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NPD Sales Results for January 2015 [PS4 #1, Nintendo Numbers, XB1 Minimum]

Interesting on the PS4 LTD number.

We had 18.4 million sold (and sold through to consumer, more specifically) the first week of January and a mention of 18.5 in the second week of February? Obviously more than 100k units were sold in 5 weeks, so I'm wondering if this isn't a matter of rounding and they aren't quite at 19M as of their last count.

A tie ratio of over 4 is solid after they were lagging a bit in that throughout last year.
yup I knew Techland would be happy with Dying Light. Its had great legs in February as well. Should be a good new IP to build a franchise off of for them.
Interesting on the PS4 LTD number.

We had 18.4 million sold (and sold through to consumer, more specifically) the first week of January and a mention of 18.5 in the second week of February? Obviously more than 100k units were sold in 5 weeks, so I'm wondering if this isn't a matter of rounding and they aren't quite at 19M as of their last count.

A tie ratio of over 4 is solid after they were lagging a bit in that throughout last year.
That's worldwide.

Edit: misunderstood post, whoops


I would imagine XB1's high December numbers represented a loss of potential sales from January when they announced the $349 promotion would end January 3rd. People would probably be inclined to spend their holiday bonuses or cash gifts before the year ended if they were planning on buying an XB1, leaving a void of customer demand during the price increase to $399.
I still find it odd that they did that. Maybe MS was waiting for December's numbers to see if the price cut had the effect they wanted.


Take-Two killing it with 2 titles in the Top 5 -- and I'm guessing both games (GTA & NBA2K15) will remain in the Top 10 if not the Top 5 through July, at least.

Kudos to them on the well-deserved sales success.


Interesting on the PS4 LTD number.

We had 18.4 million sold (and sold through to consumer, more specifically) the first week of January and a mention of 18.5 in the second week of February? Obviously more than 100k units were sold in 5 weeks, so I'm wondering if this isn't a matter of rounding and they aren't quite at 19M as of their last count.

A tie ratio of over 4 is solid after they were lagging a bit in that throughout last year.

They said 18.5m as of January 4, 2015. They were just repeating old PR.


MS has created uncertainty with their constant bundles and price drops. Going back up to drop two weeks later pretty much killed their momentum.
But the price going back up was expected. It was clearly stated from the beginning ofthe promo.

When you say you have a limited time promo, you incite people to buy during that time even people who might otherwise have bought in Q1 2015. Going back to a promo price isn't working as well because

1 - If you wanted a XB1 at that price with ACU, you had two months to get it.
2 - Sony started including software as well

The return to $399 wasn't anywhere as big a factor as most think. The XB1 remained at $349 or uner for the whole of January on Amazon through 3rd party sellers, and they still lost there.


Interesting on the PS4 LTD number.

We had 18.4 million sold (and sold through to consumer, more specifically) the first week of January and a mention of 18.5 in the second week of February? Obviously more than 100k units were sold in 5 weeks, so I'm wondering if this isn't a matter of rounding and they aren't quite at 19M as of their last count.

A tie ratio of over 4 is solid after they were lagging a bit in that throughout last year.

I think the PR guys just didn't get any new information from the higher ups so they went with the obvious number.
Sony not commenting on PS4 performance vs last year make me think PS4 is down over last year.

I don't think that's possible with the numbers we have. The Xbox one is almost a third cheaper $500-350, and 3DS sales will have fallen considerably due to people waiting to buy the new 3DS. I think this accounts for the year on year decrease in hardware revenue.


Last Gen "slowly dying" is an understatement. It fell off a cliff and despite some people not wanting cross gen that's not good for the industry. The same time into last gen the PS2 was selling over 200,000.

The PS4 did modest numbers last Jan. Yes it was because it wasn't supplied well, but one would expect it to increase from a supply limited situation into it's 2nd full year. Xbox One was a complete disaster, as was Wii U in Jan last year and the fact that the industry shrunk is extremely worrying IMO.

Last Jan had people questioning if consoles could survive in the same way they had been because the numbers were so awful, if the numbers here are actually worse then...

I've always viewed this new generation as one were people jumped in quicker than any previous generation. If the market didn't expand, then we'll see it slowdown sooner rather than later.


Last Gen "slowly dying" is an understatement. It fell off a cliff and despite some people not wanting cross gen that's not good for the industry. The same time into last gen the PS2 was selling over 200,000.

The PS4 did modest numbers last Jan. Yes it was because it wasn't supplied well, but one would expect it to increase from a supply limited situation into it's 2nd full year. Xbox One was a complete disaster, as was Wii U in Jan last year and the fact that the industry shrunk is extremely worrying IMO.

Last Jan had people questioning if consoles could survive in the same way they had been because the numbers were so awful, if the numbers here are actually worse then...
you just answered your own question they did terribly last January and went on to have a respectable year


Interesting on the PS4 LTD number.

We had 18.4 million sold (and sold through to consumer, more specifically) the first week of January and a mention of 18.5 in the second week of February? Obviously more than 100k units were sold in 5 weeks, so I'm wondering if this isn't a matter of rounding and they aren't quite at 19M as of their last count.

A tie ratio of over 4 is solid after they were lagging a bit in that throughout last year.

They said 18.5m for end of 2014.

This is just repeating old PR statement.

You've pulled the 18.4m out of nowhere.
Hmm, maybe I'll end up picking up Dying Light next week.

To be honest, I was really put off by the blatant PewDiePie praise in their marketing, but now it looks like there's actually something to the game, and my interest has started to return.

On Demand

Interesting on the PS4 LTD number.

We had 18.4 million sold (and sold through to consumer, more specifically) the first week of January and a mention of 18.5 in the second week of February? Obviously more than 100k units were sold in 5 weeks, so I'm wondering if this isn't a matter of rounding and they aren't quite at 19M as of their last count.

A tie ratio of over 4 is solid after they were lagging a bit in that throughout last year.

Companies always repeat whatever sales milestone they reached until the next milestone is officially reported.


· Sales of Wii U hardware and software increased by nearly 30 percent and nearly 45 percent, respectively, over the same month last year.

I get Wii U at 64k for January 2015.

Fuuuuu I was way off. Figured there would be a much more significant drop off after the holidays given the current release schedule for the console. *drops head in shame*

The Order 1886 wouldn't have change absolutely nothing on holiday 2014.

The entire reason the PS4 lost was due to the aggressive pricing strategy from Microsoft. And Sony will lose every holiday season if they don't fight the price war with the same intensity as Microsoft.

I think bundling a new game from a new IP couldve pushed more sales especially if it scored well in light of the well known technical atrocities present in the titles bundled with XB1 (AC Unity and MCC). Alas we shall never know.
read carefully

"more game sales per console than any other platform"

Meaning, xbone could sell 10 consoles and 20 games (2:1 attach rate) ; ps4 could sell 30 consoles and 30 games (1:1 attach ratio). PR speak.

I swear, trying to figure out their PR talk gives me headaches. D:

Thank you for the explanation.


Would say it depends on what someone's interested in. The lineups for both consoles are better than 2014 (especially for the PS4).

I'm speaking in a broader sense, obviously each person will have their preferences, but for the first half of the year I can't any significant exclusive scheduled for release on the Xbox while the PS4 is packed. MGS and FF should also push more PS4s than X1s given historical brand association.


So... what did I say that was incorrect? Xbox One clearly has the attach advantage.
If Microsoft had won software, they likely would have said that they won software, not software per console. Higher attach doesn't always imply higher software total if your hardware is lower.
I think the PR guys just didn't get any new information from the higher ups so they went with the obvious number.
Companies always repeat whatever sales milestone they reached until the next milestone is officially reported.
They said 18.5m as of January 4, 2015. They were just repeating old PR.
Makes sense enough, thanks. It's just unlike them to not have a really-ready-for-this-instant number when they give any actual number. Awaiting a nice PR piece at 20M globally I'm sure, which might be before the next NPD results.
Hmm over 140k for Xbox One? damn good sales for them. Even with the price increase for half the month. Pretty surprised PS4 sold over 140k too, these consoles are really selling well.
Such a healthy market right now.

lol. You realise the PS4 sold 271k last January, right? 140k isn't good at all.
Interesting on the PS4 LTD number.

We had 18.4 million sold (and sold through to consumer, more specifically) the first week of January and a mention of 18.5 in the second week of February? Obviously more than 100k units were sold in 5 weeks, so I'm wondering if this isn't a matter of rounding and they aren't quite at 19M as of their last count.

A tie ratio of over 4 is solid after they were lagging a bit in that throughout last year.

It was never 18.4M. PR is just repeating 18.5M until the company update and announce the next milestone.

edit: too late


Makes sense enough, thanks. It's just unlike them to not have a really-ready-for-this-instant number when they give any actual number. Awaiting a nice PR piece at 20M globally I'm sure, which might be before the next NPD results.

I'm actually thinking they'll announce 20 million units sold at GDC.
Now we know why Microsoft regretted putting the price back up. Even with the price cut they are getting outsold.

I know that the response "X month is gonna be interesting" is straight up cliche on the NPD threads but I really think the Feb NPD will be a better indicator of the x1's ability to compete at $349 vs the ps4's $399.

The 10 days (or whatever) of the x1 going back up to $399 sorta skews the results for January.

.....(but then again one could argue that Feb's 1st party AAA release of 'The Order' could also skew results)....
As expected, MS "ending" the price cut in early January served as an extra incentive for people to get one in December and not to wait.

They won because they were given away with all kinds of extra games and gift cards.

Can't believe people are still pushing that narrative. $350 is giving stuff away, $450 is giving stuff away. What a joke.
I've always viewed this new generation as one were people jumped in quicker than any previous generation. If the market didn't expand, then we'll see it slowdown sooner rather than later.

Yeah, I'm expecting this. Until price-drops or system sellers hit, things will probably slow down quite a bit.
Curious about February, with New 3DS and the release of The Order as a major PS4-exclusive. I also wonder how Evolve will perform. January is just the most boring month of the year.


Hmmm. Not looking good,but I guess that's to be expected. Dying Light was the dead Island game with better visuals/different title right? Didn't see that coming but I'm biased because I thought DI was super boring. Bravo Techland.


you just answered your own question they did terribly last January and went on to have a respectable year

Yeah, that's true but if this january is worse are they going to have a less respectable year? Like, if we're to hope that this generation will be anywhere near the last 2 generations in terms of numbers, the console market should be growing this year, not shrinking or staying stagnant.

I've always viewed this new generation as one were people jumped in quicker than any previous generation. If the market didn't expand, then we'll see it slowdown sooner rather than later.

Yeah, I kind of see it that way too, but a lot of people don't agree. We'll see what happens down the road.
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