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NPD Sales Results for December 2014 [Up2: Nintendo Sales Notes]


MC < 330k
FH2 > 325k
SO > 280k

ISS > 800k
TLOUR ~ > 650k
MC > 250k
LBP3 ~ 240k

MC = Minecraft? I thought maybe the MC for PS4 was a typo for DC.

TLOUR retail sales seem to have been front-loaded prior to the bundling. Same with ISS. Didn't that game open strong in the first two months?


Was Bravely Default the best selling Square Enix RPG this year?
Wow, can't wait for Bravely Second to never come out.
After Default totally exposed their lack of business sense, I get the feeling SE is going to prioritize Second's localization and publish it themselves. Probably this fall.

What's never coming out is DQVII.


OP Says 2.33 xb1/ps4 combined, so we have

XB1- 1.26 million
Ps4 - 1.07 million
Wiiu -???

So about 190K difference in sales between Xbox One and PS4. I honestly think that's underwhelming for MS. I'm sure they're thinking even after massive price cut after price cut, they are like 1.7% - 2% difference. I sense all of 2015, MS will drop the XBone further now. Sony are pleasantly surprised that the console didn't get lower sales spread over the holidays.
cream and/or aquamarine, any way to get Danganronpa and Danganronpa 2 LTD? Or is that just way out of the charts that you don't even have the numbers?


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
sörine;147694013 said:
After Default totally exposed their lack of business sense, I get the feeling SE is going to prioritize Second's localization and publish it themselves. Probably this fall.

It really depends on the publishing contract SE & Ninty have signed.

Does Nintendo get first dibs on the Bravely Default franchise (SE licensed, Nintendo published) or was it just a one shot deal?

We will see soon enough though! Maybe next Direct? :p
cream and/or aquamarine, any way to get Danganronpa and Danganronpa 2 LTD? Or is that just way out of the charts that you don't even have the numbers?
Their retail numbers are probably meaningless =/

They might have done better digitally. I mean Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment was a digital only release that managed to sell 70k despite a shoddy engrish translation.

A real shame that this bombed so hard. The launch was rocky but the post launch support has been great so far.
Regarding Bayo 2 I thought it did okay all things considered. I am curious as to what percentage of the Wii U user base bought 2 versus the combined 360/PS3 userbase for those who bought 1.
even considering that Europe likes racing games a lot better (and it seems to be doing decently there), Driveclub is a special tier of suck in the US
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