Alright bringing this over from the December NPD thread:
I've decided to expand this chart into year three but for now please enjoy my END OF THE YEAR REPORT and WHERE WE WERE in each previous cycles =)
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END OF THE YEAR REPORT and "WHERE WE WERE" in each previous cycle:
Wii - DECEMBER 2008:
The Wii is absolutely off the charts, over
2 million are sold in BOTH Nov and Dec together
4.2m units sell over the Holidays. Wii sold over
10m units this year alone! This is more than the NES ever achieved in a year. Cumulative sales have surpassed an incredible 17m in little over two years. Nintendo is back and even bigger than in their dominant 8-bit days. America (and the world) has officially gone Wii crazy. X360 sells 1.4m and PS3 730k for the month by comparison.
Wii Play was the top selling next-gen game for the month with nearly 1.5m sold, despite it being released nearly two years earlier! Total sales are over NINE million. Super Mario 64 and possibly even SMB3 couldn't reach numbers so high, much less so quickly!
The three record-shattering releases this year: Smash, Kart, and Fit each sell nearly 5 million units making this NoA's biggest sales year in history.
Check out Nintendo's December software numbers:
1. Wii Play 1,500,000 / 9.4m
3. Wii FIt 1,000,000 / 4.5m
4. Mario Kart 900,000 / 4.9m
5. Guitar Hero: world tour 900,000 / 1.5m
10. Animal Crossing: city folk 500,000 / 800k
11. Wii Music 500,000 / 900k
Clearly Wii SW dominates, only this year's Call of Duty (World at War) [X360] can break into the top 5 (at #2, PS3 at #9). Gears of War 2 (#6) sells 750k / 2.3m total, and Left 4 Dead (#7) 630k / 1m BTW. NCL's recent other hit Link's Crossbow sells ~400k for the month, unknown total.
Gamecube - DECEMBER 2003:
As you can see from the chart the GC made an impressive comeback thanks to the recent price drop to $99, a limited Zelda Collector's bundle (it's just a port of the first two NES Zeldas, right?), oh and maybe Link in Soul Calibur II

That bundle had exhausted it's shipment this month with the GC
selling between 1.1 and 1.2m, GC managed to continue to outsell the XBOX but with an ever narrowing gap, just by 100k. "Print more Zelda bundles, NoA!" ...GAF and Gahiggidy were heard saying. Meanwhile PS2 destroyed everyone and everything as expected with 1.9m sold this month. Gamecube, though, had a great year and made a decent comeback narrowing its third place position behind XBOX; can it continue this lead and topple Microsoft? GC LTD is now at 6.7m to XB's 7.5m (to PS2's 22m).
...with Final Fantasy about to, AT LAST, return to a Nintendo home console, along with the upcoming Pokemon Colosseum, and a Metal Gear Solid remake on, ALAS, on a Nintendo console too, GAF BELIEVED the inevitable was nigh.
Check out Nintendo's December software numbers:
3. Mario Kart: Double Dash!! 730,000 / 1.26m
17. Mario Party 5 330,000 / 550k
36. Smash Bros Melee 220,000 / 2.1m
That's it for Nintendo from the top 50. This was the year of the UNDERGROUND sequels, the Need For Speed series blew up and made No. 1 in December, NFS:Underground sold 1.4m between PS2 and XB (at #1 and #18) and Tony Hawk Underground sold 700,000 (at #4).
Back on the cube, Kirby's AirRide ended the year with 230,000; Rogue Squadron III 270,000; Mario Golf: toadstool 290,000; Viewtiful Joe 190,000; Soul Calibur II [Link!] 500k, and Celda: Wind Waker 1.4m.
NIntendo 64 - DECEMBER 1998:
Zelda 64 is out, finally! The anticipation was unreal. The N64 is now proven as the better system over the PSX, right...right? We have our Zelda. Well the stellar Christmas from last year repeated itself almost exactly, putting out similar numbers.
1.55m N64 sold this month,
2.3m over the Holidays. Last year 2.4m sold over the holidays. The recent "Atomic Purple" system, a November release, no doubt helped on top of
dat November 24th Zelda Day. Who waited in line? Zelda: OoT sold over 600k that first week and went on to become the best selling game of the year actually tieing with GoldenEye (man that one was a beast also). Nothing on PSX comes close!
As great as all these numbers are though, the PSX sold more...a lot more, topping 2.6m in December alone! And likely the best December ever in gaming [as of '98]. Does this mean even Zelda64 can't topple the Playstation!? We had such high hopes GAF!
The N64 now sits in 10-11m American homes while the PSX in 14-15m. This 45-55 split between the two is now looking like a 40-60 split.
Well look at what we've got on our way THIS coming year: Mario Party, Mario Golf, a Nintendo fighting game, some Star Wars Episode 1 pod game, Donkey Kong 64, Perfect Dark, Conker Tales, Kirby, and more amazings from RARE, does the competition have RARE!? No, and they never will!! These games will push the N64 ahead of PSX, no doubt.
Check out Nintendo's December numbers:
1. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 1,500,000 / 2.2m
2. Rogue Squadron 770,000 Debut
4. GoldenEye 600,000 / 3.6m
8. Turok 2 490,000 Debut
This was the year of Crash Warped! (#3), Tomb Raider 3 (#6), and Metal Gear Solid (#7) each at nearly a million or more LTD. Other notables like Twisted Metal 3 (at #9) and Gran Turismo (#16) which ended the year with 1.4m LTD, sold well. Many of last years hits at discounted rates ($20) filled the chart. Back on N64, Super Mario 64 topped 4m, Mario Kart 64 3m, Banjo-Kazooie 1.3m, Yoshi's Story 900k, and F-Zero X just 180,000. WCW games and NoA's sports titles sold well.
Super NES - DECEMBER 1993
This is the Mortal Kombat and Genesis model 2 Christmas, yeah Sega won it and pretty big. SNES had been ahead, barely, up to this point but after the Fall the two were now more neck-and-neck than ever before.
NPD data seems to suggest
1.15m SNES to 1.6m GEN in December. News reports from the day mention a 63%-37% gap between the two in Nov and Dec, that's based off on the original raw data (65% of market, no Wal-mart) but actuals show the gap was not as wide but still a disappointment/shock for NoA and NCL. Time to stop pimping Mario and get us some killer apps, NoA! Literally ones that have killing

1.6 - 1.7m SNES sold over Nov and Dec, in 1992 that number was 2.1m...down significantly.
However SNES was ahead most of the year but Sega 16-bit-smashed NoA from the Fall onward as K-Mart et al. began selling units followed by the Genesis 2 release in August. ONE MILLION Genesis 2 units were shipped in September
alone, Sega announced. Oh and then this: Mortal Kombat [selling some 2.2m that month!] plus a plethora of other incoming hits: Sonic Spinball, Joe Montana '94, Aladdin, Jurassic Park [raptor mode], Madden '94, Eternal Champions, NHL 94. These titles topped the charts selling between 500k to 1 million each by Chriatmas. ToeJam & Earl 2 was less successful. Meanwhile NoA's offerings were not nearly as rad and abundant: NHL Stanley Cup, Super Empire Strikes Back, Secret of Mana [limited release], and the ubiquitous ads for Super Mario All-Stars FREE with an SNES purchase until January! You get FIVE Marios in One!! ...That's really all Nintendo had, exclusive-wise.
Nintendo estimated 1.5m "All-Star" promos sold by the end of the year, 3 million were initially projected.
All-in-all later NPD data for the year suggests that 3.55m SNES sold to 4.0m GEN. SNES stands at about 9.15m to GEN 9.1m, wow!!! Can you get any closer?
Thanks guys, I hope to do a January update with an extended graph soon!
Please let me know if there were too many figures given.