Gold Member
Interested to see if there is a Pikmin 3 bump in next months chart.
well that pathetic number is the best for hardware in the entire industry in the us.
Home console:As some of you are talking about TTMs from quite a few years ago is there a website that has collected all this data or do you have like an excel file on the PC?
Because I'm really curious to see a lot more of those comparisons (like 2006 vs. 2013), but I don't have the data available ^^
Personal database, doesn't have data pre-PS2 nor pre-GBA. May be some inaccuracies but hopefully nothing major. The console market is back down to 2002 levels, sure; it was also down to 2002 levels in 2006 at the last transition.Thanks for posting that (I'd still like to know where the raw data is from, is it your own excel sheet? ^^). Looking at it it seems to suggest that it's not so much handhelds that suffer, but the videogames hardware market in general as both are basically back to that ~year 2002 level. To be fair handhelds should be faring much better considering that the consoles are really old (and Wii U as the only new console is adding ~zero to the equation) while both (Vita/3DS) handhelds are out. But than again considering that due to tablets, smartphones etc. dedicated handhelds were/are considered to be doomed I'd still see this as some kind of an indication that it's not just the handheld market that is in trouble.
Theres two uses of casuals in gaming. You refer to the ultra casual bejeweled, wii sports, farmville lot, OR you refer to mr madden/fifa/cod/assassins creed/batman casual.
In which case, yes, those people are looking intently at PS4's first seemingly, then Xbones.
There really isn't any evidence of this though is there. Not sure I agree with your definition of casual either.
- All those great Gamecube games and such low numbers. Why? REmake, Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Eternal Darkness, RE Zero, Smash Bros, Rogue Leader, Luigi... all in the console's first year. What happened there? Wii U deserved to tank with no games coming out but the GC deserved so much more, so much quality in its first year, and all exclusive games.
I see it often here, it's also taken for granted that the Wii U will outsell the Gamecube because people think that the franchises have been expanded by the Wii users so sales will explode once those titles hit. It's insane.
Two things that stand out to me:
- The barren wasteland that is the Wii U release schedule, man they really messed up there.
- All those great Gamecube games and such low numbers. Why? REmake, Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Eternal Darkness, RE Zero, Smash Bros, Rogue Leader, Luigi... all in the console's first year. What happened there? Wii U deserved to tank with no games coming out but the GC deserved so much more, so much quality in its first year, and all exclusive games.
Home console:
About half of Wii users never got anything past the bundled Wii Sports, Wii is not a Nintendo francise machine - most owners of the Wii do not have any Mario or Zelda games, or any games at all for that matter.
That's the real question.
GAF is overly positive about the prospects of PS4 (Don't know about Xbone, it will perform well enough in the US) and yes, pre-orders are good, but I don't know; I just feel that the overall buzz for new systems is pretty low. I wouldn't be surpised if sales slumped towards 90k - 70k a month after january. It won't reach Wii U depths, but I suspect surprising figures overall.
Do the DS numbers include an extra holiday vs. the 3DS?![]()
Pachter pls
The tsunami of hype that was the PS2. We have never seen anything like that, even in the initial Wii craze Nothing was safe from that destruction.
Plus, Nintendo was (falsely imo) being derided for being kiddy, and they release a console that looks like a purple lunchbox, a 3D Mario game where people thought all you did was clean mud off of walls, and a Zelda game that looked like a cartoon.
In hindsight, those complaints are ridiculous, but that was the conventional wisdom at the time.
You are wrong. The wii's software attach rate is generally on par with the HD twins.
You have a source for that?
You have a source for that?
That sentence is as worthy to take seriously as if it was written by an (uneducated on the subject) gaffer in these boards.Here's my source, an article quoted from the New York Times
It says "most Wii owners don't treat their Wii as anything more than a Wii Sports machine." I'm not a subscriber to the NYT's website, so I can't look at their archives to find the article cited, sorry.
Pokemon D/P released on the DS at the timeDo the DS numbers include an extra holiday vs. the 3DS?
Here's my source, an article quoted from the New York Times
It says "most Wii owners don't treat their Wii as anything more than a Wii Sports machine." I'm not a subscriber to the NYT's website, so I can't look at their archives to find the article cited, sorry.
That's the real question.
GAF is overly positive about the prospects of PS4 (Don't know about Xbone, it will perform well enough in the US) and yes, pre-orders are good, but I don't know; I just feel that the overall buzz for new systems is pretty low. I wouldn't be surpised if sales slumped towards 90k - 70k a month after january. It won't reach Wii U depths, but I suspect surprising figures overall.
At the end of last june they were a total of 100 millions Wii sold and 873 millions Wii games sold, doing a 873/100 it give us an 8.73 games sold per system.
Source : Nintendo last financial report
Do the DS numbers include an extra holiday vs. the 3DS?
their conclusion doesn't follow from their data.
when you look at the actual numbers, they cite the fact that Wii users buy roughly one game per year less than PS3 or 360 users. Of course, Wii consoles all came with a game packed in, so it's not like Wii users were playing fewer games. Nintendo just put one in the box (and increased the price accordingly).
A couple posts above noted the actual worldwide tie ratio numbers (though you may have to adjust for Wii sports).
Minecraft is $20.
Two things that stand out to me:
- The barren wasteland that is the Wii U release schedule, man they really messed up there.
- All those great Gamecube games and such low numbers. Why? REmake, Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Eternal Darkness, RE Zero, Smash Bros, Rogue Leader, Luigi... all in the console's first year. What happened there? Wii U deserved to tank with no games coming out but the GC deserved so much more, so much quality in its first year, and all exclusive games.
That's the real question.
GAF is overly positive about the prospects of PS4 (Don't know about Xbone, it will perform well enough in the US) and yes, pre-orders are good, but I don't know; I just feel that the overall buzz for new systems is pretty low. I wouldn't be surpised if sales slumped towards 90k - 70k a month after january. It won't reach Wii U depths, but I suspect surprising figures overall.
Currently 3DS had 2 holidays, the DS was release in november 2004, 29 months after was april 2007, so yes DS numbers include an extra holiday.
Microsoft need to be finding a way to differentiate the X1 version of Minecraft from the 360. If they can, the game will sell that hardware.
I also firmly believe Minecraft is what's selling the 360 right now.
Couple questions, how many of those are pack in games like Wii Sports and how many were extra controllers like Wii Play?
You'd think Pachter would point those things out. But I guess not.
- All those great Gamecube games and such low numbers. Why? REmake, Metroid Prime, Pikmin, Eternal Darkness, RE Zero, Smash Bros, Rogue Leader, Luigi... all in the console's first year. What happened there? Wii U deserved to tank with no games coming out but the GC deserved so much more, so much quality in its first year, and all exclusive games.
Gamecube is easily one of if not the most underrated system everpeople thought ps2 was better for some strange reason
poor gamecube =(
I don't have pre-GBA data, but the GBA by itself was selling 6-8M in a twelve month period. A "reversion to form" would imply the 3DS will achieve such sales, when it's currently selling more like 3.5M units in a twelve month period.
people thought ps2 was better for some strange reason
poor gamecube =(
Couple questions, how many of those are pack in games like Wii Sports and how many were extra controllers like Wii Play?
Pokemon D/P released on the DS at the time
Ok, so the DS had +1 holiday season and Pokemon had already been released. Based on that I think Nintendo is probably feeling fine about the 3DS numbers.Currently 3DS had 2 holidays, the DS was release in november 2004, 29 months after was april 2007, so yes DS numbers include an extra holiday.
And Pachter continues to beat the "portables are doomed" drum. 3DS numbers are at worst very close to those of the DS.You'd think Pachter would point those things out. But I guess not.
I doubt any manufacturer feels 'fine' about hardware that consistently misses forecasts.Ok, so the DS had +1 holiday season and Pokemon had already been released. Based on that I think Nintendo is probably feeling fine about the 3DS numbers.
Nah, they're not really. Software especially. They're closer to the PSP.And Pachter continues to beat the "portables are doomed" drum. 3DS numbers are at worst very close to those of the DS.
PS2 was the console. There was no other conversation really, thats the one you bought. Nintendo sold to their hardcore base as ever (which seems to have since dwindled further), and Xbox carved out a new space with seemingly Halo alone, which is sort of from the legacy of how Goldeneye 64 boosted the fuck out of N64 and Nintendo never followed up on in subsequent consoles -- good job!
That's the real question.
GAF is overly positive about the prospects of PS4 (Don't know about Xbone, it will perform well enough in the US) and yes, pre-orders are good, but I don't know; I just feel that the overall buzz for new systems is pretty low. I wouldn't be surpised if sales slumped towards 90k - 70k a month after january. It won't reach Wii U depths, but I suspect surprising figures overall.
All Wii in the West are pack in so something like 87-88 millions and for Wii Play I don't remember the last know number, something like 20 millions I think.
If you ask thoses questions thinking those 2 cases inflate the software sell please keep in mind that both the PS3 and the 360 had multiple bundles and Move/Kinect bundles with games which also inflate the software sell as well.
Wow. I had no idea. The LTD DS numbers are so much greater than the LTD GBA numbers (153.93M vs. 81.51M) but I didn't know that its launch was comparatively so much slower.GBA first 29 months: ~15.88 million
DS first 29 months: ~10.36 million
3DS first 29 months: ~8.86 million (according to Pachter)
People tend to forget how ridiculously successful the GBA was in its early years.
The NDS was selling very poorly in its early life.Ok, so the DS had +1 holiday season and Pokemon had already been released. Based on that I think Nintendo is probably feeling fine about the 3DS numbers.
And Pachter continues to beat the "portables are doomed" drum. 3DS numbers are at worst very close to those of the DS.
It had hit its stride, but I don't think a lot of people realise just how poorly the NDS was selling in the beginning.3DS numbers are tracking 20% behind DS numbers. And the DS had not hit its stride yet.
If the implication is that the 3DS is too expensive. I agree. Aged more expensive (and too expensive) home consoles are managing to match their predecessors though at the last transition.The GBA launched at $99.
Nintendo really squandered a whole year with the Wii U. It had a year on the market all by itself. Right now what would a price drop do against the Xbox One and PS4?
I'm perfectly aware it's not on the same level at all, however if someone want to properly compare attach rate between the Wii with the HD twins he should use the exact same criteria for inclusion/exclusion of software shipment.It's not nearly the same.