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NPD Sales Results For June 2010


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I was told that it was greenlit because of American VC sales. I always thought that sounded kind of suspect but I'm not gonna hem and haw about Nintendo greenlighting great games based on how old ones sold (even if I don't believe them).
TruePrime said:
Of course not, that is 10 dollars and on your download service but they clearly wouldn't do that to 2 so they might as well try what they did.

Ha. ha. ha. No. You haven't played Sin & Punishment 2.

Y2Kev said:
I was told that it was greenlit because of American VC sales. I always thought that sounded kind of suspect but I'm not gonna hem and haw about Nintendo greenlighting great games based on how old ones sold (even if I don't believe them).

From the Iwata Laughs Interview:

Around the time when the original was being developed:

Masato Maegawa said:
And Nintendo told us that. What's more, a Controller Pak accessory could be plugged into the Nintendo 64 controller, and there was talk of adding a sensor to it. But we had already begun development for the left position. Adapting it to a sensor at that point would have only lengthened a development process that was already dragging on. We abandoned it, but after some time had passed, the Wii console arrived...
When I saw the Wii Remote controller, I thought, "So this is the sensor they were talking about!". We thought, "We could use the Wii Remote controller's pointer to aim and the Nunchuk controller to move! That's it!" And that's what got us started.

Satoru Iwata said:

Before the start of the development of Sin & Punishment 2:

Satoru Iwata said:
Yamagami-san and I had actually been talking for some time about making Sin & Punishment for the Wii console.

Hitoshi Yamagami said:
When I received the proposal from Maegawa-san, I was really pleased with it, but I didn't get to discuss it with Iwata-san until three days later.

Masato Maegawa said:
The weapon that appears in this game is called a Cannon Sword. It's a gun and a sword, so slashing and shooting are the basic operations. We thought the Wii Remote was perfectly suited to those actions. I thought you could aim with the Wii Remote and use the Nunchuk to move the player character, so I started bugging these two (Nakagawa and Suzuki) about using that method for a Sin & Punishment sequel.


Masato Maegawa said:
If we had released it as Glass Soldier, I don't think the title would have grabbed people the way Sin & Punishment did.

<-- :(


Please help me with my bad english
Y2Kev said:
I was told that it was greenlit because of American VC sales. I always thought that sounded kind of suspect but I'm not gonna hem and haw about Nintendo greenlighting great games based on how old ones sold (even if I don't believe them).
What you're talking about?

Edit: Oh, S&P2.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Y2Kev said:
I was told that it was greenlit because of American VC sales. I always thought that sounded kind of suspect but I'm not gonna hem and haw about Nintendo greenlighting great games based on how old ones sold (even if I don't believe them).

It sounds more like Treasure just wanted to do it and asked Nintendo if they could. And they said "cool; we'll see if this shit sticks to the wall".
It's interesting how some people keep saying that Xbox 360 has clearly been in a steady decline for some time now, when in fact it's been gaining yoy for the last six months, and the period would probably extend even further were it not for the price drop in September of 2008.

Neogaf hates the 360, thus the NPD where the 360 beats out the wii and the ps3 is the slowest one ever.


BishopLamont said:
They should have cut the price a long time ago and pave way for the successor, right now it seems like Sony is clueless on what to do next.

I'm sure they considered a price cut. It might have helped the system, but maybe not (see the Gamecube). Considering the PSP software sales it's understandable they didn't want to risk their main source of revenue with the PSP business, as you can't bring the price back up if sales don't pick up as expected.

The PSP certainly didn't work out the way Sony expected the last few years, but they have done some things right recently that will certainly help their next handheld: the revamped Playstation Store (the difference between today's store and how it was before Oct 1st of 2009 is astounding) as well as the minis program, which brought a new kind of game and developer to the platform.

It's not a pretty situation they got themselves in, but other than launching a new system as soon as possible I don't see what else they could do right now.
Massa said:
I'm sure they considered a price cut. It might have helped the system, but maybe not (see the Gamecube). Considering the PSP software sales it's understandable they didn't want to risk their main source of revenue with the PSP business, as you can't bring the price back up if sales don't pick up as expected.

The PSP certainly didn't work out the way Sony expected the last few years, but they have done some things right recently that will certainly help their next handheld: the revamped Playstation Store (the difference between today's store and how it was before Oct 1st of 2009 is astounding) as well as the minis program, which brought a new kind of game and developer to the platform.

It's not a pretty situation they got themselves in, but other than launching a new system as soon as possible I don't see what else they could do right now.
I agree the situation they got themselves in is not entirely their fault, but the biggest mistake they made was the Go, they probably expected more out of it, similar to how the slim revived the PS3. That combined with the announcement of the 3DS caught them completely off guard. I think they'll try to ride it out a bit in hopes that they'll get down ports or multiplatform games with the 3DS, who knows when the PSP's successor will be out.

Also a price cut for the PSP is way overdued, we're not asking GC styled rapid price cuts, but a measly $50 or so after all these years isn't a big ask, especially with the Go's premium price to make up for it.
Tron 2.0 said:
The problem is that we have absolutely no idea, other than the obvious fact that it's being pirated more than purchased.

I agree with the other bit.

My point is not that pirating prevented the game from selling better, because that's obvious, merely that it sold poorly in comparison to other well reviewed, AAA games that were also heavily pirated.

I refute the notion that more people are prone to pirate MGS over God of War or Dissidia.

That's all. But we can all agree that the sales suck.

There is another factor that is not piracy that lower the sells of PSP games.

Custom Firmware.

People don't want to lose their CF updating to the last version. Or, even for original firmware PSP, they don't want to update because they wait to someone to find an exploit for his current firmware version.

And you need to update the firmware to the last version for a lot of games so a lot of people won't buy the game if they are forced to upgrade. If you look in gamefaqs boards, any PSP game has a topic in the first page about "what FW you need to play this game?"


Massa said:
I'm sure they considered a price cut. It might have helped the system, but maybe not (see the Gamecube). Considering the PSP software sales it's understandable they didn't want to risk their main source of revenue with the PSP business, as you can't bring the price back up if sales don't pick up as expected.

The PSP certainly didn't work out the way Sony expected the last few years, but they have done some things right recently that will certainly help their next handheld: the revamped Playstation Store (the difference between today's store and how it was before Oct 1st of 2009 is astounding) as well as the minis program, which brought a new kind of game and developer to the platform.

It's not a pretty situation they got themselves in, but other than launching a new system as soon as possible I don't see what else they could do right now.

Peace Walker, Birth By Sleep and Ghost of Sparta (+ smaller games such as Persona 3, Valkyria Chronicles, Ace Combat, Ys 7, Phantasy Star Portable 2,...) would be much more irresistible with a psp priced at 99$. And 99$ is more than a fair price for a 5 year old handheld.

Most (all) upcoming third party games are going to bomb while Sony does pretty much nothing to try to change this situation. I'd not be surprised if this damages the relationship between Sony and third parties in relation to the (theoric for now) PSP2


listen to the mad man
swanlee597 said:
Neogaf hates the 360, thus the NPD where the 360 beats out the wii and the ps3 is the slowest one ever.

I said this earlier in the thread, but please don't do this. If you really deeply feel that the site is not conducive to discussion on the 360 or is lacking it, when you become a full member, start threads about things related to the 360. If you feel a poster is trolling or otherwise taking away from discussion, reply to them specifically and rationally. If you think moderators have missed serious trolling, send one a PM pointing them to that which bothers you. If you feel the moderators as a whole are incapable of giving 360-related stuff a fair shake, fine one who is, we're a pretty diverse group.

Rolling your eyes and saying "oh that GAF Hivemind" doesn't help the situation and it doesn't make threads better for any poster.
Stumpokapow said:
I said this earlier in the thread, but please don't do this. If you really deeply feel that the site is not conducive to discussion on the 360 or is lacking it, when you become a full member, start threads about things related to the 360. If you feel a poster is trolling or otherwise taking away from discussion, reply to them specifically and rationally. If you think moderators have missed serious trolling, send one a PM pointing them to that which bothers you. If you feel the moderators as a whole are incapable of giving 360-related stuff a fair shake, fine one who is, we're a pretty diverse group.

Rolling your eyes and saying "oh that GAF Hivemind" doesn't help the situation and it doesn't make threads better for any poster.
Typical mod hivemind.
DangerousDave said:
There is another factor that is not piracy that lower the sells of PSP games.

Custom Firmware.

People don't want to lose their CF updating to the last version. Or, even for original firmware PSP, they don't want to update because they wait to someone to find an exploit for his current firmware version.

And you need to update the firmware to the last version for a lot of games so a lot of people won't buy the game if they are forced to upgrade. If you look in gamefaqs boards, any PSP game has a topic in the first page about "what FW you need to play this game?"
Yeah, I can flat-out state I stopped buying newer PSP games because of this. And I was buying quite a bit before. Before Dark Alex gave up the ghost I was buying about 3 or 4 PSP games a month. Since he left the scene I've bought Jak & Daxter, Persona, and Hot Shots Golf Open Tee 2, and haven't played the two former games because I'd have to update my firmware to do so.


Stump transcending into mod has been the best thing to happen to this place for some time. Always enjoy reading his/her posts, even when someone is getting a telling off :D


mujun said:
Actually you are right, I forgot how far the lead is in the States. World wide is another matter altogether.

I'm not even sure how you came to that quick conclusion like that from those stats considering it's actual share had gone up in that time. Not only that even with the Slim and price cut the 360 is at it's greatest lead ever in the US and growing. As for WW I suppose we shall see in due course. Seems like the tide has turned again in it's favor all it needs is perm price cut this fall which it is more than due.

It's interesting how some people keep saying that Xbox 360 has clearly been in a steady decline for some time now, when in fact it's been gaining yoy for the last six months, and the period would probably extend even further were it not for the price drop in September of 2008.

Tis a myth. Best half of the year it's ever had so far.

swanlee597 said:
Neogaf hates the 360, thus the NPD where the 360 beats out the wii and the ps3 is the slowest one ever.

Myth too my friend. Slow month is just slow.
NPDs as a whole have become less and less popular as we get increasingly smaller amounts of information and that information itself becomes increasingly less dramatic. PSP is dead, Nintendo keeps copy and pasting their franchise sales, HD Game 0X9 sold gangbusters this month, 360 is still ahead of the PS3 (butwhatabout wurldwiddddde), niche-game-nobody-would-expect-to-sell-on-360/PS3-shockingly-bombed-on-Wii, yawn, yawn, yawn.


Polk said:
It could also be change in direction what turned of some gamers (significant multiplayer component and creating your army it's not what I think people want from their MGSes, esp. on PSP).

The 'need' to play Peace Walker with others is way overblown. Peace Walker is an MGS fan's wet dream.
spwolf said:
so did we reach consensus on why did ps3 grow its sales?

New 360's sold out so parents had to resort to picking up a PS3 as a consolation prize.

Makes as much sense as some of the excuses thrown around about PS3 sales slumping.

Taking into account that the new 360's did not appear till mid month, remember they were launched at E3 and it still beat the WII and PS3 in a summer month with it's best non holiday month since it launched I wonder why it is being downplayed so much?
Cheech said:
You may want to read further up the page before continuing to crap up the thread.

What a thread where 360 sales are downplayed and all people talk about is how well the PS3 did?

Sorry it was already mucked up to being with.


swanlee597 said:
What a thread where 360 sales are downplayed and all people talk about is how well the PS3 did?

Sorry it was already mucked up to being with.

Huh? Best part of every NPD thread is when people put their personal spin on the results.


swanlee597 said:
What a thread where 360 sales are downplayed and all people talk about is how well the PS3 did?

Sorry it was already mucked up to being with.

This is GAF. There are many international posters here, who reside in countries where Sony consoles are far more popular than Microsoft's.

I don't think things are as fanboy'ish as you're thinking. People who went with the PS3 as their primary system this gen are overly defensive, and for good reason with all the bungling Sony has done since announcing the PS3. Last gen, people who liked the Gamecube acted out the exact same way. You just have to let these things slide and not become part of the problem.


swanlee597 said:
What a thread where 360 sales are downplayed and all people talk about is how well the PS3 did?

Sorry it was already mucked up to being with.

Please stop shitting up the thread with your persecution complex, please.
Acheteedo said:
Huh? Best part of every NPD thread is when people put their personal spin on the results.

And how is that any different than what I'm doing? The 360 had a monster month and it is like a desert waste land here and all people can talk about is the PS3? That is my personal spin on this.


swanlee597 said:
And how is that any different than what I'm doing? The 360 had a monster month and it is like a desert waste land here and all people can talk about is the PS3?

Actualy 3/4 of this thread has been about PSP and PW.

Sho_Nuff82 said:
Why are you guys responding seriously to someone's crazy alt?

Actually yea it's starting to sound a little reverse Snah like. :lol


swanlee597 said:
And how is that any different than what I'm doing? The 360 had a monster month and it is like a desert waste land here and all people can talk about is the PS3?

The thing is, everyone EXPECTED the 360 to have a monster month with a system redesign. The PS3 rocketed up for no appreciable reason whatsoever, so that is more interesting to a lot of people.


listen to the mad man
BishopLamont said:
Typical mod hivemind.


Prine said:
Stump transcending into mod has been the best thing to happen to this place for some time. Always enjoy reading his/her posts, even when someone is getting a telling off :D

His, and thanks.

swanlee597 said:
And how is that any different than what I'm doing? The 360 had a monster month and it is like a desert waste land here and all people can talk about is the PS3?

Then talk about the 360 or respond directly to someone who is talking about the PS3 and tell them their emphasis is misplaced. Standing outside a conversation and complaining about what's being talked about instead of joining the conversation and trying to make points is... well... picture yourself doing that in real life.


Good month all around. MS should use this data as proof the X360 needs another $50 pricecut before the holidays in order to stay ahead of PS3.

I'm glad to see SMG2 still performing well. Great games deserve great sales.

swanlee597 said:
Neogaf hates the 360, thus the NPD where the 360 beats out the wii and the ps3 is the slowest one ever.

Nah, GAF doesn't hate the x360, it just prefers the PS3 (and PC). You'll learn the ropes soon enough, junior.


Stumpokapow said:
Then talk about the 360 or respond directly to someone who is talking about the PS3 and tell them their emphasis is misplaced. Standing outside a conversation and complaining about what's being talked about instead of joining the conversation and trying to make points is... well... picture yourself doing that in real life.

If you're not teaching kids for a career, you missed your calling. You have gifts, #1 being a limitless supply of patience. :lol


I miss the good old days of sales-age. Now, so far into this generation, nothing really amazing happens anymore. Couple that with the tiny morsel of info we're given and nothing really could get exciting anymore. :(

Oh well, thanks for the numbers, looking forward to jvm's bitesized analysis.


LosDaddie said:
Good month all around. MS should use this data as proof the X360 needs another $50 before the holidays in order to stay ahead of PS3.

I think they're going to try a $300 Kinect/Arcade bundle and call that the "price cut".

That actually sounds more compelling than a $150 standalone camera, but my question is how much the games are going to cost. Everybody is using $60 for placeholder pricing, which is ridiculous. The only one that doesn't look like a tech demo is Just Dance, which still does not come across as a full priced game.

I am guessing since they are trying to compete with the Wii, we'll see $40 for shit like Kinectimals and $50 for Just Dance.


Cheech said:
If you're not teaching kids for a career, you missed your calling. You have gifts, #1 being a limitless supply of patience. :lol

Eventually GAF (yes, I'm referring to GAF as a single entity right now) will wear out his patience until he becomes a hardened, no-bullshit mod sometime within the next six months. :p


LosDaddie said:
Nah, GAF doesn't hate the x360, it just prefers the PS3 (and PC). You'll learn the ropes soon enough, junior.

why the heck would anything think that? It is just not true at all.
Stumpokapow said:
This is my point. There is a fully functioned PSP emulator on the PS3. It is not turned on. That's what I said.

Is this 100% confirmed? If so I can see them not turning it on until a potential PSP2 is released.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Sony and other developers could divert more resources to platforms that people actually enjoy buying software for.

At this point, after the release of GT, God of War, Final Fantasy, nd Metal Gear, there is no such thing as a system seller for the PSP. The hardware sales are never going to get better, only worse.

Sony has steadfastly refused to drop the price despite the lack of demand, their piracy fix (the PSP GO) was one of the worst ideas in history, and they have somehow (if Stump's post about the PS3 FW is true) ignored that many non-PSP owning PS3 owners would jump at the chance to buy digital PS3 software if they could play it on the "big comfy couch".

Sony should not release a PSP2 unless they seriously think over what went wrong with the current machine. I really doubt developer support is going to be there day 1 if the consensus is that it's going to be completely clobbered (even more than the PSP1) by the 3DS.

I played through Aria of Sorrow and Metroid Fusion on a 25" screen. I think I can handle Metal Gear.

So much truth ...it hurts =(


listen to the mad man
ichinisan said:
Is this 100% confirmed? If so I can see them not turning it on until a potential PSP2 is released.

... clipped rest of font files...

You tell me.


Stumpokapow said:
You tell me.

Wasn't there news of a PS2 emulator hidden there somewhere a few FW updates ago? I remembered it was something like ps2emu. ee.emu, gs.emu, or something like that someone posted.


listen to the mad man
DMeisterJ said:
Wasn't there news of a PS2 emulator hidden there somewhere a few FW updates ago? I remembered it was something like ps2emu. ee.emu, gs.emu, or something like that someone posted.

Might well be, I don't pay a ton of attention to this kind of stuff normally. I've just never enjoyed actually playing on a PSP (I have two systems and 20-odd games, so it's not like I don't like the content, I just don't enjoy using the hardware) and so when the possibility of playing the games without having to use the system popped up I was like "OMG GOTTA REMEMBER THIS!"

I also have a 60 gig so I have all the PS2 emulation I need ;)


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
LosDaddie said:
Nah, GAF doesn't hate the x360, it just prefers the PS3 (and PC). You'll learn the ropes soon enough, junior.

Thing is here, we're all in a minority. Whatever we prefer there's more people who don't. Except for people who have and love everything, which is an even tinier minority.

No conspiracy. No hivemind.


Once And Future Member
I'd say it's more likely a port of the official PSP emulator Sony makes available to developers for testing their games than something that will be available to users.
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