OK so wii has been seeing somewhat of a downward spiral. Some may say its more because it's sold so well since launch that its more coming down to normal. Totally anecdotal but every older woman that i know that has bought a wii, even my own MOTHER has played it once then shelved it.
Again this may just be the wii coming back to "normal". but with that said, what if the "normal" has a bit more sinking to do? or lets say not. lets say wii sits exactly where it is now and stays that way.
where does that put sony and MOVE? If and this is a huge but somewhat logical if

everyone and they're mother has a wii then why the fuck would anyone buy a move? Has MS pulled the okie doke on Sony and Nintendo by trying something different with natal?
For the rest of the year MS has so many cards to play that its just insane. Price drop, redesign, natal, Halo. WTF is going on. This fall is going to be insane for MS.