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NPD March 2011 Sales Results [Update 2: Super Street Fighter IV 3D]


Sony seems to be doing pretty well all things considered yet they consistently don't want to publish their sales numbers. They used to atleast give actual percentages of growth but now they merely tell you "double digit" growth... Come on Sony, sack up.


sparkle this bitch
ghst said:
anyone know the ltd of OG crysis?
Wiki is showing, as of 2010, 3million+ of OG, and 1.5mil of Warhead.

I can't confirm the file though since it's a PDF and my PC has trouble opening them.


shintoki said:
Wiki is showing, as of 2010, 3million+ of OG, and 1.5mil of Warhead.

I can't confirm the file though since it's a PDF and my PC has trouble opening them.
Those are the shipment figures.
So why are people saying it did bad? 3DS sold just under 400,000 units in 5 days, that is a lot for a new platform in that time span. Also at Pokémon :O, I'll continue to slap anyone who says it's dead.
Biggest-Geek-Ever said:
Wow, that sure seems atrocious for the Wii. Worst month ever for it?
Sold less in April 2010, 277K
Sold less in July 2010, 253K
Sold less in August 2010, 244K
Sold less in September 2010, 254K
Sold less in October 2010, 232K

Edit: and July 09, August 09... etc.
JaxJag said:
Sad that they missed out on the superior multiplayer game.
Yeah, but they got the better deal in the end. They got the game with the better and longer single player with a decent mp on top. Homefront's mp is pretty bad and will die soon enough. When that happens all it has is a pretty terrible single player.


AniHawk said:
sony sold 620,000 psps at a price of $249.99 for the month of march when it launched in march 24, 2005.

PSP had more hype than 3DS. It had the most hype of any handheld ever. Coming off the best selling system ever, in the PS2, Sony was expected to dominate with there first handheld.


damn,cod after 6 months > crysis 2

not to mention homefront,i guess the more badass boxart alone made it sold more than crysis


snackman said:
Thing is sony did the best PSP launch they could every PSP game was good nothing sucked at their launch.
No, I'd definitely say the PSP launch is very much comparable to 3DS in terms of quality lineup.


i still don't get why pokemon black/white wasn't on the 3ds:

new perspectives
a good enough visual upgrade over every other pokemon
a good shot at an online mode (with stuff being accessed only through online play like the dream thing)

they could have delayed it and added some 3ds stuff like streetpass. it would have been on the system that better (or less subtly) shows off the new visuals, and the one with the better online.

plus it would have guaranteed a big userbase for the 3ds from the get-go or near it. ocarina of time and star fox aren't going to do anything.
Appollowexx said:
Sony must have sold like crap this month. Their PR is as basic as it gets.
Sub 200k?

They sold more than last year march so find that number and you get a idea.
3ds should have sold more it's coming off the most popular handheld of all time.
Dlacy13g said:
Sony seems to be doing pretty well all things considered yet they consistently don't want to publish their sales numbers. They used to atleast give actual percentages of growth but now they merely tell you "double digit" growth... Come on Sony, sack up.

Not only that, but they said Playstation platform, if they broke it down PS3/PSP/PS2 we would know the minimum each did.

However, we got lucky this month. Based on this quote in the OP

"The PSP, Xbox 360 and PS3 platforms each enjoyed a unit sales increase over last March. The PSP benefitted from a $40/unit price reduction which occurred at the beginning of the reporting period."

And last March NPD being:


PlayStation 2 118.3K
PlayStation 3 313.9K
PSP 119.9K
Xbox 360 338.4K
Wii 557.5K
Nintendo DS 700.8K

Then, we know that

PSP > 119.9K
313.9K < PS3 < 433K


The 3DS numbers are lower than I expected but still good. It'll definitely pick up speed as the games roll out.

As for the top 10 I'm glad to see both Homefront and Dragon Age 2 at the top. Despite their faults I enjoyed both.


erotic butter maelstrom
So what didn't chart? That's usually the most fun thing to look at.

MLB2K11, PS Move Heroes (I wonder if it broke 10K lol), Top Spin 4, Unleashed 2

of course with combined SKU's a few may have made it, but I haven't noticed that list

also, sorry for a little OT but did Gravijah get banned for this?

Gravijah said:
Even a dumb clock is right twice a day.

he was totally joking, him and Bones are buds


gundamkyoukai said:
They sold more than last year march so find that number and you get a idea.
3ds should have sold more it's coming off the most popular handheld of all time.

PS3 sold around 313k last year from what I can tell...and hearing "double digit sales increase" to me says PR talk for 10% growth. Which should put the PS3 in the neighborhood of 345k if I am doing all my math correctly.


AniHawk said:
i still don't get why pokemon black/white wasn't on the 3ds:

new perspectives
a good enough visual upgrade over every other pokemon
a good shot at an online mode (with stuff being accessed only through online play like the dream thing)

they could have delayed it and added some 3ds stuff like streetpass. it would have been on the system that better (or less subtly) shows off the new visuals, and the one with the better online.

plus it would have guaranteed a big userbase for the 3ds from the get-go or near it. ocarina of time and star fox aren't going to do anything.

Pokemon doesn't sell 2.5 million in the first month if it's on the 3DS. Hell, it may not sell 2.5 million before the end of the year if it were on 3DS.


Pokemon White more than 1.3m
Pokemon Black more than 1.1
Full Nintendo PR
Nintendo said:
The new Nintendo 3DS™ system combined with the Nintendo DS™ family of systems to make last month the best-selling March in U.S. history for Nintendo’s portable hardware business, according to the independent NPD Group, which tracks video game sales in the United States.

After only one week on sale following its March 27 launch, Nintendo 3DS sold just shy of 400,000 units. Propelled by sales of more than 1.3 million Pokémon™ White Version games and more than 1.1 million Pokémon™ Black Version games, the Nintendo DS family of systems topped all home and portable video game systems in March, with more than 460,000 sold.

“Both Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo DS family had a strong month, indicating that Nintendo has something for everyone,” said Charlie Scibetta, Nintendo of America’s senior director of Corporate Communications. “Nintendo provides people with the best video game experiences, from 3D visuals without special glasses to a touch-screen interface to motion controls.”

Nintendo’s Wii™ console sold more than 290,000 in the United States in March, giving Nintendo combined hardware sales of more than 1.1 million for the month. The upcoming Wii Play™: Motion game launches on June 13 and will have players smiling as they use their Wii Remote™ Plus controller (or Wii Remote™ with Wii MotionPlus™ accessory) in 12 new motion-controlled games. Wii Play: Motion comes packaged with a black Wii Remote Plus controller to deliver great value, precise motion control and immersive social fun that anyone in the household can pick up and instantly enjoy.


Kusagari said:
PSP had more hype than 3DS. It had the most hype of any handheld ever. Coming off the best selling system ever, in the PS2, Sony was expected to dominate with there first handheld.
NDS is the best selling system ever, isn't it?

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
I'll wait for next month, 5 days is too short of a timespan.
But meh, didn't expect to see the 3DS under 500k.


Skiesofwonder said:
Meant to post this here:

They release a new handheld while the previous one is stll killing the charts, but the Wii is slowly sinking and Super Wii is late 2012 (basically two years away)?

Nintendo is going to be fine either way, after all 290k is still a decent amount for March. ut after looking at Media Create and NPD, it seems like they should of been releasing a new home console last month instead of a new handheld.

Probably had something to do with how popular the ipod touch had become with kids (in the west), the PSP catching fire in Japan, and not wanting to have such an outdated system being their flagship. Definitely better to come out too early than too late.

It just speaks volumes of WTF they're doing with Wii. This thing is selling under 10,000 a week in Japan and they're not releasing the successor till fall 2012? Talk about a sales wasteland for the next year and a half.

Dash Kappei said:
I'll wait for next month, 5 days is too short of a timespan.
But meh, didn't expect to see the 3DS under 500k.

Store stocks don't seem to be moving at all. People who wanted a launch system were there day 1. Not sure there's a huge stream of people waiting till day 10.


Good lord. What's going on with Nintendo? Seeing these HW and SW numbers for the 3DS, coupled with the incredibly depressing release list....it's giving me diarrhea pains. Never thought I'd feel so unsure about a Nintendo handheld.....even the DS had more interesting stuff to pickup in the same time frame.

And before anyone comes in with the games I think they will, kiss my ass. I didn't buy the thing to play half-assed N64 ports.


jman2050 said:
Pokemon doesn't sell 2.5 million in the first month if it's on the 3DS. Hell, it may not sell 2.5 million before the end of the year if it were on 3DS.

but it does sell systems. pokemon grey, which will probably be a 3ds game, won't do quite as well because it will be the one that establishes the series on the handheld unless nintendo decides to skip right to ruby/sapphire remakes or a 6th pokemon generation.
Opus Angelorum said:
Up 28% for the year, in May. Impressive.

The crazy thing its doing all this without having released a marquee title in quite some time. I think 360 will do gangbusters in the fall once Gears hits.

MS folks must be pretty darn happy right now with their sales right now. They have a firm grasp of the console market in the US.


kinggroin said:
Good lord. What's going on with Nintendo? Seeing these HW and SW numbers for the 3DS, coupled with the incredibly depressing release list....it's giving me diarrhea pains. Never thought I'd feel so unsure about a Nintendo handheld.....even the DS had more interesting stuff to pickup in the same time frame.

And before anyone comes in with the games I think they will, kiss my ass. I didn't buy the thing to play half-assed N64 ports.
You really need to look up just how awful the post-launch drought was for the DS. It really puts things into perspective at how much better the 3DS is going to be in that regard.


kinggroin said:
Good lord. What's going on with Nintendo? Seeing these HW and SW numbers for the 3DS, coupled with the incredibly depressing release list....it's giving me diarrhea pains. Never thought I'd feel so unsure about a Nintendo handheld.....even the DS had more interesting stuff to pickup in the same time frame.

no there wasn't. there really wasn't. there was yoshi touch & go and wario ware touched, and that was basically the lineup from november through may.

i'd prefer something new to star fox and ocarina too (as long as it wasn't another fucking wario ware), but the launch was worlds better than the ds's.

e3's less than two months away. if the rest of the year looks like shit, then i'll agree the system is in trouble. it wasn't until august that we started seeing stuff like sonic rush, castlevania, and phoenix wright (which was still a port, but it was new to us).

Game Guru

EviLore said:
5-week tracking month; Reporting Period 2/27/11 through 4/2/11

Software (New Physical Retail only)
01.Pokemon White Version (NDS) Nintendo -
02. Pokemon Black Version (NDS) Nintendo -

03. Homefront (360, PS3, PC) THQ
04. Dragon Age II (360, PS3, PC)** Electronic Arts
05. Call of Duty: Black Ops (360, PS3, NDS, Wii, PC) Activision Blizzard

06.Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (Wii, 360, NDS, PS3, 3DS, PSP, PC) LucasArts
07. Crysis 2 (360, PS3, PC) Electronic Arts
08. NBA 2K11 (360, PS3, PS2, Wii, PSP, PC) Take 2 Interactive
09. MLB 11: The Show (PS3, PSP, PS2) Sony
10. Fight Night Champion (360, PS3) Electronic Arts

You know... I like how despite the likelihood of the DS version of Black Ops being a completely different game, it gets counted with the 360, PS3, and PC versions, while Pokemon Black & White, essentially the same game with different stuff in them, get counted as two separate games.


AniHawk said:
but it does sell systems. pokemon grey, which will probably be a 3ds game, won't do quite as well because it will be the one that establishes the series on the handheld unless nintendo decides to skip right to ruby/sapphire remakes or a 6th pokemon generation.

Nintendo is not going to sabotage their biggest cash cow for the sake of a new handheld. It's not about selling a ton of 3DSes out of the gate (like they actually need to do that) it's about getting the next installment of the most popular gaming franchise in the world into as many hands as possible. Thus, DS game.
Game Guru said:
You know... I like how despite the likelihood of the DS version of Black Ops being a completely different game, it gets counted with the 360, PS3, and PC versions, while Pokemon Black & White, essentially the same game with different stuff, get counted as two separate games.

Yeah, that was my immediate reaction when I saw the list. It's kind of silly to count what is essentially two different games from different developers as one game, while counting what is essentially the same game from the same team separately.


Here are the PSP launch games for those asking:

Ape Escape: On the Loose - SCEA
Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower - Capcom
Dynasty Warriors - Koei
Gretzky NHL - SCEA
Lumines - Ubisoft
Metal Gear Acid - Konami
Need for Speed Underground: Rivals - Electronic Arts
NFL Street 2 Unleashed - Electronic Arts
Ridge Racer - Namco Bandai Games
Spider-Man 2 - Activision
Tiger Woods PGA Tour - Electronic Arts
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix - Activision
Twisted Metal: Head-On - SCEA
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - Sony Online Entertainment
Wipeout Pure - SCEA
World Tour Soccer - SCEA


Game Guru said:
You know... I like how despite the likelihood of the DS version of Black Ops being a completely different game, it gets counted with the 360, PS3, and PC versions, while Pokemon Black & White, essentially the same game with different stuff, get counted as two separate games.

Only Pokemon can take up two spots. That's just how great it is
Also, holy shit at the legs of NBA 2K11. This consistent ability to chart is really exemplary and 2K really is in Madden territory when it comes to awareness of their product. I know EA wants to revive Live but unless it provides some exciting gameplay, its going to be fighting a continuous uphill battle. It's funny- the tables have turned and now 2K will be playing the role of the juggernaut against the tiny EA game.

A year of NBA 2K12 may make whatever EA cooks up an afterthought in the social consciousness.


Pokemon Black being at ~1.1M puts a cap on Homefront and Dragon Age 2 sales.

What was the first month sales for Dragon Age Origins? Looks like DA2 is in the 500k+ range unless Black Ops took a massive dive from last month.
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