Please, please, please don't turn this into a typical religion thread. This thread isn't about faith or if you even believe in God or if Jesus was raised from the dead, but something I've been noticing recently where I live.
By virtue of my profession (non-religious), I've visited many churches over the course of the past several years. One of the new popular things is non-denominational, somewhat anti-organized Christianity houses of worship where everyone is welcome - black, white, gay, straight that kind of thing. I can't deny that I've felt "moved" sometimes during these church services (most likely due to group psychology), especially compared to the boring Catholic mass I suffered through as a child even though I was an altar boy at one point. But why do they all feel kind of sketchy?
Case in point, I went to this new "ministry" church today that was celebrating the start of its third year. The pastor there is in his 30's. He's doing the whole everyone is a member of the kingdom of God thing and everyone is accepted and the whole divisions and segregation of typical church is evil and bad. Points there right? Then this preacher from Texas that flew down and was friends with gives this balls out sermon. People are doing the "praise Jesus" things in the isles. The congregation is diverse, but mostly poor. The young preacher takes up an offering, asking the church to thank this elder preacher for visiting. After the service I wait to talk to the older preacher because of my job. The young preacher tells me he's (the young preacher) is about to sign a book deal with a publisher, but he's worried because they'd have the rights to his book. He tells me that if they make a movie about it and it makes millions of dollars he's worried he'll only get a thanks and a handshake. Instantly I'm suspicious.
Then I interview the older preacher in the church office. Instantly I notice the guy (he's a big fat white guy btw) is literally covered in "bling". Guy is changed out of his suit and is literally wearing a track suit, has large diamond encrusted rings on both hands and a platinum watch encrusted with fucking diamonds and a platinum cross around his neck. WTF? Guy was an awesome preacher, but, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Then there was the other awesome church I went to previously. Same kind of thing. Everyone is accepted, tax collectors, etc. They even go out into the poor neighborhoods and hand out turkeys and minister in the places where you will get shot for looking at someone the wrong way. They used to meet in an old warehouse because they couldn't afford a church. Great right? Awesome people. Poor people mostly. But when they went to buy a new place, the "pastor" was so desperate for money to buy this new place to have a church that people williningly did shit like selling precious family heirlooms and such to buy this place. Why? What does it fucking matter where you worship? It's just so god damn sketchy.
I'm with the whole I like your Christ, but I don't really like your Christians crowd, but everytime I meet actual Christians that actually follow Christ's teachings the guy that leads them always seems like the sketchy con-artist. Sorry for the long rant, but the diamond rings and watch really pissed me off.
By virtue of my profession (non-religious), I've visited many churches over the course of the past several years. One of the new popular things is non-denominational, somewhat anti-organized Christianity houses of worship where everyone is welcome - black, white, gay, straight that kind of thing. I can't deny that I've felt "moved" sometimes during these church services (most likely due to group psychology), especially compared to the boring Catholic mass I suffered through as a child even though I was an altar boy at one point. But why do they all feel kind of sketchy?
Case in point, I went to this new "ministry" church today that was celebrating the start of its third year. The pastor there is in his 30's. He's doing the whole everyone is a member of the kingdom of God thing and everyone is accepted and the whole divisions and segregation of typical church is evil and bad. Points there right? Then this preacher from Texas that flew down and was friends with gives this balls out sermon. People are doing the "praise Jesus" things in the isles. The congregation is diverse, but mostly poor. The young preacher takes up an offering, asking the church to thank this elder preacher for visiting. After the service I wait to talk to the older preacher because of my job. The young preacher tells me he's (the young preacher) is about to sign a book deal with a publisher, but he's worried because they'd have the rights to his book. He tells me that if they make a movie about it and it makes millions of dollars he's worried he'll only get a thanks and a handshake. Instantly I'm suspicious.
Then I interview the older preacher in the church office. Instantly I notice the guy (he's a big fat white guy btw) is literally covered in "bling". Guy is changed out of his suit and is literally wearing a track suit, has large diamond encrusted rings on both hands and a platinum watch encrusted with fucking diamonds and a platinum cross around his neck. WTF? Guy was an awesome preacher, but, fuck, fuck, fuck.
Then there was the other awesome church I went to previously. Same kind of thing. Everyone is accepted, tax collectors, etc. They even go out into the poor neighborhoods and hand out turkeys and minister in the places where you will get shot for looking at someone the wrong way. They used to meet in an old warehouse because they couldn't afford a church. Great right? Awesome people. Poor people mostly. But when they went to buy a new place, the "pastor" was so desperate for money to buy this new place to have a church that people williningly did shit like selling precious family heirlooms and such to buy this place. Why? What does it fucking matter where you worship? It's just so god damn sketchy.
I'm with the whole I like your Christ, but I don't really like your Christians crowd, but everytime I meet actual Christians that actually follow Christ's teachings the guy that leads them always seems like the sketchy con-artist. Sorry for the long rant, but the diamond rings and watch really pissed me off.