And what of November and December? We disregard those months and only look at January, which so happens to be the slowest month of the year?
Because invariant to the natural business cycle of the gaming industry, NO console in recent memory (meaning throughout the entirety of the last two console generations) has fallen this precipitously from one month to another or attained average weekly sales this low.
The drop in sales from December to January, particularly directly after a launch (when there are typically severe supply constraints that cause spillover sales into the new year) only has two reasonable explanations (and both are equally cataclysmic):
~Demand for the system as a whole has eroded due to a combination of limited software, bad word of mouth, or fallen consumer confidence in Nintendo products.
~There was never that much demand to begin with. Holiday sales were frontloaded because of the emergence of a new market and diehard Nintendo fans, and the system just hasn't resonated amongst the general populace at its current price point.
The nominal sales during the holiday season aren't nearly as important as the alarming MOM decline in sales. If anything, pointing out the relatively high launch sales of the WiiU bolsters the argument that the system is fucked for the foreseeable future.