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November XBN Scores

Seth C

If they've been posted already, then oh well, I just wasted a few minutes.

Mortal Kombat: Deception - 5
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 - 8
Crash Twinsanity - 3
Spongebob Squarepants: The Movie - 7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 - 3
Otogi 2 - 9 (Game of the Month)
Conflict: Vietnam - 5
Star Wars: Battlefront - 8
Second Sight - 7
Headhunter: Redemption - 4
Def Jam Fight for NY - 8
Wings of War - 4
Nascar 2005 - 8
Test Drive: Eve of Destruction - 4
Street Racing Syndicate - 6
NBA Live 2005 - 9
FIFA Scoccer 2005 - 9
Outlaw Golf 2 - 5
Tiger Woods 2005 - 8
Terminator 3: The Redemption - 7
Robotech: Invasion - 4
Digimon Rumble Arena 2 - 4
Kingdom Under Fire - 8
Rapala Pro Fishing - 6
Midway Arcade Treasures 2- 5


not an idiot
wtf on the Mortal Kombat score? ign gave it an 8.8 and raved about it. they talked about its absolutely flawless no lag online implementation and how fun it was.

and otogi sucks ass... can't figure out wtf everyone sees in it.

lol, the nascar game is crazy overrated to, but i swear to everything that XBN is some ea cock sucking fanatics. i don't know if ea pays them like crazy or they are just like ea fanboys, but i've never seen them do anything but overrate and praise to the high heavens an ea sports game. although i do love ea myself, but there is definately something suspicious with them and ea, and the nascar score kind of cements it for me.

the reason i say this is because i have nascar 2005 out on a rental from gamefly. i'm a big nascar fan, and big racing fan and a fan of electronic arts myself... but this game is fucking SHIT. the framerate is downright ATROCIOUS! i mean like really REALLY bad (talking like 5 fps in spots lol). couple this with shitty control and the fundamental part of a racing game is RUINED. how they can rate it like that is like a mind fuck. Che you need to check those sports reviewers yo.

yay for the fifa score tho, i played the demo on the pc and it's really great. not that they would have rated it any lower had it not been tho ;) lol


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
shpankey said:
wtf on the Mortal Kombat score? ign gave it an 8.8 and raved about it. they talked about its absolutely flawless no lag online implementation and how fun it was.

I could easily believe that score...but I hated Deadly Alliance. But that is a huge difference. Meh, I'm not buying it either way. Give me Final Tuned or give me death!

Seth C

TheGreenGiant said:
vs IGN's shiny 8.8 or whatever it was. Hmmm

I figured that would be the score that got attention. A few quotes:

"Strip away all the bonus activity in Mortal Kombat: Deception, the latest chapter in the series' convoluted saga, and what you get is a 3D fighting amalgamation that's no better than the sum of its borrowed parts."

"Spend any time with the game and you'll soon realize there are only a handful of useful moves any skilled player will need time and again to be effective."

"...fans of the series will once again lap up the hundreds of unlockable items...but if you're at all a disccriminating fan of the fighting genre, th ere's nothing here to recommend."

Thoughts on the Live play?

-Solid, but unspectacular
-Half-bakes the little details
-Lack of customization

They also hated the Konquest mode. Calling it a "shambling mess of an adventure" and "the worst of these bonus modes."

Funky Papa

shpankey said:
i don't know, i would have prefered tons of fun myself.
I find it really fun, it is just a good hack and slash game with some RPG elements and great visuals (which is cool with me)


not an idiot
that's cool, we all have our preferences i suppose. :)

Seth C said:
As for Nascar 2005, apparently they really enjoyed the career mode.
just as long as they don't try to fool anyone about there being any good racing in there, cause the actual racing aspect is a complete joke... but i guess if someone just wants a "The Sims: Nascar Edition" or something, maybe it's alright, I guess, a little.
Keep in mind this is the same mag that gave Breakdown a 9 IIRC. I don't care what the review text says, there's simply no defending that. Recently they gave Burnout 3 a 10, which is ridiculous.


Wario64 said:
Damn, Otogi 2 is that good eh? I'm gonna have to hunt down the original

Well if the original is any indication it's a mediocre BEU at best. And if it is supremely better that would make it above average.

BTW Def Jam FNY should have scored a 2 or 3 the game is cheaper than any MK game.


Mrbob said:
Well if the original is any indication it's a mediocre BEU at best.

Give me a break. Maybe compared to Ninja Gaiden it's mediocre, but what isn't? The original Otogi is my second favourite beat 'em up on the Xbox and is a really awesome game. I really like being able to take out a huge club, wack some monster and have it fly into a wall shattering it to pieces (the wall and the monster). Great fun.

Musashi Wins!

Otogi 2 is supposed to be better than 1 which was way stylish if a little boring.

I love this mag, but I have to admit they've been way overrating EA sports titles for about 2 years now. They gave some of these same titles high scores last year as well when they arguably deserved it a little more than this time around. Nascar makes your eyes bleed. EA NHL is atrocious, etc.


being watched
""Spend any time with the game and you'll soon realize there are only a handful of useful moves any skilled player will need time and again to be effective.""

I'm no MK fan..but isn't that the case with most fighting games?


It was in reference to the much vaunted "D00d! Th3r3 r threE stylz to chooz frum!" and the fact that they're just largely canned combos, thus requiring no creativity on the part of the player.


""Spend any time with the game and you'll soon realize there are only a handful of useful moves any skilled player will need time and again to be effective.""

I'm no MK fan..but isn't that the case with most fighting games?

Nope. If MK: Deadly Alliance is any indication of this game's fighting engine then it's probably somewhat true. In MK: DA each guy only had a handful of useful moves (and for the most part didn't have very many moves to begin with). I was hoping that they'd substantially increase the move sets for this one, but it appears that they didn't.
I thought MK: DA was horrible.
If Deception is like it, I can believe XBN's score.

IGN reviews suck. They gave DoA: XBV 9.2


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
""Spend any time with the game and you'll soon realize there are only a handful of useful moves any skilled player will need time and again to be effective.""

I'm no MK fan..but isn't that the case with most fighting games?

no. :)

fuck people, READ THE GODDAMN TEXT before you go nuts.

ok, time to take my new EA suit to the dry cleaner's.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
let me just remind you of another review score: GMR's fable review of 8.

at the time, it was like HOOOOLY FUCK.... and now that you've all played the game? don't you feel a bit silly?

play the game. then let's have a rational discussion about how you disagree with my review. until then, chill out. :)
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 - 8
Crash Twinsanity - 3

Heh, I'd love to hear the story on this. I assumed both of these would be firmly in average country, not on opposite ends of the spectrum.

Seth C

Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2 - 8
Crash Twinsanity - 3

Heh, I'd love to hear the story on this. I assumed both of these would be firmly in average country, not on opposite ends of the spectrum.


-Very nearly outclasses every cutesy platformer on Xbox
-Likable characters
-Tight controls
-Vibrant visuals
-Catchy tunes
-Plenty of variety


If the last Bandicoot titles were Elvis' fat period then "Crash Twinsanity must surely represent the series' 'barbituate-addled, television-shooting, near-death Evlis period.'"

-Long on concept but short on execution
-Nothing works as it should
-Poor camera

Seth C

Link316 said:
what was wrong with TMNT2 and MAT2?

Apparently everything is wrong with TMNT. The camera, the lack of gameplay, and more. They basically trashed the whole thing.

As for Arcade Treasures, Greg felt that some of the games (Pit Figher, Timber) were never good, others had aged poorly (Mortal Kombat 2 and 3, Cyberball 2072), and only a few were fun to play (Xenophobe, Arch Rivals).


did they say if there was anything wrong with the emulations? I just want MAT2 for Xenophobe and Gauntlet 2


Unconfirmed Member
chespace said:
let me just remind you of another review score: GMR's fable review of 8.

at the time, it was like HOOOOLY FUCK.... and now that you've all played the game? don't you feel a bit silly?

play the game. then let's have a rational discussion about how you disagree with my review. until then, chill out. :)
No, I don't feel silly in the slightest. Fable's a solid 9 or so. Then again, I didn't really flip out in the first place since I had very little emotional stake in the game. :D

""Spend any time with the game and you'll soon realize there are only a handful of useful moves any skilled player will need time and again to be effective.""

I'm no MK fan..but isn't that the case with most fighting games?
Only the bad ones.


Junior Ace
Seth C said:
As for Arcade Treasures, Greg felt that some of the games (Pit Figher, Timber) were never good, others had aged poorly (Mortal Kombat 2 and 3, Cyberball 2072), and only a few were fun to play (Xenophobe, Arch Rivals).

Glad to see Greg and I have the exact opposite taste in older games.

Seth C

Link316 said:
did they say if there was anything wrong with the emulations? I just want MAT2 for Xenophobe and Gauntlet 2

No specific complaints about the quality of emulation, so you should be fine. Gauntlet 2 wasn't mentioned at all, but the review was only one-quarter page.

Seth C

nitewulf said:
what are the pros/cons of otogi 2?

-Sharpened focus on character development
-More of an action RPG feel due to stats, items, powers, and costumes
-Slick controls
-Unbelievably thick visual effects
-Infinity replayable levels
-Incredible sense of artistry

Seth C

Musashi Wins! said:
A simple pro/con on KUF would be greatly appreciated!


Gameplay that requires a combination of thought and reflex.
Controls surprisingly well.


Graphics are "no great shakes."
Camera can be difficult to handle.

Bottom line:

Feeling of total control makes it worth it.
""Spend any time with the game and you'll soon realize there are only a handful of useful moves any skilled player will need time and again to be effective.""

I'm no MK fan..but isn't that the case with most fighting games?
not the good ones...

but it's a pretty steep uphill battle with MK6 after MK5's totally fucked up blocking bug... thankfully they fixed that at least...


Seth C said:
Apparently everything is wrong with TMNT. The camera, the lack of gameplay, and more. They basically trashed the whole thing.

As for Arcade Treasures, Greg felt that some of the games (Pit Figher, Timber) were never good, others had aged poorly (Mortal Kombat 2 and 3, Cyberball 2072), and only a few were fun to play (Xenophobe, Arch Rivals).

What a worhtless review, when you review a compilation, you spend most of the time talking about THE QUALITY OF TEH PORT


shuri said:
What a worhtless review, when you review a compilation, you spend most of the time talking about THE QUALITY OF TEH PORT

Before you deem it "worhtless," why not read it in its entirety first?

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