NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


It's either a Titanfall bump or PS4 is supply constraint.. Still nice to see PS4 winning NA though.. I wouldn't have bet on that even with that bad momentum for Xbone..
The real reason that Xbone rose so much from January to February is probably because of Xbone returns in January leading to a depressed month. Same thing happened to Wii U after its first holidays.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
I am beyond impressed by MSFT Xbone numbers!

My predictions are getting hammered. I am not worthy of a NeoGaf account :'(


All those promotions in Feb paid off for MS. No way I thought Sony shipped that many Ps4's in Feburary. They were sold out on Amazon the last 3 weeks of the month. Have a feeling March is going to be huge.
Wow. Congratulations to bravely default. I'll not be picking it up for some months though. Still haven't beaten many other games....

Meh. It is a kiddie title and though the Nintendo fans don't want to hear it, Nintendo consoles tend to be the kiddie consoles. Heck, they used those small discs on the Gamecube so the kids could hold them easier.

That's a new one as far as internet misinformation goes. No, it was an utterly insane attempt at anti-piracy. "If we make a unique and inconvenient format, surely the only people inconvenienced will be pirates." Once upon a time physical pirated copies actually mattered.


Good numbers for PS4 and One. Still supply problems for PS4 and probably titanfall hype for One. March will be amazing.

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Lightning Returns 2?
My Life In The Parisian Countryside
Ending spoiler.


PlayStation ‏@PlayStation 1m
NPD Group: PS4 is #1 again for the month, and cumulative sales, in the United States. Thanks for your support!
For a month where it seemed like Sony didn't ship any, doing 286k is really friggen good imo. Imagine if they actually had suitable stock.


It's either a Titanfall bump or PS4 is supply constraint.. Still nice to see PS4 winning NA though.. I wouldn't have bet on that even with that bad momentum for Xbone..

Then you were crazy. Consumers are fickle as fuck. Hell, I'm surprised it's selling as well as it is so I guess that's something.


-Bravely Default: Over 200K physical + digital

This makes me happy. Wasn't expecting 200k at all.

Though I wish it would have sold more. I can't depend on Nintendo to publish every single Square Enix game on the West just because Squeenix won't do it.


The Xbox One might actually have a better March than the PS4, but if so it will more than likely go down again in April.


I doubt much of the Xbox One bounce is because of Titanfall. Why buy a normal Xbox One when you can get a Titanfall bundle or Forza 5 bundle for the same price?
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