Two years and many other countries later, still would go again.
You get to see the staged stuff, and some really poor stuff. It can't be hidden, the country is insanely poor. You get to see the difference of the ruling party's people and the rest of the country. You get to see communism in action (or 'juche' as they'd like to label it).
Statistically speaking, North Korea an extremely safe tourist destination. Petty crime against tourists doesn't exist (take a guess why) and car crashes are virtually impossible, as there are almost no cars. Of course, if you are the one tourist in five thousand who gets fucked, for whatever political bargaining chip reason, then you are indeed really very, very fucked.
The moral dilemma, as many rightly point out, is contributing money to the corrupt regime vs. giving local people some external interaction and keeping them up to date with Apple Watches and GoPros and what not. My view was that the few thousand tourists that visit annually bring a pitiful two-three million dollars a year to the country, which doesn't even buy Kim-Jong Un a full season of Rodman. So the govenment gets an absolute majority of its money elsewhere, through scamming aid for example, and tourism is mostly "just" morally suspect, rather than an actual contributor to the wealth of the regime in any meaningful way.