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Now THIS is fucked up!! -- Japanese SNES LoZ:LttP commercial


Well, it's bound to be old if it's a SNES commercial ;)

I had never seen it on GAF before, so I'd posted it :)


Hooker said:
Well, it's bound to be old if it's a SNES commercial ;)

I had never seen it on GAF before, so I'd posted it :)

It was on old GAF. I cleary remember seeing Ferrio's post in it. "Link is hot."


Yeah, I guess a Neo-GAF version was due.


Dyne said:
Yeah, I guess a Neo-GAF version was due.

Actually it's already been posted in the new forum but I don't think it got it's own thread. Still, awesome for those who haven't seen it before!


Still Tagged Accordingly
oh dear lord....

I enjoyed that way more than is reasonable. And who would've thought... Link is a girl (that was a girl right?) and Zelda is a lesbian?



epmode said:
embarassing? that's the single greatest videogame commercial ever. link is totally hot.

IAWTP. ANyone who disagrees has NO respect for videogame linage; trannies and one of the BEST GAME ADS Ever if not the BEST.

Ranger X

meh, what's so great about this ad except maybe your nostalgia for it?
I feel dancing is so out of context and look so stupid there it's not even funny. And fuck man this link is a girl, how can he look hot? (well ok, if he's really a she, unclothed it must be nice)


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I've always considered this commercial to be the Japanese version of Thriller. :p


They still do regular performances of the Zelda Dance at game shows and other cultural events. It is always a major crowd-pleaser.
I like the Link's Awakening commercial better, with puppets and stuff. Someone posted it here recently, though I don't have the link.


Jack Flack always escapes!
That tears it, between this and the "HI-HO" flash commercial, no further proof is needed to show that the Japanese are insane. :D
miyuru said:
Actually it's already been posted in the new forum but I don't think it got it's own thread. Still, awesome for those who haven't seen it before!

yup it was in the "clean is better then dirty" thread posted by....well ME :D
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