on portable gaming machines won't be considered "cool" and "great" until Sony does it on the PSP?
mj1108 said:
So does this mean that web browsers on portable gaming machines won't be considered "cool" and "great" until Sony does it on the PSP?

Where are you getting this? No one has even mentioned that in relation with the PSP. I only mentioned it in hopes that either portable system will bring it to the table with their handheld. It would be a really neat feature I'd like to see icorporated with the Wi-Fi.


YES YES YES. internet activities are one thing i love about the current consoles, beginning with Dreamcast. its very kewl to see a thread on DS for this purpose. I hope many official and unoffical apps come out for DS (and PSP) for internet related activities :)


look i surf the web all the time on my cell phone and it works out fine i love it so hell the ds shall be even better.


Drinky Crow said:
Do you chumps REALLY think browsing the web is going to feasible at the DS's ridiculously low resolution? GAF is almost unreadably scrunched on a 640x480 PDA, much less a 320x240 one. I can't imagine it at the DS resolution.

Like I said, your unqualified imaginations do all the work for Nintendo...up until delivery, of course, when NONE of this will be realized in any workable way.

It's funny Drinky Crow. I know you do all this to try to 'rile up the horde' (or at least I hope that's your reasoning, because if not, you've got some problems with logic) but in practice, you're kinda like a really drunk dart player. You're trying to hit the mark, and in your drunken state you might think you're doing a good job, but you're really just messing up a perfectly good wall.


Unconfirmed Member
Drinky Crow said:
That analogy is almost as contrived and hopeless as the "uses" you kids come up with for the DS' novelty design.
OMG An analogy about an analogy is like putting a cat wearing a bikini into a blender, Your mom gets pissed and everyone loses.
Hey, I'm not the one setting myself up for a massive disappointment. I swear, Nintendo should just announce hardware but never deliver, since you kooky kiddos seem to get more of a thrill out of inventing nonsensical scenarios for the product than actually playing the damn things (which almost never meet any of the expected potential).

Ah, how quickly we forget all of the postulation of uses for the 64DD.


You mean the system that was such an abortion, that NCL gave away all of the games for it through subscription services, changed the titles they thought would be major sellers into regular N64 titles, and decided to not even release in the states and europe due to it's lack of support?

Yeah, that sounds a hell of alot like the DS, what with the major commitments devs are already announcing for the unit. (that was sarcasm BTW)

What has happened to you, Drinky Crow? You were never so easily owned before! :)
I'm not talking about the 64DD's market penetration; I'm talking about the silly usage scenarios that flooded USENET when it was announced. Every half-assed fanboy had some poorly-informed "novel" idea as to how the 64DD could revolutionize gaming, yet ultimately neither Nintendo nor the Japanese public in general gave a shit.

You slaphappy chucklefucks DO realize that wireless public internet access requires the availability of WiFi hotspots, and that configuration for access, especially in WEP and certificated scenarios, isn't trivial right? Never mind that you PAY for this ad hoc access? Nintendo isn't going to magically create an infrastructure for you. At the end of the day, given Nintendo's inability to realize hardware potential or to create meaningful long-term partnerships with technology providers, the wireless capabilities won't amount to more than a replacement for link cables.


I think a DS-based webbrowser would be spectacular. I can see what's up at GA outside my room, and other stuff.

But there would be problems. I assume if we tried to download and save pictures or movies that there wouldn't be anything to put them in unless the browser itself had limited storage space. And viruses and trojan horses, we can't forget those. It would work on a temporary means, but there would need to be many kinks to be worked out at the same time.


It's a good thing that both the general gaming market and developers seem to be very interested in the NDS and its features, Drinky, or you might have a point!

You're going to need alot of plaster for that wall, BTW :)


Yep, which is the best that can be done right now (aside from general internet interest) which is enough to take care of the first million units or so.

Pokemon will do the rest :)

Game over!


Drinky Crow said:
You slaphappy chucklefucks DO realize that wireless public internet access requires the availability of WiFi hotspots, and that configuration for access, especially in WEP and certificated scenarios, isn't trivial right? Never mind that you PAY for this ad hoc access? Nintendo isn't going to magically create an infrastructure for you. At the end of the day, given Nintendo's inability to realize hardware potential or to create meaningful long-term partnerships with technology providers, the wireless capabilities won't amount to more than a replacement for link cables.

More and more people are going wireless at home. A wireless router will take care of it and it can be had for about $80-$90.
That's not the "gaming populace". That's Nintendo fanboys avidly filling out survey cards.

No doubt that Pokemon will push it, but a good Pokemon game doesn't require dual screens nor a stylus, and it certainly won't require a flight of fanboy fantasy to make it viable. Pokemon is entirely independent of the hardware; you could stick it on a game.com and move units en masse.
I don't even see general internet interest for the DS. Aside from this board's (and IGN's)Nintendophiles, most folks think it's a joke. As with the PSP, the majority have a pretty standoffish attitude about the new handhelds.


Drinky Crow said:
That's not the "gaming populace". That's Nintendo fanboys avidly filling out survey cards.

No doubt that Pokemon will push it, but a good Pokemon game doesn't require dual screens nor a stylus, and it certainly won't require a flight of fanboy fantasy to make it viable. Pokemon is entirely independent of the hardware; you could stick it on a game.com and move units en masse.

That's not really the argument here is it? It's whether there will be enough interest to sell the unit. Whether or not a good Pokemon game requires the features of the DS is neither here nor there. Point is it will create demand and sell the unit. Damn, Drinky, you have gotten bad at this. Changing your argument and everything! Shame on you :)
GDGF, don't play specious. Here's my original argument, so you can quit trying to play this glib little straw man game:

Like I said, your unqualified imaginations do all the work for Nintendo...up until delivery, of course, when NONE of this will be realized in any workable way.

Hey, I'm not the one setting myself up for a massive disappointment. I swear, Nintendo should just announce hardware but never deliver, since you kooky kiddos seem to get more of a thrill out of inventing nonsensical scenarios for the product than actually playing the damn things (which almost never meet any of the expected potential).

If reading is difficult, here's the argument in a nutshell: the wacky shit you Nintendo fanboys come up with will probably NEVER BE REALIZED in any non-trivial way. That doesn't mean the DS won't sell; it just means that, at best, it'll be a cumbersome Gameboy-slash-N64 with a load of unrealized novelty features whose purported gameplay "enhancing" capabilities were as dubious and ill-considered as your collective knowledge of modern game design and demographic appeal.

I'll guarantee you that if ANY significantly heralded "innovative" and engaging game design happens on the DS, it'll be the result of the 3D support, not the dual screens, the WiFi implementation, or the stylus.


I suppose Pokemon will do well with the wireless communicatiion aspect. Look at Fire Red and Leaf Green and their free wireless adapters. Pokemon Crystal used cell phones in Japan for trading/battling, a fairly common commodity in Asia, and yet Pokemon Crystal's immense popularity couldn't save the feature. But with the built it support on DS, and the inclusion of the adapter in FR/LG, Pokemon can help jumpstart the wireless game market.


That sounds more like a condemnation than an argument :) and the parts worth arguing were long since picked apart and thrown to the wind by myself and others. You were just a tad bit busy trying to justify your 'points' to notice :)

And, BTW the bit of baiting by me at the end of each post was my way of giving you a taste of what you generally do to Nintendo fans in most threads you appear in. You can't hate the player (I know you love me :)) and you can't hate the game (as you play it everyday)

Anyway, I'm off to the OT.
Pretty cowardly of you, GDGF. I haven't seen a single salient point from you yet; just general hand-waving about me being a nasty person and some tangential efforts at creating a straw man. Well, and the hapless attempts to pre-emptively feign some sort of supercilious high ground by abusing smileys, too.

If you can't draw a line from A to B; hell, when you can't even READ MY SHORT-ASS POSTS FOR BASIC CONTENT; then you probably should squirrel off to OT because there's no future for you here.
Since when was anyone here getting their hopes up about a web browser? It's just wishful thinking and seems logical, I don't think everyone here expects such a thing. Secondly, why is it such a big dealt o you that people speculate about the DS? God forbid we ever think about a system before it comes out. Wishful thinking is one thing, but making fun of people for it is another. It's not like people are sitting here saying they will only buy it if it had a web browser, or the opposite.

Most of the people who have posted anyways are already planning on getting a DS. So we can really feel free to speculate about a system we don't know about. Seriously what's wrong with that? What's wrong with being excited about a system? Or should we sit and wait like quiet little nobodies while people discuss Halo 2 for the 50th time for every screen shot released? It's almost as if you think that these little bits of wishful thinking make up our entire lives and love for NIntendo. Honestly.
Drinky Crow said:
If reading is difficult, here's the argument in a nutshell: the wacky shit you Nintendo fanboys come up with will probably NEVER BE REALIZED in any non-trivial way. That doesn't mean the DS won't sell; it just means that, at best, it'll be a cumbersome Gameboy-slash-N64 with a load of unrealized novelty features whose purported gameplay "enhancing" capabilities were as dubious and ill-considered as your collective knowledge of modern game design and demographic appeal.

I'll guarantee you that if ANY significantly heralded "innovative" and engaging game design happens on the DS, it'll be the result of the 3D support, not the dual screens, the WiFi implementation, or the stylus.

I am saving the above post and hopefully rub in your face in a year or two.

DarthWufei said:
Since when was anyone here getting their hopes up about a web browser? It's just wishful thinking and seems logical, I don't think everyone here expects such a thing. Secondly, why is it such a big dealt o you that people speculate about the DS? God forbid we ever think about a system before it comes out. Wishful thinking is one thing, but making fun of people for it is another. It's not like people are sitting here saying they will only buy it if it had a web browser, or the opposite.

Most of the people who have posted anyways are already planning on getting a DS. So we can really feel free to speculate about a system we don't know about. Seriously what's wrong with that? What's wrong with being excited about a system? Or should we sit and wait like quiet little nobodies while people discuss Halo 2 for the 50th time for every screen shot released? It's almost as if you think that these little bits of wishful thinking make up our entire lives and love for NIntendo. Honestly.


Thank goodness at least someone is being rational here.
Drinky Crow said:
If you're AT HOME, why bother with a portable? Go to YOUR PC and browse the web in a vastly more legible way.

Because it's alot more comfortable just doing casual web browsing/chatting on AIM whilst laying down on the couch and watching TV? It beats sitting in a stiff uncomfortable chair.

Not to mention that there's plenty of wifi hotspots that are publically available, not necessarily at home.
So you'd rather punch in messages with a stylus on a touch screen "keypad"?

Sorry, been there, done that -- I have IRC and IM on my Toshiba e740, and using it to seriously communicate is slow, cumbersome, and ultimately nothing more than a novelty.


You do know that you can 'write' messages directly on the DS touchscreen, right? How could you not? :)
Yes, and even Pocket PCs, with well over six years of research in this area as well as significantly faster processors, make writing a cumbersome and inaccurate affair. Look, if you'd rather painfully write out every word and memorize a collection of silly glyphs in order to communicate a basic message instead of TYPING it on the PC IN YOUR HOUSE, by all means, indulge in the novelty, but as with all novelties, you'll soon grow very tired of it as well.

Sorry, kids, I've TRIED the whole "browsing/surfing/chatting from the couch" thing using my Pocket PC, and it sucks. It's a cute novelty, but it's completely impractical and unfeasible once the novelty wears off.


Nah, don't think I will tire of it. As a matter of fact, im pretty sure i'll enjoy it quite a bit. I'll bet you will, too! (Sure, you'll say you won't, but we both know that this is more of an act than anything else :))
Drinky Crow said:
So you'd rather punch in messages with a stylus on a touch screen "keypad"?

Sorry, been there, done that -- I have IRC and IM on my Toshiba e740, and using it to seriously communicate is slow, cumbersome, and ultimately nothing more than a novelty.

Obviously you'd use the local wireless for this, but given handhelds general demographics, IM in schools could be very popular. In fact, in a place like Japan especially, I can see the IM program being a huge selling point.

As for Drinky's assertion no one cares about the DS, I think it has a lot more appeal than the GBA, which I personally don't care about, and look at the sales of that? The highest selling platform this generation. The DS will be a major success, whether or not most hardcore gamers like it or not.
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