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North Carolina GOP Brags About How Few Black People Were Able to Vote Early

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Voters wait to cast ballots during early voting last month in Raleigh, North Carolina. Gerry Broome/AP
North Carolina has been the epicenter of voter suppression efforts during the 2016 campaign, and the North Carolina Republican Party is now celebrating the stats showing those efforts worked.

The party sent a press release to reporters on Sunday trumpeting the fact that fewer black voters cast early ballots this year than they did in 2012. "African American Early Voting is down 8.5% from this time in 2012," the release read. "As a share of Early Voters, African Americans are down 6.0%." The statement also cheered the rise in white voters as compared with 2012. "The once dynamic Obama Coalition [is] crumbling and tired," said Robin Hayes, the North Carolina GOP chairman, adding that the party's "motivated statewide volunteers and extensive ground game" are the reason for the good news.

There's probably another reason: The decline in early voting among black voters is likely a result of yearslong efforts by North Carolina's Republican officials and political operatives to impose voting restrictions in the state. Emails obtained last week by Reuters showed that Republican officials pushed successfully to restrict early voting sites and cut down on early voting on Sundays, when many black churches hold "Souls to the Polls" mass voting drives. During a major voting rights lawsuit decided in July, the 4th Circuit Courts of Appeals noted that the state eliminated Sunday voting specifically because the voters who used it were "disproportionately" black and Democratic.

While the state had more early voting locations and hours overall, 17 Republican-controlled county election boards slashed the number of early voting sites they set up, which decimated turnout in their areas. According to an October 26 blog post from insightus, a North Carolina public policy nonprofit group, "the average turnout across these 17 super-suppressor counties is just 69% of 2012's performance. Meanwhile, voting action across the state's 83 other counties averaged 124% of 2012."

I hate the GOP so fucking much.
If only Congress had passed an act to protect voting rights, maybe something could have been done to stop this sort of thing.


Whew. Good thing Democrats helped rebuild that NC GOP office. That show of goodwill sure changed hearts and minds.
The NC GOP is disgusting. But the Democratic Party of NC is not. They're good people, nd good people help out even bad people when they're down on their luck.

The democratic party had no illusion that his would suddenly make the NC GOP a more welcoming party.
America. You have shamed democracy. It's been beaten, knocked out, kicked when down during this election. What will other nations think.

China can't possibly consider democracy to be a good thing if it's rail roaded line this.

The land of the free. Hmmmmm, am sad to think that this is in fact a lie.


Have toned down the post, but you can easily find the original. Have edited as I believe that the right outcome will happen today. Hoping that things work out and the result is respected. By both parties no matter who wins.


America. You have shamed democracy. It's been beaten, knocked out, kicked when down and then urinated on during this election. What the hell do you think other nations think. China can't possibly consider democracy to be a good thing with all the shit going down over there.

The land of the free. Hmmmmm, am sad to think that this is in fact a lie.

America. You have shamed democracy. It's been beaten, knocked out, kicked when down and then urinated on during this election. What the hell do you think other nations think. China can't possibly consider democracy to be a good thing with all the shit going down over there.

The land of the free. Hmmmmm, am sad to think that this is in fact a lie.
Oh my god. Lmao
Fewer people voting is "good news" in GOP world. whatyearisit.jpg

I sure hope Clinton holds to her campaign promise of voting reform to help mitigate this issue.
Gloat, and give the courts more evidence of your intentions, you cretins.

Fewer people voting is "good news" in GOP world. whatyearisit.jpg

I sure hope Clinton holds to her campaign promise of voting reform to help mitigate this issue.

If you've been paying attention to election, any news of high turn-outs at the polls is almost always framed as good news for the Democrats. The GOP is well aware that they can't be competitive when people come out in big numbers, and instead of becoming more inclusive, they choose to disenfranchise.


this is why it is important to vote in the midterms

entire republican party needs to be ejected from our government wholesale
The NC GOP is disgusting. But the Democratic Party of NC is not. They're good people, nd good people help out even bad people when they're down on their luck.

The democratic party had no illusion that his would suddenly make the NC GOP a more welcoming party.
Man fuck that. They have insurance. Let these bad mother fuckers file a claim.
How about instead of hating them for this act, try to understand why they did it and why the GOP has racia economic anxiety. Yelling and calling them names isn't going to get them to be better people. Emapthising and hearing their side will. Patience guys, sure they suppressed voters that's bad but calling them names is equally as bad!
Oh my god. Lmao

It's not funny when a political party actively tries to make voting hard for people. This and the fact that people were complaining when a polling station stayed open late.

Catholic priests and aborted foetuses.

All the hate expressed in this election. Democracy looks like a joke. Perhaps a little less LMAOing might help.
Eh, probably weren't angels tho. /s

Seriously though, hope this shit backfies on them and they get hit hard. Knowing that this shit actually works and that they'll keep doing it if they don't lose is too fucking depressing.
America. You have shamed democracy. It's been beaten, knocked out, kicked when down and then urinated on during this election. What the hell do you think other nations think. China can't possibly consider democracy to be a good thing with all the shit going down over there.

The land of the free. Hmmmmm, am sad to think that this is in fact a lie.

What is a horrible, almost self-parodying misinformed political opinion, Alex?


What is a horrible, almost self-parodying misinformed political opinion, Alex?

Are you offended or something? One of the two political parties in power openly pursues and celebrates disenfranchisement. If that's not an affront to the Democratic process, what is? Are we supposed to ignore this and admire the rest? The American election system just isn't that special.


It's like they're thrashing around wildly in quicksand, all this does is make the GOP even more tired while sinking faster.
What is a horrible, almost self-parodying misinformed political opinion, Alex?

Look, I might be a bit over dramatic, but making voting hard for black folks, foetuses on alters and good knows we all know the rest.

This isn't a good advert for democracy is it.

The folks hanging around voting booths checking for fraud, and they are stood there with guns! Looking threatening. WTF!

And let's see what happens after if Trump losses. You will hear a hundred reasons why it's rigged. Crooked media and all the rest.

What the heck!
Are you offended or something? One of the two political parties in power openly pursues and celebrates disenfranchisement. If that's not an affront to the Democratic process, what is? Are we supposed to ignore this and admire the rest? The American election system just isn't that special.

Am I offeneded by horrible views? Mildly, I guess. But mostly I just want to point out how horrible a view it is, especially when taken to such a ridiculous degree to imply we've killed democracy for the rest of the world.


The NC GOP is disgusting. But the Democratic Party of NC is not. They're good people, nd good people help out even bad people when they're down on their luck.

The democratic party had no illusion that his would suddenly make the NC GOP a more welcoming party.

Perhaps spend that money so that Democrats in your state aren't constantly shit on, instead?

Yea the NC GOP are so down on their luck.
Am I offeneded by horrible views? Mildly, I guess. But mostly I just want to point out how horrible a view it is, especially when taken to such a ridiculous degree to imply we've killed democracy for the rest of the world.

You wouldn't show communist counties or those wanting an Arab spring this form of democracy.

I am sorry to say that it's ghastly to witness.
Look, I might be a bit over dramatic, but making voting hard for black folks, foetuses on alters and good knows we all know the rest.

This isn't a good advert for democracy is it.

Yeah, just a bit lol. More than a bit, it's pure nonsense. It's not about defending what the GOP is doing, if anything it shows how important voting is since they are desperately trying to fight against those they don't want to vote. We, the people, are proving how powerful and important it is that they want to stop it.
Yeah, just a bit lol. More than a bit, it's pure nonsense. It's not about defending what the GOP is doing, if anything it shows how important voting is since they are desperately trying to fight against those they don't want to vote. We, the people, are proving how powerful and important it is that they want to stop it.

Am with you. I also feel sad that the devision to heal is so large. I hope that after the vote, the people don't revolt. And I genuinely hope the political leaders don't fan the flames.

It's madness watching it all.


Man fuck that. They have insurance. Let these bad mother fuckers file a claim.

Perhaps spend that money so that Democrats in your state aren't constantly shit on, instead?

Yea the NC GOP are so down on their luck.
Aain, the DNC could do that, but they made a name for themselves by being committed to being good people. It's one of the reasons I love the party. It and it's members are far mor willing to reach across the aisle and work with the enemy than the GOP are.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Trump and the GOP claims the election is rigged: of course it is. They rigged it. Gerrymandering and blocking people to vote is rigging. Hopefully it won't keep them from losing.


Am I offeneded by horrible views? Mildly, I guess. But mostly I just want to point out how horrible a view it is, especially when taken to such a ridiculous degree to imply we've killed democracy for the rest of the world.

Maybe the wording was silly and dramatic, but it's not a far fetched claim. You don't think our country's performance and reputation affects the rest of the world? Let's say we don't specifically ruin it for others: is it not the case that other rival nations with opposing interests use propaganda of this sort to mold the ideologies of their respective populations?

Moreover: what right do we have to dictate to the world about how democratize and choose governments when we still have the same issue of our major political parties trying to reverse the effects of universal suffrage that has been going on since its inception?

We just really aren't a shining example.


How about instead of hating them for this act, try to understand why they did it and why the GOP has racia economic anxiety. Yelling and calling them names isn't going to get them to be better people. Emapthising and hearing their side will. Patience guys, sure they suppressed voters that's bad but calling them names is equally as bad!

You had me for a sec there, well done.


Yep, now that Trumps ran off the hispanics, the only way for the GOP to win the white house is laws like these.
Gloat, and give the courts more evidence of your intentions, you cretins.

If you've been paying attention to election, any news of high turn-outs at the polls is almost always framed as good news for the Democrats. The GOP is well aware that they can't be competitive when people come out in big numbers, and instead of becoming more inclusive, they choose to disenfranchise.

Yeah, I know.

I know too well.
Aain, the DNC could do that, but they made a name for themselves by being committed to being good people. It's one of the reasons I love the party. It and it's members are far mor willing to reach across the aisle and work with the enemy than the GOP are.
Reaching across the aisle doesn't work and hinders our progress. It's how we got a watered down healthcare bill and a politicized FBI. Those days are done.
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