I just about 100% guarantee they have insurance. That insurance will pay for the rebuilding, unless, of course, a bunch of idiot liberals decide to cover that for them, in which case they'll be free to convert those insurance monies into campaign funds.
This shouldn't have happened, but these things do happen. If they have insurance, they're not going to be out any money. On the very slim chance that they decided to skip the insurance, it means they gambled against a random event like this from happening to lower their operating costs and put more money into campaigning.
In neither case should you feel sorry for the financial plight of the NC GOP. And if you do, then I'm going to hope you've been making donations to every church, synagogue, mosque, and health care facility that has been attacked in America, because if not, then I'd really have to question why it was only when a bunch of white racists felt the sting that you thought it was a good idea to whip out your checkbook.