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Nintendo reports high Pokémon, GBA SP sales

GBA is SOOO going to own the Sept NPD

Latest Pokémon games hit 1 million units in three weeks; hardware sales up seventy pecent after price drop.

Will the Pokémon madness ever end? Nintendo certainly doesn't hope so. The company announced today that the latest entries in the series, Pokémon Fire Red and Pokémon Leaf Green, have sold a combined one million units in the three weeks since their September 7 release. The two titles are top-to-bottom remakes of the original monster trading adventures for the black-and-white Game Boy that took the world by storm in the late nineties. Each is packed with the Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter at an SRP of $39.99--five to ten dollars higher than the average GBA title.

In today's release, Nintendo also reported that sales of the Game Boy Advance SP hardware are up seventy percent following its price drop to $79.99 on September 2. Industry followers believe that the price reduction from the system's previous price point of $99.99 was in part to differentiate the hardware from the upcoming $149.99 Nintendo DS system, which launches on November 21 of this year and will offer backwards compatibility with GBA cartridges.


Up 70%? Jesus, the GBA might do close to 1 million units in September. :eek

*is currently playing Fire Red on his NESP as we speak*


Well, last month GBA sales were 312,568 units.
So it's got quite a while to go before it hits a million.

Definately over 500K, though.


Ahh my bad -- forgot that doubling was over 100% growth (got it mixed up with dividing). I think a more conservative/realistic number is around 600k then.


nubbe said:
Man... To bad Nintendo wont have a Pokemon game for NDS during launch :(
They should release a Stadium/Coloseum game to compliment Emerald's 2005 US release. Right against PSP's release (June 2005 I predict) would be good timing. :)
Mr_Furious said:
Kids aren't sick of Pokemon yet? Jeezus!

Poor attempt at the obligatory, "Pokemon is a fad!" post. I demand another!

Anyways, good going GB. Always been my favorite line of systems without a doubt. The SP is far worth it with for the price, and that price drop makes it tempting for me to get a third or forth. But I must hold out on the DS.

In the mean time, I've been slacking on games, I haven't gotten a new game in a long time on the GBA side. The backlog is getting way too long.


PS2 and XBox are gonna get dominated this month...

I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo's hardware marketshare was about 50% for month.

I think Pokemon can easily sell another million by the end of the year. If Halo 2 wins the early battle in '04 because people pick up multiple copies of the game (LE + regular as many have said), I think Pokemon FiLe will eventually come out on top (as is the case with Pokemon RuSa doing better per month than the first Halo once they both settled).

It's gonna be fun for Nintendo having 3 systems on the market this Christmas.


efralope said:
I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo's hardware marketshare was about 50% for month.
Aim higher, Nintendo often nets 50% of hardware anyway. They did last month in fact.


jarrod said:
Aim higher, Nintendo often nets 50% of hardware anyway. They did last month in fact.
true, well if the PS2 situation shortage is still happening, 60% + would definitely be a possibility.

the holidays are approaching and the SP's are making great gifts from parents...


jarrod said:
Aim higher, Nintendo often nets 50% of hardware anyway. They did last month in fact.

With the lower price and the new Pokemon, I predict that GBA will net about 50% of the hardware market for the rest of the year. The price and content is too attractive. Unless....the DS has near 10 hours of battery life and launches with a Pokemon DS with classic Pokemon gameplay (not Pokemon Colleseum stuff). At that point, you can pretty much sound taps for the PSP vis a vis DS.

Dave Long

I don't even care that LeafGreen essentially plays exactly like Sapphire and contains only minor enhancements over that game/the original. It's just so much fun catching an army of Pokémon and choosing which ones to raise. These games are popular and huge sellers because they're superb games for kids and adults.

I often wonder how many people that rail against Pokémon have actually played it at all?
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