In addition, the company proudly stated that it maintained the Xbox 360's launch price point "for longer than any other console in videogame history holding the record at 21 months."
In addition, the company proudly stated that it maintained the Xbox 360's launch price point "for longer than any other console in videogame history holding the record at 21 months."
A bit rough, but that gives something to work with. I'll assume that number starts with November as a whole, and doesn't try to just go with the last half of November when PS3/Wii were available.MS said:Microsoft also said that since last November when the Wii and PS3 launched, gamers have bought more software for Xbox 360 (24.3 million units) than for PS3 and Wii combined (19.8 million units). [Revision: MS initially reported this as dollar sales, but has since revised it to units]
Glad someone ran the numbers. My gut told me this was something MS maybe shouldn't be bragging about.JoshuaJSlone said:A bit rough, but that gives something to work with. I'll assume that number starts with November as a whole, and doesn't try to just go with the last half of November when PS3/Wii were available.
Prior to November, X360 had 78 million weeks of ownership. After August, it's had 298. So in the intervening time, it's gained 220 million weeks of ownership. Divide the X360 games sold in that period by that, and we find that during this period the average X360 owner bought 0.11 games per week; put another way, one game every 9 weeks.
Having PS3 and Wii summed is a bit goofy, but hey. From November to present, PS3+Wii put together have amassed 138 million weeks of ownership. Divide the PS3+Wii games sold by that, and we find that during this period the average PS3/Wii owner bought 0.14 games per week; put another way, one game every 7 weeks.
More records for Nintendo to break.In addition, the company proudly stated that it maintained the Xbox 360's launch price point "for longer than any other console in videogame history holding the record at 21 months." The previous record was held by PS2 at 19 months.
I dunno, Wii and PS3 had a lot more of "first week of ownership" than X360... So it may even out..The Sphinx said:Glad someone ran the numbers. My gut told me this was something MS maybe shouldn't be bragging about.
JoshuaJSlone said:A bit rough, but that gives something to work with. I'll assume that number starts with November as a whole, and doesn't try to just go with the last half of November when PS3/Wii were available.
Prior to November, X360 had 78 million weeks of ownership. After August, it's had 298. So in the intervening time, it's gained 220 million weeks of ownership. Divide the X360 games sold in that period by that, and we find that during this period the average X360 owner bought 0.11 games per week; put another way, one game every 9 weeks.
Having PS3 and Wii summed is a bit goofy, but hey. From November to present, PS3+Wii put together have amassed 138 million weeks of ownership. Divide the PS3+Wii games sold by that, and we find that during this period the average PS3/Wii owner bought 0.14 games per week; put another way, one game every 7 weeks.
so pretty much if you give it another year the Wii+PS3 software sales will have surpassed the 360?JoshuaJSlone said:A bit rough, but that gives something to work with. I'll assume that number starts with November as a whole, and doesn't try to just go with the last half of November when PS3/Wii were available.
Prior to November, X360 had 78 million weeks of ownership. After August, it's had 298. So in the intervening time, it's gained 220 million weeks of ownership. Divide the X360 games sold in that period by that, and we find that during this period the average X360 owner bought 0.11 games per week; put another way, one game every 9 weeks.
Having PS3 and Wii summed is a bit goofy, but hey. From November to present, PS3+Wii put together have amassed 138 million weeks of ownership. Divide the PS3+Wii games sold by that, and we find that during this period the average PS3/Wii owner bought 0.14 games per week; put another way, one game every 7 weeks.
They will surpass hardware.. So software should come along...doomed1 said:so pretty much if you give it another year the Wii+PS3 software sales will have surpassed the 360?
No. Weeks of ownership should be close to equal in another year, but the 360 will still have an extra 78 million weeks of ownership, and a piddly .03 game per week difference won't make up for the huge head start for a *very* long time.doomed1 said:so pretty much if you give it another year the Wii+PS3 software sales will have surpassed the 360?
"In addition, the company proudly stated that it maintained the Xbox 360's launch price point "for longer than any other console in videogame history holding the record at 21 months."
Yeah, this is true. The buying patterns when you've just got the system and later are different, but I'm not sure how we'd do anything with the information that wasn't goofy, starting with guesswork, or making assumptions.felipeko said:I dunno, Wii and PS3 had a lot more of "first week of ownership" than X360... So it may even out..
If we were to assume that difference would continue (which is pretty baseless), that would mean 30% more game purchasing from each PS3/Wii owner; far from piddly.Son of Godzilla said:a piddly .03 game per week difference won't make up for the huge head start for a *very* long time. EA Need to Rethink its Wii Strategy?
Are titles like Boogie and Playground the right approach on the Wii? Judging by Boogie's lackluster sales in its first month, the answer might appear to be no, and given that Madden on Wii sold nowhere close to its 360, PS3 and PS2 counterparts, should EA rethink its strategy? Analysts take a look... [Updated]
August 2006titiklabingapat said:Are the Madden figures for August 2006 still public? I wanna see how much they sold last year with the PS2/360 version compared to this year.
i'm speaking in rates, not overall sales. theoretically, the Wii and PS3 should increase in software sales rates at the same rate by next year, thereby doubling the 360's current if it follows a similar model the 360 did. my question is will the rate increase so that the 360's is shamed by another console?Son of Godzilla said:No. Weeks of ownership should be close to equal in another year, but the 360 will still have an extra 78 million weeks of ownership, and a piddly .03 game per week difference won't make up for the huge head start for a *very* long time.
Luckyman said:
JoshuaJSlone said:If we were to assume that difference would continue (which is pretty baseless), that would mean 30% more game purchasing from each PS3/Wii owner; far from piddly.
doomed1 said:i'm speaking in rates, not overall sales. theoretically, the Wii and PS3 should increase in software sales rates at the same rate by next year, thereby doubling the 360's current if it follows a similar model the 360 did. my question is will the rate increase so that the 360's is shamed by another console?
B-Rad Lascelle said:August 2007
360 MADDEN NFL 08 897k +88.1%
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 644k -27.2%
Maybe another year, maybe a little longer. The determination requires a lot of assumptions as to how well each console continues to sell and how well software sells for each consoles.doomed1 said:so pretty much if you give it another year the Wii+PS3 software sales will have surpassed the 360?
Thanks for the info. I don't believe the Remotes-per-console stat had been mentioned before in the thread. That number isn't unexpected: Wii Sports is the most effective sales pitch for multiple controllers I can think of in recent memory (along with perhaps Halo). I would not have been surprised to see it slightly higher.jvm said:Some stuff I wrote about the hardware this month is up at Next-Gen today.
I've not read this thread yet (I hold off reading GAF's NPD thread each month until I've finished writing, and just today I'm about 1/8 of the way through), but there might be some angles in there that weren't already mentioned here. You guys are awfully thorough, though.
One thing that might be new (again, not sure) is this: Average of 2.2 Wii remotes per Wii console. NPD provided data on the number of Wii remotes sold as accessories, along with LTD figures for Wii Play. The graph at the end shows where all those remotes are coming from, and notes that the median number of Wii remotes per console is probably right at 2.
Anyway, there will be another piece up tomorrow on software.
Flame on.
Absolutely. The PS2 is on its way out, and the PS3 is not the replacement console for those looking to upgrade. It will just get harder and harder for Sony from here on out. The PS2 can't make up the massive losses the PS3 is netting them right now forever.speculawyer said:That has got to be a crushing statistic over at Sony HQ. It is hard not to read that other than people upgrading from the PS2s to xbox 360s.
Last Nintendo's financial came day 25 of july.. So we're probably going to wait another month or so..koam said:I didn't want to create a new thread, does anyone know when Q3 financials come out?
These numbers are not complete. There was a collector's edition of Madden last year that is not accounted for here.B-Rad Lascelle said:August 2006
PS2 MADDEN NFL 07 - 885k
360 MADDEN NFL 07 - 477k
August 2007
360 MADDEN NFL 08 897k +88.1%
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 644k -27.2%
Boogies just needs time to build. Look at Carnival Games.Luckyman said:
The official Madden NFL 07 number for PS2 (combining both editions) in August 2006 should be about 1 million copies. And that was in just five days...JJConrad said:These numbers are not complete. There was a collector's edition of Madden last year that is not accounted for here.
So it was an even BIGGER drop for the PS2 version of Madden?jvm said:The official Madden NFL 07 number for PS2 (combining both editions) in August 2006 should be about 1 million copies. And that was in just five days...
VanMardigan said:So what page has Sony's npd response. I tried a search but no luck.
VanMardigan said:So what page has Sony's npd response. I tried a search but no luck.
I'll post the graphs I have for Madden tomorrow when Next-Gen publishes the software stuff. In short, Sony peaked in 2005, 2006 was a weird year (only 5 days compared to 19-20 for other years), and Microsoft share is rising. Feel free to pick apart the numbers then. I'm sure there are other ways to view them.speculawyer said:So it was an even BIGGER drop for the PS2 version of Madden?![]()
Wait, was Boogie really $10 more than most Wii games? Or are you now acclimated to $60 being the standard price on other consoles and mean to say that Boogie should've been $10 under regular full price?JJConrad said:Boogie's biggest problem is its $60 price tag. It's a casual style game at hardcore prices. A few games like Boogie have gotten away with a higher price, Boogie isn't them. The game would have done a lot better at $50.
The price hike's due to the microphone I'd expect. Still dumb on EA's part though, this game would've probably doubled units sold at $39.99.JoshuaJSlone said:Wait, was Boogie really $10 more than most Wii games? Or are you now acclimated to $60 being the standard price on other consoles and mean to say that Boogie should've been $10 under regular full price?
JoshuaJSlone said:Wait, was Boogie really $10 more than most Wii games? Or are you now acclimated to $60 being the standard price on other consoles and mean to say that Boogie should've been $10 under regular full price?
Forgotten Ancient said:I think $39.99 should be the standard for Wii games with the $49.99 price being reserved for "big" titles. That begs the question "what constitutes a big title", but being a multi-console owner I find it oftentimes hard to justify buying the Wii version of any game when I can get the 360/PS3 version for $10 more.
The Wii is supposedly the super-casual system, but even the typical $50 price tag is too much to swallow for most games that don't have "Mario" in the title.
This isn't an attempt to flame the Wii, but I think it would really help 3rd party publishers as they test out the Wii market. A lot of games for the system still feel like prototypes with little polish, and a lot of games have low sales to reflect the lack of value at $49.99.
felipeko said:Last Nintendo's financial came day 25 of july.. So we're probably going to wait another month or so..
Well we are seeing that from the smarter publishers. Okay, only Capcom, but still.Forgotten Ancient said:I think $39.99 should be the standard for Wii games with the $49.99 price being reserved for "big" titles. That begs the question "what constitutes a big title", but being a multi-console owner I find it oftentimes hard to justify buying the Wii version of any game when I can get the 360/PS3 version for $10 more.
The Wii is supposedly the super-casual system, but even the typical $50 price tag is too much to swallow for most games that don't have "Mario" in the title.
This isn't an attempt to flame the Wii, but I think it would really help 3rd party publishers as they test out the Wii market. A lot of games for the system still feel like prototypes with little polish, and a lot of games have low sales to reflect the lack of value at $49.99.
Forgotten Ancient said:I think $39.99 should be the standard for Wii games with the $49.99 price being reserved for "big" titles. That begs the question "what constitutes a big title", but being a multi-console owner I find it oftentimes hard to justify buying the Wii version of any game when I can get the 360/PS3 version for $10 more.
The Wii is supposedly the super-casual system, but even the typical $50 price tag is too much to swallow for most games that don't have "Mario" in the title.
This isn't an attempt to flame the Wii, but I think it would really help 3rd party publishers as they test out the Wii market. A lot of games for the system still feel like prototypes with little polish, and a lot of games have low sales to reflect the lack of value at $49.99.
Still living in 1989 confirmed?Suburban Cowboy said:3rd partys would be stupid not to start developing exclusives for the wii. Remember the Gamecube? Competant 3rd party exclusives sold pretty well. Take Viewtiful Joe for example, it was a total success. But when they released the sequel, and it was no longer a GC exclusive no one with a nintendo bought it.
Soul Calibur 2 is another example. The GC sku sold the most. This wasnt simply because it had link in it, but because nintendo fans felt they were getting something exclusive for their console, an experience not present on the others.
There is still Nintendo loyalty present, show some effort and you will be rewarded. Any good 3rd party exclusive game can/will do as well as Metroid Prime.
Considering the popularity of multiplayer games and the sales of Wii Play, I was surprised to find it was that low, actually. Perhaps it would add some context to know what sort of controller tie ratios other systems have, or had at 9 months?jvm said:One thing that might be new (again, not sure) is this: Average of 2.2 Wii remotes per Wii console. NPD provided data on the number of Wii remotes sold as accessories, along with LTD figures for Wii Play. The graph at the end shows where all those remotes are coming from, and notes that the median number of Wii remotes per console is probably right at 2.
Ahh right, forgot about that.jarrod said:The price hike's due to the microphone I'd expect.
This isn't the confirmed answer you're hoping for, but considering the last few werekoam said:Thanks, but i'm looking for the exact date, anyone?
I was not able to get that information, sorry. I tried. :^|JoshuaJSlone said:Considering the popularity of multiplayer games and the sales of Wii Play, I was surprised to find it was that low, actually. Perhaps it would add some context to know what sort of controller tie ratios other systems have, or had at 9 months?
rs7k said:I also think the market Nintendo is trying to catch simply won't want to pay $50 for a game. Trying to bring prices in line with DVD's (I know this is not doable right away) would do wonders, since it's a casual system.
Yeah, it's only the one of the biggest 3rd party franchises there the world.....and it really only sell in the US which incidently is the market being applied here. I wonder, would the indicator be less "flawed" had it sold well?mepaco said:Well, it did sell less than I expected, but not by a whole lot. Anyone who has a Wii and a 360/PS3 is not likely to buy the Wii version. I'd be willing to bet that most people who own a Wii and a PS2 would buy the PS2 version. I own a Wii (along with all the last gen consoles) and I loved 07 but, from what I heard, 08 added a family mode that I don't care about and actually regressed in terms of the controls so I decided to skip it. Maybe Wii owners are smart enough not to pay $50 for a roster update.![]()
In any case, I think using Madden as the indicator for 3rd party sales is flawed ... but thats just me.
Yeah, and I think that is to be expected. The overlap between the OMG MADDEN crowd and Wii owners/people who get excited about motion control is very small. Those that pay money every year for essentially the same thing with a new roster and upgraded graphics are in it for the upgraded graphics. Wii doesn't deliver that.
B-Rad Lascelle said:August 2006
PS2 MADDEN NFL 07 - 885k
360 MADDEN NFL 07 - 477k
August 2007
360 MADDEN NFL 08 897k +88.1%
PS2 MADDEN NFL 08 644k -27.2%
PhoenixDark said:PS3 MADDEN NFL 336k +100%
Madden players are clearly moving from the PS2 to the PS3, which is impressive
Odysseus said:actually, madden ps3's sales are infinitely better than last years.
infinity is a pretty large number. i know, i counted to it. took me forever, but i did it.
PhoenixDark said:PS3 MADDEN NFL 336k +100%
Madden players are clearly moving from the PS2 to the PS3, which is impressive