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Nintendo on the rebound in August?


I think Nintendo is going to have a nice August...

-The trailing popularity of Tales of Symphonia as retailers restock

-Viewtiful Joe and Super Monkey Ball 2 go Player's Choice

-recent announcement of Japanese DS titles builds up hype

-supposed Aug. 10th announcement of Western DS titles sents shockwaves through industry, pre-orders build up (expect good support from EA, Activision, Ubisoft, the big ones...)

-The Metroid Prime bundle (Prime game + Echoes Demo) at $99 in US, this will give Gamecube sales a good bump

-and to top it off, 8/30/04 (although it's more of a September release), as Pikmin 2, arguably Nintendo's strongest title for 2004, leads off the incredible Nintendo Christmas lineup...


It all starts next week



DMczaf said:
It all starts next week


ah yes, the most vibrant, best-looking version of Madden out there...

with no competition from 2k5, EA is going to enjoy some pretty strong sales probably, and Nintendo will be enjoying the royalties...


I think August will be the start of a better outlook for Nintendo. 2004 hasn't been that bad for them; they seem to look bad because MS is doing so well.
efralope said:
ah yes, the most vibrant, best-looking version of Madden out there...

with no competition from 2k5, EA is going to enjoy some pretty strong sales probably, and Nintendo will be enjoying the royalties...
and the viewer gamecubes nintendo sells, the less they'll have to pay for cardboard! man, august looks awesome for nintendo.


efralope said:
I think Nintendo is going to have a nice August...

-The trailing popularity of Tales of Symphonia as retailers restock

-Viewtiful Joe and Super Monkey Ball 2 go Player's Choice

-recent announcement of Japanese DS titles builds up hype

-supposed Aug. 10th announcement of Western DS titles sents shockwaves through industry, pre-orders build up (expect good support from EA, Activision, Ubisoft, the big ones...)

-The Metroid Prime bundle (Prime game + Echoes Demo) at $99 in US, this will give Gamecube sales a good bump

-and to top it off, 8/30/04 (although it's more of a September release), as Pikmin 2, arguably Nintendo's strongest title for 2004, leads off the incredible Nintendo Christmas lineup...

Well I'd hope that the GC starts performing better in August. I doubt the system has a repeat performance of last year because of the price drop, and with all the competition with four of the largest franchises in gaming this gen hitting other systems. I think Pikmin 2 will do alright, but not spectacular (don't expect it to hit half of Pikmin's numbers the first two months). The bundle should do well, but in the face of a $150 (possibly $130, or bundled software) Xbox, and Halo 2, a $150 PS2 with GT4, GTA3:3, and MG3, and a $150 Nintendo DS with all its launching software, its possible sales will most likely be diffused.

On the software side of things, I see Metroid Prime 2, Pikmin 2, Paper Mario 2, Mario Party 6, and Star Fox selling pretty well in the holidays. Though I think Pikmin 2 and Star Fox will be more or less left in the dust by the other games (much like Kirby Air Ride and Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3 last year).

And on the DS side of things, I think it's looking pretty bright. If Nintendo can bring the kickass GBA SP ads to the DS, and get people to love that sexy new look, I'm sure the public will eat it up.

Also, on ToS.. don't get your hopes up, I very much so doubt it will do as well as everyone hopes... Probably 55,000-75,000 for the first month, my guess.
One thing about Nintendo, their games have lasting appeal. I'd say while there are more games on ps2 I'd consider 'good' there are actually fewer PS2 games I'd want to play 10 years from now. There's a lot of quality gamecube AAA game content on store shelves.
I'd think a few more people would be all over it. Thus far that hasn't been the case, which is a shame, since it seems like if Nintendo could do better there are publishers who would be willing to go along with them again.
To summarize N's problem, Nintendo has a strong line up themselves but they are missing out on too many big third party titles. For myself, the stuff out there is enough. I already own and love my cube. For others the fact that snoop dogg has a ps2 in his hummer and all the crew who plays madden plays it on ps2 will keep them going that way.

As for the DS, I don't know. On the plus side it's gimmicky. As a portable, with a Mario game at launch, that might just be enough. People'll want to give it a shot just as a gimmick and if it has good content they'll pony up for it.
Then the PSP will launch and most 3rd part support will trail off.
Then Nintendo will ditch it prematurely in favor of something that looks kinda like their version of PSP except with funny controls.


Don't Nintendo have a new commercial playing in cinemas too? With Metroid Prime2 , RE4 etc... I recall hearing something about that.


Hates quality gaming
What's to rebound from?

The way you usual suspects sell the system, the GC hasn't suffered at all in the last year.

Future Trunks

lemme tell you something son, this guy is SO FARKING HUGE HE'LL FLEX AND DESTROY THE SUN no shit
Grubdog said:
Don't Nintendo have a new commercial playing in cinemas too? With Metroid Prime2 , RE4 etc... I recall hearing something about that.

At Bourne last night it was Echoes, GoldenEye, and....(thinking)....Baten Kaitos. It took everything I had not to go "WOO!" in fear of my date looking at me funny. :(


dog$ said:
What's to rebound from?

The way you usual suspects sell the system, the GC hasn't suffered at all in the last year.

when you're in last place there's nowhere to go but up ;)
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