somuchwater said:
Wow. That's weird. I guess that doesn't reflect at two-month YoY decline for the PS3, but we can now expect Sony to be touting this figure.
Wonder if the growth in PS3 sales and decline in PS2 sales actually ends up hurting, rather than helping, their bottom lines.
Also, MS must have made *way* more in SW sales in 2008 than in 2007, so I think they're still sitting in a good spot (compared to Sony, that is).
I'm curious to know how it's affecting their bottom lines as well.
On one hand, PS2 sales must be making a significant amount of money for Sony, so this decline has to hurt.
But on the other, PS3 has likely had significant cost reductions and they haven't lowered the price, so they are either losing less on the unit or making a slight return.
PSP sales are roughly the same.
PS3 software sales likely to be significantly up year over year. While LBP, MotorStorm 2, and Resistance 2 haven't necessarily lit the charts on fire, they are sure to have sold considerably more than 2007's lineup of Heavenly Sword, Ratchet and Clank, and Uncharted.
Last year they made a slight profit in their game division for this quarter. It'll be interesting to see what this year returns...I guess we'll see in a few weeks.