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NPD Sales Results for February 2013 [Up5: Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Official PS3/WiiU]


Santa May Claus
Um, it made the Top 5, duder? And has sold well in both Europe and Japan. Think thats a success for a game that had like a 12-18 month dev-time and resurrection from dev-hell.

And it was top 5 in a highly competitive month (compared to last month). I think people are jumping to conclusions because of the EA tweet, but in reality EA has no context for what MGR's projected numbers were.


In terms of games that have concrete release dates...


Is it bad that I giggled?


So they're fucked? What's in the horizon software-wise for the Wii U?

pikmin, smash bros, mario kart, 3d mario, wonderful 101, bayonetta 2, monster hunter, lego city, etc.

there are some great looking games in the pipeline, they just botched the launch horribly and basically every notable launch window title got delayed significantly.

the wii-u hasn't had a single notable exclusive release since it launched back in november.
Hell yes, Dead Space 3 at #1. Well deserved!

Hopefully this means more Dead Space in the future.

not singling you out but this forum in general - .... so .... its okay to like deadspace 3 now?

The threads for this game is... ______.

Happy for Visceral Games. :)

That is one embarrassing line up of games.

that's consistently been the word that comes up to describe the wiiU lineup. Especially when ... you can buy the 3rd party stuff on ps3+x360 and both those consoles are cheaper.
Sony needs to drop the price on the VITA

at this point in time, its safe to safe most gamers know about the japanese VITA pricedrop, so it will affect people's purchasing decisions. Its suprising they didn't do it.

graphics matter.

Is that why 360 sales are still so strong almost 8 years after release ? and the Wii sold 100 million or PS2 (weakest of it's generation) sold 150 million ?.

People on this site drastically overestimate how much the general population care about better textures, an overuse of particle effects and 1080p over 720p upscaled.


So people are saying 3DS sold around 191k out of the 455k for the "ecosystem" - is that good or bad? I know it's good vs. the Vita for obvious reasons, but I mean in the grand scheme of things.
The thing about the WiiU is that there's nothing to get excited about. I'm not very hard to please. I got a Wii just for Wii sports, and then enjoyed a fair number of other titles throughout it's life.

I've also purchased every major system (minus the Saturn) since the 2600. I don't ask for much, but for each and every system, there was at least a game or two to get me excited (BTW, it was Defender and Missile Command for the 2600), and the WiiU has literally nothing particularly engaging, and nothing cool announced.

Zombie U and the upcoming Lego game might be good, but not good enough for me to pull the trigger. These sales results suggest that there are lots of people who also haven't found a reason to buy yet.
I'm still wondering what happened there. For months before the Wii U came out, Iwata and the rest were talking about how they saw how much droughts hurt past Nintendo hardware (especially the 3DS) and they were making sure that wasn't going to happen.

I get the amateur impression that Iwata, for whatever reason, believed that third-party support for Wii U's first few months would be far more impressive or at least attractive to consumers than it actually was and thus "allowed" Nintendo to space out their own titles more.

They lied. They also said the Wii U was going to have an account system. We all know how that turned out. They also teased the Accomplishment system as being Nintendo's version of achievements, when it's just more of the same in-game achievements that have been around on Nintendo systems forever.

Ignoring everything else they did wrong, Nintendo deserves these terrible Wii U sales just for being so damn disingenuous about the Wii U and it's "features," if you ask me.
graphics don't matter
Is that why 360 sales are still so strong almost 8 years after release ? and the Wii sold 100 million or PS2 (weakest of it's generation) sold 150 million ?.

People on this site drastically overestimate how much the general population care about better textures, an overuse of particle effects and 1080p over 720p upscaled.
The market buying a console at the start of its life and the market buying a console at the end of its life are starkly different.

To the people you want to buy a console at the start of its life being an actual upgrade does matter.

The PS2 was sold on graphics and moar power! It was a major generational upgrade. I don't know why people pretend it wasn't.

The only anomaly is the Wii.


No Nintendo games. That is crazy and just dumb. Everyone who buys a Nintendo console first reason would be Nintendo exclusives.

There's like a dozen big Nintendo games set to come out this year. They're just not dated. There's other games that aren't on the list either, like Watch Dogs.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
And it was top 5 in a highly competitive month (compared to last month). I think people are jumping to conclusions because of the EA tweet, but in reality EA has no context for what MGR's projected numbers were.

Maybe some salty balls after Dead Space franchise death (assuredly false) reports. Bigger swollen devhouses with money pumped into them don't really get what a fascinating razor edge development routine Platinum has over most studios.

So then do you think Rayman Legends will make the NPD charts in September?

Dunno! Definitely has a better chance with 3 SKU's if it only has one biggy like GTAV to fend off. This was quite a stacked month when I look at it.
They lied. They also said the Wii U was going to have an account system. We all know how that turned out. They also teased the Accomplishment system as being Nintendo's version of achievements, when it's just more of the same in-game achievements that have been around on Nintendo systems forever.

Ignoring everything else they did wrong, Nintendo deserves these terrible Wii U sales just for being so damn disingenuous about the Wii U and it's "features," if you ask me.

IIRC, "Accomplishments" was something from a developer document and nothing that Nintendo themselves teased, unless I missed something big.


Anyone know how far in development Pikmin 3 was before it was switched to WiiU. If Nintendo are having problems with making a supercharged Wii game then they might have problems making HD games from scratch.
Is that why 360 sales are still so strong almost 8 years after release ? and the Wii sold 100 million or PS2 (weakest of it's generation) sold 150 million ?.

People on this site drastically overestimate how much the general population care about better textures, an overuse of particle effects and 1080p over 720p upscaled.

You (and others making the same argument) really don't like digging beneath the surface, do you?

Graphics are one of, if not the top priority for your average consumer (I would say price is more important). Of course, they're not the only thing - say you have a customer with ten "priorities", if a system only has 1 and not the rest, and another has 9/10, which way do you think they'll go?

In other words, you can't look at things in a vacuum. If someone has price as their #2 and graphics as their #1, a platform with substantially worse graphics but at a fraction of the price (think Wii, but that's not a perfect comparison) will likely get purchased. Extrapolate this argument as needed.


Because they need to, along with getting some consistent and good releases out, to have a shot at turning around the system before it gets steamrolled by PS4/Durango/life.

Apophis2036 is a tad on the extremely optimistic side for me, but I do agree with him in that I'm sure the Wii U will have a strong holiday. Even with the presence of the other new machines.

I think it's safe to say that the people buying the Wii U this holiday season wouldn't have considered buying the other two consoles. Nintendo's consoles always make for easy gifts for kids.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
No they don't 'need to' at all, they know why the system isn't selling so far, shitty ad campaign, slightly too expensive and no exclusive killer apps.

They can cut the price by $50, totally redo the ad campaign and the big games are coming - I think the release schedule will look something like this for the rest of the year -

Game & Wario - April.
Wii Fit U - May.
Pikmin 3 - June.
W-101 - July.
Bayonetta 2 - September.
Wind Waker HD - October.
Mario Kart U - November.
EAD Mario - December.

When you add in Nintendo Land, NSMB U, ZombiU, Lego City and Monster Hunter that really is a fantastic line up of exclusive content for the first year of a console.

That will leave them with Retro Studios game, Smash Bros, Yoshi, the next Zelda and X for 2014 along with whatever they show off for the first time at E3 (Miyamoto's new IP).

The Wii sold like crazy because of Wii Sports in tandem with a controller that the mass market felt was revolutionary and new, and that momentum carried over into other titles like NSMB & Mario Kart.

As we have seen with NSMB:U, without the momentum of a blockbuster casual phenomenon, these ancillary "casual" rehashed titles don't sell nearly as well.

I do not expect games like Mario Kart to do much for the platform, especially if it's the same old retread we've come to expect from Nintendo. Ditto for Wii Fit U - the fitness fad is pretty much done.

Without the combination of a blockbuster casual title + significantly novel way to interface with games (everyone mostly has a tablet or phone), Wii U's prospects are dismal.

The rest of the titles have some 'core' appeal, but that only really appeals to a fairly small audience on Nintendo platforms.
re: wiiU's 2013--4.

a) DICE thread about game cancellations.

b) Ubisoft vindicated. BIG TIME re:Rayman

You can expect all the big 3rd parties to look at the system + install base and ______.


that's consistently been the word that comes up to describe the wiiU lineup. Especially when ... you can buy the 3rd party stuff on ps3+x360 and both those consoles are cheaper.

Not to mention that both of those systems since they have been released for 6+ years now, both have a nice sized library of games that you can easily get for under $20 a pop each.

Wii U is a brand new console so it doesn't have the luxury of cheap games yet, still horrible sales for it this month though but somewhat expected given how few new releases for it there have been post-launch and how there is no definitive, exclusive "killer app" for the system as well.
Well there are Nintendo games coming out...Nintendo just hasn't bothered to release any dates for them. It's all "LOL Q2 2013" and shit.
I know and that is fucked up. With Nintendo these games (W101, Pikmin 3) could be coming out in august.
They'll be announcing all their shit at E3 in June. I wouldn't put much faith into that list past April.
Im scared for that. 1 game needs to drop in april and another in may. June and july should be the stuff we know nothing about. Not "launch window" titles.
It must be that they really didn't have that much of a grip on HD development yet, especially when they had to ramp up for 3DS development relatively recently as well.

That's part of the reason why it's annoying to hear people fantasize about Nintendo dropping out and becoming third-party and suddenly we'll have 4K Mario and 1080p Zelda and it'll all be great. Nintendo's having trouble developing for the stuff they designed for themselves with well-established levels of power and two years of preparation.

Hey man, HD (Mushroom Kingdom) towns are hard work
Isn't the 3DS at over 30 million?

In Japan it is at ~11 mil, U.S. 8 mil. Unless you think Europe + rest of the world is selling better than Japan, uh...

EDIT: According to Wiki, it was at 30 mil by end of 2012, so I stand corrected I guess.

EDIT2: Those are shipped numbers on Wiki, so who knows. They list 11 for Japan, 10 for U.S., 11 for the rest of the world.
I was expecting a $50 pricecut in August before these horrible, horrible sales started coming. $50 won't be enough now, to get it to "doing well" levels, in my opinion.

Price cutting it by any amount wouldn't have any significant impact at the moment with the lack of software, the earliest a price cut will come is at E3 imo but even then I don't see them announcing a price cut at the same event most people are seeing PS4/720 for the first time properly, sends the wrong signals.

I think they will get rid of the basic and price cut the Deluxe to £299 a month or two before the first new console launches, if they get the treble combo of Zelda, Mario and Mario Kart out along with an aggressive ad campaign then hardware sales could explode around Xmas time.


No they don't 'need to' at all, they know why the system isn't selling so far, shitty ad campaign, slightly too expensive and no exclusive killer apps.

They can cut the price by $50, totally redo the ad campaign and the big games are coming - I think the release schedule will look something like this for the rest of the year -

Game & Wario - April.
Wii Fit U - May.
Pikmin 3 - June.
W-101 - July.
Bayonetta 2 - September.
Wind Waker HD - October.
Mario Kart U - November.
EAD Mario - December.

When you add in Nintendo Land, NSMB U, ZombiU, Lego City and Monster Hunter that really is a fantastic line up of exclusive content for the first year of a console.

That will leave them with Retro Studios game, Smash Bros, Yoshi, the next Zelda and X for 2014 along with whatever they show off for the first time at E3 (Miyamoto's new IP).

There is no way in hell all of that comes out this year.


I was expecting a $50 pricecut in August before these horrible, horrible sales started coming. $50 won't be enough now, to get it to "doing well" levels, in my opinion.

I agree. I think that Nintendo has potentially a pretty great line up for the second half of the year, but it won't be of any use without a significant price cut -- and I'm not sure if Nintendo is in the position to take any risks regarding the Wii U. They've got to be aggressive.

Abandoning the basic model in favor of 250$ premium set would definitely help them. However, Nintendo really doesn't seem to want to risk another year in the red... I fear that they'll cut modestly and just pray for the best.
Happy to see Fire Emblem doing well. If ~64K holds for the Wii U, we are officially into the realm of the launch-aligned numbers for the Wii U being behind both the 360 and PS3, right?
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