NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


Not interested in Bravely Default but if this increases the chances of any Dragon Quest games making it over I'm all for it.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
360 sold 114,000 units?!?


...ok, if there are other datas confirming these jumps, then we can say that that the weather conditions were the main factor last month.


If that headline software list is multi format, why does it show minecraft as 360 only, when it's on PS3 as well? Is minecraft not available as a download card in retail stores in the US yet?

Minecraft had a retail (disc) release on 360. That hasn't happened on PS3 yet.


If those numbers are true, I'm thinking this generation is going to be OKAY. Still early, but if both systems can sell a few hundred thousand in a short month with no noteworthy releases at $400/$500* (*or near, in the case of XB1 considering all the retailer promos) then I think there's plenty of life in the old console gaming hobby.

March should be a good month. I suspect the XB1 will outsell the PS4 unless Sony really ramps up PS4's availability. And even then, it's hard to know the impact of Titanfall.


Sony better be redirecting all their shipments towards the US to quench the thirst in March.

If PS4 remains as supply constrained as in the previous months, March will go to Microsoft handily.

bob page

The XBONE is probably going to do better for the first half of 2014 but the PS4 will overtake it again (and permanently) once summer is over.


Looks like March is in the bag for Xbone. Not sure how long it will hang onto it.

I already know a few people that have bought the Xbox titanfall bundle.
wow xbox one, that's 100k less then I thought it would be.

xb1 then is probably around 3.7-.3.8 million consoles sold.

Possible 4 million if titanfall moved a lot of hardware the last week.
Don't know why people are so sure that Bone will take March. With Japanese launch out of the way Sony can again supply more units to west. Combine that with first big exclusive game since launch and PS4 will have very good numbers this month.
I'm interested in next months hardware sales. Will be interesting to see what kind of boost Titanfall and inFamous do for their respective consoles.


Wow, Ian Sheer's not going to suffer any blowback from just releasing numbers?

I have a feeling that he and Liam Callahan are going to have a conversation. Journalists revealing subscriber data probably won't be taken lightly.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Basically everything jumped up, except the PS4 (which was heavely supply constrained).

March is gonna be epic. XBO is going to do good, but the PS4 is in total beast mode. Imo it's all in Sony hands, if they are able to ship enough units they will win.


I thought the XB1 would sell horribly this month (because people would be waiting until March 11th to pick-up the Titanfall bundle). Seems strange that anyone would buy the regular Xbox One when you could get the one with a free game for the same price? NPD only counts B&M sales, right? How do preorders factor into their sales?

Anyway, looks like quite good numbers all around, which is always nice to see!

There were promos all month of February. You could find places giving out a free game plus Target had a weekly promo where they gave out a 50 dollar gift card with purchase. Plus there was the TitanFall beta which did get people to buy systems. Tax return money needed to be spent.

It is good that XB1 had an upswing, and as I thought it didn't come at the expense of the PS4. Better to have two consoles selling well than one.


lol at the Titanfall excuse for february
In march X1 will sell almost 100k more than the PS4 in US

But in april Sony goes back to the top
Wow, really healthy numbers all around (except Nintendo). Everything must have got hit hard last month by scalping returns for this kind of February bump.

No mention of 3DS #s in Nintendo PR probably means it's down YoY again. They need to start thinking about a new model or successor.
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