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NPD April 2011 Sales Results [Update 6: Nintendo DS Hardware, Pokemon LTD]

Salacious Crumb said:
in the op:

Nothing in that link discuses individual sku top ten

Top ten NPD games at U.S. retail for the month included Mortal Kombat, Portal 2, Crysis 2, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters and Michael Jackson: The Experience, all of which have versions on Xbox 360.

It's poorly worded but that last sentence just mentions multiplatform games in the top ten that have 360 versions.

edit- cleared up my wording.


Gram Negative Cocci said:
It's amazing how shunned the PS3 in the US is.

- exclusive character: doesn't matter [MK]
- exclusive stage: doesn't matter [MK]
- free PC game with PS3 version: doesn't fucking matter [Portal 2]

All that superfluos crap added to PS3 versions of multiplatform games doesn't make a bit of difference in the US. People still buy 360 versions!

Sony is done for this gen. Maybe they will have better luck with PS4.

Whats the difference in install base between the two consoles?


Really Really Exciting Member!
When the Wii sells less than the PS3, you know something is wrong!

2011 is such a horrible year for good Wii software, no surprise that the hardware sales suffer too.

Bring on the Cafe.
Surely Nintendo will announce some new Wii titles at E3 right? They can't possibly only release Zelda to cover the next year and a half. It would be insane.


Bisnic said:
When the Wii sells less than the PS3, you know something is wrong!

Yeah. Lack of software will do that.

Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Surely Nintendo will announce some new Wii titles at E3 right? They can't possibly only release Zelda to cover the next year and a half. It would be insane.

Iwata said they would.


Nice! I forgot yesterday was NPD-day.

Some quick thoughts:

- X360 was truly a beast on both the hardware and software fronts this month. 6yrs in and still going very strong. Quite a successful gen for MS.

- PS3 also did well with double digit YoY increase. Software sales are disappointing, however.

- Wii needs that price cut & bundle ASAP.

- 3DS sales seem about right. The price is $100 more than the DS, there's not any killer software outside of SSFIV (which has limited appeal, being a fighting game & all), and there's more competition than ever on the handheld/mobile gaming front. I expect a strong 3DS showing at E3, and I'm excited about Mario 3DS later this year.

- Great showing for MK9! Damn, I was thinking about just buying the Trilogy Kollection on XBLA, but I may have to buy MK9 too. Glad to see the franchise surviving.

- Not at all surprised to see Portal 2 sell more on X360. If gamers want to play the game on consoles, then they are going to play it on a console. Same goes for the PC version......Not buy the game on PS3, activate the Steam PC version, then trade the PS3 version in for store credit. Only a very small subset of gamers would do that.


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Surely Nintendo will announce some new Wii titles at E3 right? They can't possibly only release Zelda to cover the next year and a half. It would be insane.
They can still release: Xenoblade(coming to Europe), The Last Story, Rhythm Heaven Wii, Kirby(announced for 'summer' in Japan), Pandora's Tower(released this month in Japan) and Zelda.


Any presumptive post about the success or failure of the 3ds is waaay premature if it comes before one of pokemon, mario kart, or mario is out on it. Heck even OOT will give it a nice sustained boost imo.

3DS is selling this way at a high price point and NO system sellers to a mass audience. It will be just fine in the long run, this is a system aimed more at gaming enthusiasts than the DS was, once they release a game with mass appeal to that audience it will skyrocket, and fortunately for nintendo their big games appeal to the wider audence simutaneously.

As for the wii what does anyone expect? It's still selling ahead of the PS2 at the same point in it's life in america, is in the middle of a massive software drought and still has multiple price drops to play with. At it's currrent price point with no new compelling software it's simply saturated a bit, understandably. Even without new software the thing should pick up with a healthy price drop though. I'd prefer nintendo be working on a really, really strong cafe launch.


Really Really Exciting Member!
[Nintex] said:
They can still release: Xenoblade(coming to Europe), The Last Story, Rhythm Heaven Wii, Kirby(announced for 'summer' in Japan), Pandora's Tower(released this month in Japan) and Zelda.

Unless Nintendo surprise us with secret english translations being in the works for a long time(especially the RPGs), the games are not going to release in the next months, but in late 2011.

Hopefully i'm wrong, because if the only good Wii games in 2011 are released in october/november/december, i'm going to stick to PC gaming only until then(oh, and whenever some good 3DS games outside of Zelda come out). =/


Unconfirmed Member
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Surely Nintendo will announce some new Wii titles at E3 right? They can't possibly only release Zelda to cover the next year and a half. It would be insane.
It's all about Cafe now.


Metal Gear?! said:
Sony was doing worse than Nintendo when they stopped releasing numbers, so...

Sony was doing much, much worse and we were still getting numbers. Now Sony is generally up YOY, Nintendo is way down YOY, and the numbers have stopped.
jcm said:
Sony was doing much, much worse and we were still getting numbers. Now Sony is generally up YOY, Nintendo is way down YOY, and the numbers have stopped.

Nope, not even close. Numbers stopped last year.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Dunno when we'll ever get DS or PSP numbers, so I'll just post these now.


360: 1,646,214
PS3: 1,238,948
Wii: 1,235,870
3DS: 592,000


360: 27,041,373
PS3: 16,700,921
Wii: 35,385,494
3DS: 592,000

We do know DS sold >200k and PSP >~188k. I'll re-post with DS and PSP numbers when they become available.

I wish I knew how to use excel. There have been graphs I've been wanting to make.


bigtroyjon said:
Misread what you were saying, thought you meant the bundle messed up the ASP because it all counted.

On another note, have you ever heard anything about the ordering of consoles in the chart?
NP. I'll ask today, no guarantee of a reply, though.


BroHuffman said:
And I assume that the PS3 sold more due to being a fighting game with exclusive content.

And without more data, both assumptions are worthless.

10 million is a massive handicap to overcome based on one bonus character. Also, Street Fighter 4 sold more on the 360 in its launch month of February 2009, so it's not like fighting games always do better on the PS3 in NA.


Gram Negative Cocci said:
It's amazing how shunned the PS3 in the US is.

- exclusive character: doesn't matter [MK]
- exclusive stage: doesn't matter [MK]
- free PC game with PS3 version: doesn't fucking matter [Portal 2]

All that superfluos crap added to PS3 versions of multiplatform games doesn't make a bit of difference in the US. People still buy 360 versions!

Sony is done for this gen. Maybe they will have better luck with PS4.

has it been confirmed mk 360 outsold ps3?if not stop assuming crap
mclaren777 said:
Why didn't we ever get PS3 sales data for March?

I don't think we got percentage growth last month. That figure was calculated using last years March PS3 NPD figure and the percentage growth stated in the report.


Galvanise_ said:
I don't think we got percentage growth last month. That figure was calculated using last years March PS3 NPD figure and the percentage growth stated in the report.
We never got exact public data, but 365K was estimated from Nintendo's IR presentation. I can confirm that's within 2K of the actual figure.
jvm said:
We never got exact public data, but 365K was estimated from Nintendo's IR presentation. I can confirm that's within 2K of the actual figure.

So NPD has under-reported PS3 sales? NPD being 60k out seems odd.

Or, maybe I've misunderstood what you meant.

Sony's Fiscal results are being released shortly aren't they? Few more days.


So why didn't this sharp drop in Wii sales happen, like, three years ago? It's been chugging along with practically no software for a while now, but seemingly only in the last few months have consumers realized this. Have they simply tapped out their "blue ocean" audience?


bigtroyjon said:
Nope, not even close. Numbers stopped last year.

Numbers stopped last October. Since that time, Nintendo's sales are better than Sony's, but their YOY comps are much worse than Sony's, assuming I didn't make an arithmetic error. Investors care about YOY comps. They don't much care about the sales horserace.

Anyway, it's all just idle speculation. It may actually be that no hardware company complained. Or it could have been both Sony and Nintendo. It probably wasn't MS, anyway.

Oct   09    10      
Wii  506   232  -54%
PS3  320   250  -22%

Nov   09    10  
Wii 1026  1027  +01%
PS3  710   530  -25%

Dec   09    10  
Wii 3810  2360  -24%
PS3 1360  1210  -11%

Jan   10    11  
Wii  465   319  -32%
PS3  276   267  -03%

Feb   10    11 
Wii  397   454  +14%
PS3  360   403  +12%

Mar   10    11  
Wii  557   290  -47%
PS3  313   356  +14%

Apr   10    11 
Wii  277   172  -38%
PS3  180   204  +13%

7 Month Totals
   09/10  10/11 
Wii 7038   4854 -31%
PS3 3519   3220 -08%


Curufinwe said:
10 million is a massive handicap to overcome based on one bonus character. Also, Street Fighter 4 sold more on the 360 in its launch month of February 2009, so it's not like fighting games always do better on the PS3 in NA.

I'm just saying we probably wont ever know, and because of the gametype and exclusive content, if there was a game to sell better on the PS3 it would be this one.
There is no way Nintendo asked NPD to stop the numbers. Even with declining YoY results, they were still so far out ahead that I'm sure they couldn't have gave a flying fuck. I remember consensus at the time being that it would probably be Sony, if any of the three manufacturers... but I think you've got to consider that some publishers probably didn't like it either, and that NPD customers were paying for information that was becoming free public knowledge pretty quickly.

GavinGT said:
So why didn't this sharp drop in Wii sales happen, like, three years ago? It's been chugging along with practically no software for a while now, but seemingly only in the last few months have consumers realized this. Have they simply tapped out their "blue ocean" audience?

- Its only just dropped from $200 to $150, which is still expensive for duct taped Gamecubes

- They've exhausted a lot of their major hardcore franchises, Wii Music was a wet fart, and Wii Party was shoe-horning Miis into Mario Party... I don't expect Wii Play Motion to set the world alight

- No new recent announcements of new software = not much to buy one for and look forward to. Even the idea of them localising some games that haven't come to Europe and NA seems uncertain. Third parties aren't targetting it with much outside of Just Dance 2 type things, and even Nintendo themselves seem to have milked it as much as they can.

- Kinect and Move exist, the former having been quite successful

- Its old news. Smart phones, tablets, new handhelds...

Their mindshare just isn't what it once was. Which is why an announcement of a new console makes sense.


NPD has been stingy with their data for a while now. It's far more likely they just said "f*ck it" and restricted data even more than some conspiracy of Sony and NPD being in collusion.


GavinGT said:
So why didn't this sharp drop in Wii sales happen, like, three years ago? It's been chugging along with practically no software for a while now, but seemingly only in the last few months have consumers realized this. Have they simply tapped out their "blue ocean" audience?

Wii sales have been dropping steadily since last fall, I believe, with only the Christmas bump bringing them near previous levels. The software drought has only been a major problem this year; last year was slow, but we still got stuff like Kirby and DKCR before Christmas. 3 years ago, the titles were still coming at a reasonable pace, even from third parties. Plus the Wii now faces more direct competition from Move (sorta...) and Kinect. Going so long without a price drop and no budget software line-up also hurts.

On the brighter side, good for MK for doing so well. I've always had a soft spot for the franchise, so I'm glad they've been able to make it relevant again.

As for the 3DS, it was outsold by it's older brother again. I know it's still early, but I don't see the software situation drastically improving anytime soon. I hope Nintendo doesn't have to pull another GBA and forcibly kill the DS to boost sales of the newer handheld.


Bish loves my games!
Call me crazy but I don't think Mario Kart 3DS is going to do anywhere near Mario Kart DS numbers. I feel like first party franchise fatigue is finally going to catch up with Nintendo on the 3DS. 3D just isn't going to be enough of a must have feature.
Here's hoping the guys at Valve and Neather Realm will truly support their core base of gamers (360 owners) with some exclusive content or equivalent content that they put on the PS3. I know there's no hope for Kratos, but maybe Batman :). Who knows.
jetjevons said:
Call me crazy but I don't think Mario Kart 3DS is going to do anywhere near Mario Kart DS numbers. I feel like first party franchise fatigue is finally going to catch up with Nintendo on the 3DS. 3D just isn't going to be enough of a must have feature.

They have emphasized a lot of times that 3ds is more than 3d. They always mention street pass and spot pass, and since the 3DS overall direction was helmed by a software guy my feeling is that nintendo will make extensive use of online and social aspects of the 3DS, but i dont expect it to be like xbox live...


HocusPocus said:
Here's hoping the guys at Valve and Neather Realm will truly support their core base of gamers (360 owners) with some exclusive content or equivalent content that they put on the PS3. I know there's no hope for Kratos, but maybe Batman :). Who knows.

Netherrealm did come out with exclusive support for the 360. It's actually pretty cool, during the lobbies the sd mortal kombat viewers are replaced with the player's gamercard avatar.


Curufinwe said:
10 million is a massive handicap to overcome based on one bonus character. Also, Street Fighter 4 sold more on the 360 in its launch month of February 2009, so it's not like fighting games always do better on the PS3 in NA.

I think you'll find (experts please correct me as required) that once the install base reaches a certain point that the difference in the size of two install bases makes pretty much no difference.

For example when the install bases are like 1 mil vs 2 mil then you might see large differences in the sales of any one game because of the difference in install bases.

However, when it's 15 million vs 10 million then there is next to no difference. Either install base could support 1 million sales of a game individually or split in any percentage.


HocusPocus said:
Here's hoping the guys at Valve and Neather Realm will truly support their core base of gamers (360 owners) with some exclusive content or equivalent content that they put on the PS3. I know there's no hope for Kratos, but maybe Batman :). Who knows.
You say it as it was a decision from them, well at least in the case of Netherrealm for the most part. They've said multiple times that things were out of their hands, but can't talk much about it. They're fully owned by WB. Mortal Kombat ended getting avatar support only because of that (not being able to add exclusive content at launch), making it the first M-rated game with direct avatar support, which even first party M rated games like Fable and Halo don't have.

Valve is a mostly independent company, with a publishing deal with EA; so they can technically do whatever they want. And they've been giving "their core case owners" (360 owners) a lot of "love". You forgot that Portal 2 is valve's first in-house developed PS3 game..right? Compared to the Xbox 360 games: The Orange Box, Portal Still Alive, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2 and their respective downloadable content...and Portal 2. So they've given 360 owners plenty of love. Yet, they make their first PS3 game and give them a "bonus" and is like they never released anything on Xbox 360.
jetjevons said:
Call me crazy but I don't think Mario Kart 3DS is going to do anywhere near Mario Kart DS numbers. I feel like first party franchise fatigue is finally going to catch up with Nintendo on the 3DS. 3D just isn't going to be enough of a must have feature.

It will depend entirely upon the userbase of the system when it releases, and whether its good enough (ie not half arsed) to reach ever-green status... but if its like the last two entries in the series, people will keep buying lonnnnng after release.

Mario Kart DS = 21 million worldwide
Mario Kart Wii = 27 million worldwide

let me compare those kind of figures to other popular brands

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare = 14 million+
Call of Duty: World at War = 11 million+
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 = 21.4 million+
Call of Duty 5: Black Ops = 22 million
Grand Theft Auto 4 = 20 million
Halo 3 = 11 million+
Halo Reach = 8.3 million+

People like their Mario Kart!
How do people think Kid Icarus is going to do? Should Sakurai done a different style of game than the sort of weird, rail shooter that Kid Icarus looks like?


HocusPocus said:
Here's hoping the guys at Valve and Neather Realm will truly support their core base of gamers (360 owners) with some exclusive content or equivalent content that they put on the PS3. I know there's no hope for Kratos, but maybe Batman :). Who knows.

I never understood these comments regarding Valve. Valve didn't deny the 360 users anything. They would have put Steamworks on 360 as well but MS told them no. If anything Valve is going out of their way now to keep 360 users happy as the first content update this summer for Portal 2 will be free for all versions all released the same day. Which means PS3 and PC versions of the update are being held back for MS cert.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
How do people think Kid Icarus is going to do? Should Sakurai done a different style of game than the sort of weird, rail shooter that Kid Icarus looks like?
I would have to think that the biggest hurdle it has to overcome is the fact that it's a Kid Icarus game, which is a name that means jack shit to the vast majority of gamers.
I'm not surprised that the 3DS numbers are lower than expected. There's no damn games worth buying a 3DS for right now. SSF4 is great and all, but it's been released on almost every system. Other than SSF4 there's really no AAA game to buy, and not much selection to choose from. I really wonder why Nintendo didn't have at least one game to fill this 2 month of void of games.
Ridley327 said:
I would have to think that the biggest hurdle it has to overcome is the fact that it's a Kid Icarus game, which is a name that means jack shit to the vast majority of gamers.

I think Kid Icarus has more brand recognition than just a new IP would have though.


Galvanise_ said:
So NPD has under-reported PS3 sales? NPD being 60k out seems odd.

Or, maybe I've misunderstood what you meant.

Sony's Fiscal results are being released shortly aren't they? Few more days.
Question you were responding to was about March 2011 sales, I believe. The figure I cited (365K +/- 2K) is for March 2011.


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
How do people think Kid Icarus is going to do? Should Sakurai done a different style of game than the sort of weird, rail shooter that Kid Icarus looks like?

I don't think it's going to set charts on fire regardless of genre, but as a rail shooter, it will probably be 3 hours long. I know for sure I'm not paying $40-$50 for something like that, regardless of how good it is. Personally, I would have preferred a 2.5D Metroidvania take on it (more similar to the original) or even a full on 3D action/adventure.
mujun said:
I think you'll find (experts please correct me as required) that once the install base reaches a certain point that the difference in the size of two install bases makes pretty much no difference.

This is pretty true. At the end of the PS2 and Xbox 1 era certain Xbox games would sell more in their first month or have longer legs on the platform.

This gen it does seem like the PS3 gamers are not buying as many copies as the Xbox gamers though. I'm going to take a wild guess and suggest that last time around many players and multisystem owners knew the best console version was to be found on the Xbox 1. This time around the 360 more often than not has the best version and if it doesn't it is suspected that it does without investigation.
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