In an interview with the Daily Star (link may be NSFW), Resident Evil 7 Producer Masachika Kawata - who worked on all three mainline Dino Crisis games - said that whilst he had "hope in [his] heart", he was not aware of any plans to remaster the fan-favourite dino-horror series.
"I think if you were to create Dino Crisis with modern gaming technology it would be a really exciting prospect," Kawata said, before adding there were not "currently any conversations happening [at Capcom], that Im aware of."
Full Article: http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/03...ampaign=Feed:+ign/articles+(IGN+All+Articles)
The article mentions "recent rumors", which i'll just assume was about this thread I posted a few weeks ago. Like most things i'll take this as a glass half full. Since rarely will someone mention future plans on titles through something like an interview. Capcom has lied about projects in the works before. Also it's possible that DC is at a different group at capcom HQ. Don't recall specifics but I recall the group that does RE and DMC is one group, and then there is the monster hunter group, and so on.
Regardless i'll always bet on DC. I find it hard to believe they wouldn't even consider it at this point in any capacity. It's bound to happen before I die. Though this news is a bit sad, since it probably means not even a simple rerelease of 1 and 2 on steam are being thought of currently.