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North Korea accuses President Trump of being "selfish"



(CNN) US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement has been criticized by major global powers from Europe to South America.

Now North Korea is getting in on the act.

In a statement Tuesday, Pyongyang said Washington's move represented "the height of egoism and moral vacuum seeking only their own well-being, even at the cost of the entire planet."


I'm sorry but the only appropriate response is:



When you're getting dumped on by the DPRK of all nations and let them have any type of moral high ground over you. That really just speaks for itself.
When you're getting dumped on by the DPRK of all nations. That really just speaks for itself.
See, the thing is that the reaction to that, and other international criticisms, will never be "holy shit, if NK even is saying stuff like that, maybe we might want to be a tad reflective on what we're doing".

It'll always be "how dare they, we're America, they can't criticize us. If you think they're right in even the slightest sense, why don't you go live there, you America hater"
No mention of how North Korea is the largest exporter of anthracite coal in the world. How it is a substantial part of the country's GDP.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
Of course they think he is selfish he won't share any of the international spotlight for being a petty, unhinged, Manboy leader with Kim. That was Kim's lane way before Trump got on the scene and Kim lives for that attention.
That was my question...

Even they are part of it...wow

Only 3 countries aren't a part of it. So it's easier to list them.


Nicaragua isn't part of it because they thought the deal WASN'T AGGRESSIVE ENOUGH to stop climate change. Now they feel stupid for not joining.


When a country that Stalin would call "Utopia" tells you "No, you're being unfair and cruel!".

Then you might need to tone it down a bit ;).
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