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Not enough Technic Beat love around here (also, Ebgames.com has it now)


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
First things first, if you haven't purchased the game yet, you no longer have any excuse:


Secondly, I'm disappointed in the lack of GAF hype for this game around here. It's quirky, it's japanese, and the general public is going to shun it. This is usually the type of game you guys pounce on. ;)


I got the game today and became thoroughly addicted. What a wonderful little game to while away a rainy afternoon. It reminds me of Katamari, in that sense. Obviously the gameplay isn't similar at all... I just mean that it's one of those time sucking games. While I love Donkey Konga and I love Taiko, I found that I wasn't able to sit and play them for hours.

Katamari on the other hand I can (and almost have) played for days at a time, and it's the last game in recent memory I've still played after beating. Technic beat gives me that same feeling. I'm content to just simply play the game, whether I'm making any real progress or not.

On easier difficulties it's more of a straight-up rythm game, requiring simple timed button presses. Once the difficulty ramps up it becomes more a a puzzle title, requiring quick reflexes and smart thinking on your part to get big combos.

In a nutshell, circles appear on the play field, with another circle growing inside of them. When they're the same size, stand inside the circle and hit square to activate that note. Simple. The catch is that if circles are touching, when you activate one, the other will go off automatically. You can also pick up and move circles around the play field, as long as you're quick about it (since you need to activate it before the inside circle gets too large and you miss the note).

This moving of circles is how combos come into play. If two circles appear at the same moment on opposite ends, you can't activate them both at the sime time, so one will become a miss. If you move one circle so it touches the other, and then activate it, the one it's touching goes off automatically, and you've just completed a small combo.

At high levels of play multiple circles are present and you need to smartly decide where to move to not miss a bunch in a row.

It's not nearly as confusing as it sounds. It's very much a zen-like experience, with the circles coming and going with fluidity.

Cliffnotes: Buy this game and hype it to your friends. Mastiff did us a service by localizing it, so the least we can do is make it the next Katamari.
I know I'll be picking up my copy tomorrow. Since I am in Canada I had to wait for EB to get it or pay about 45 american to get it from gamestop.

I honestly think this will well much less then Katamari Damacy did. Rhythm games are not popular in North America. KD has a certain charm to it that no other game will be able to match anyways. I've been dying for a new rhythm game to play and hopefully this is it. I've even went on a 3 hour hiphopmania Complete Mix 2 session to try and get me into the musical mood.


terrygolder said:
I know I'll be picking up my copy tomorrow. Since I am in Canada I had to wait for EB to get it or pay about 45 american to get it from gamestop.

I honestly think this will well much less then Katamari Damacy did. Rhythm games are not popular in North America. KD has a certain charm to it that no other game will be able to match anyways. I've been dying for a new rhythm game to play and hopefully this is it. I've even went on a 3 hour hiphopmania Complete Mix 2 session to try and get me into the musical mood.

I went to EB here (In Canada) yesterday and the guy had no clue what the game was nor was it in the system.

So I'm hoping it's not a US-only thing.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
BobbyRobby said:
How much is shipping on ebgames.com?

I don't.

I do know that copies were going for $15 Buy It Now on Ebay last week, and now they're $35 buy it now, though. If the shipping is $5 or less I'd just pay it. The game is certainly worth every bit of $25.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The press release for the game's launch did indeed list the MSRP for $14.99, but as far as I know literally nowhere is selling it at that price. Whether every retailer just decided to charge 20, or Mastiff messed up the PR, I couldn't tell you. I bought mine on Ebay for $15+5 shipping, so yeah.
I hyped this game (and its prequel, Technictix) like crazy, at great length, in several threads, 2 years ago. I've also hyped up the incredible original music, as well as the great classic-Namco remixes (many of which were written originally by the same people remixing them -- Shinji Hosoe and Ayako Saso used to compose soundtracks for Namco) in just about every "Name your favorite game music!" thread since then. Not a single person that I know of, on the GAF at least, listened to me and bought the import.

Hell, did anyone other than myself and Brandonnn notice the upcoming Arika PSP title "Technic Cute"? In the thread announcing it (and dozens of other PSP games), people were too busy drooling over shit like Ridge Racer to notice our OMFGing. It was quickly swept away in a sea of bickering and Sir Mix-A-Lot lyric quoting.

So don't say we're not doing our part, sucka! Where were you back then, Mr. Justin-come-lately!? There's never been a shortage of hype or information from the devoted few, just a lack of interest from the masses. You big jerks. I hope you all enjoy it for a measley $20, anyway. :D


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
bobbyconover said:
So don't say we're not doing our part, sucka! Where were you back then, Mr. Justin-come-lately!? There's never been a shortage of hype or information from the devoted few, just a lack of interest from the masses. You big jerks. I hope you all enjoy it for a measley $20, anyway. :D

I was waiting for 14+ months for my old GAF account to be activated. It never was -_-

Edit: Good job with the hype machine though. Bring it back in full force now that he game is (mostly) relatively available and at a mass market price.
GDJustin said:
Good job with the hype machine though. Bring it back in full force now that he game is (mostly) relatively available and at a mass market price.

Technic Beat is a very cool game, and kudos to Mastiff for localizing it ... but the "next Katamari?" No fucking way. Katamari and Drillland aren't just quirky and Japanese, they're also really good, really accessible games. Technic Beat is a hardcore music game for hardcore music game fans. For a certain subset of gamer, it's certainly must-get - especially at $15 - but it's not gonna have the breakout crossover appeal of a Katamari, and my hype machine has been adjusted accordingly.

That caveat aside, BUY TECHNIC BEAT BITCHES!

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
JackFrost2012 said:
Technic Beat is a very cool game, and kudos to Mastiff for localizing it ... but the "next Katamari?" No fucking way. Katamari and Drillland aren't just quirky and Japanese, they're also really good, really accessible games. Technic Beat is a hardcore music game for hardcore music game fans. For a certain subset of gamer, it's certainly must-get - especially at $15 - but it's not gonna have the breakout crossover appeal of a Katamari, and my hype machine has been adjusted accordingly.

That caveat aside, BUY TECHNIC BEAT BITCHES!

Well, that about sums up what I had to say. Except my 'bitches' was also going to be ed.
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