It is once you consider that the 3DS is a supposedly dead system in a dead market.
Isn't that the Wii U?
It is once you consider that the 3DS is a supposedly dead system in a dead market.
Not a single EA game in sight.
They did state they were showing Mario Bros, Smash Bros, and Kart Bros at E3. So one of those will be their holiday title.
Glad Luigi is at #6.
Does Naruto charting mean bad things?
And The Walking Dead game...
I keep looking at the wrong month. >_<Wasn't 262k February and around 225k March? You're being wrong everytime today XD
But can Nintendo do the same with Wii U?
[GBA] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team (2005.09.18) - 285,311
[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (2005.09.18) - 219,923
[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness (2008.04.20) - 404,000
[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (2009.10.12) - 103,000
[3DS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity (2013.03.24) - 145,000 (digital sales included)
If you think about how many copies the Lego games sold on Wii last gen and how that market is basically gone, they are probably shitting themselves.
It's the logical assumption.
There's also the point that Batman is a hot franchise versus a game based only on the Lego property itself. The original argument that it came out at the end of the month doesn't hold weight but the comparison between Lego Batman 2 and Undercover is silly.
Growth, even if it's pretty low, is one of the first notable positive signs for the 3DS in the West in quite some time, so I think Nintendo's software release strategy is starting to show some progress.
It is once you consider that the 3DS is a supposedly dead system in a dead market.
Still the game was advertised and is probably one of the biggest titles in months for Wii U. Not even charting is quite bad.
But can Nintendo do the same with Wii U?
I thought iOS was competing against the 3DS?3DS's main competitor Vita is basically dead. WiiU's competition won't disappear like that.
I am now concerned that Pikmin 3 is going to implode upon release![]()
Isn't that the Wii U?
Whats so bad about Naruto? It's the best game yet in the series, if anything it should be higher. Outside Generations the quality gets higher and higher every year and shits on EA's Sports rehashes.
I thought the same, but they gave a release date for Pikmin 3. Why not do the same for W101 if it were near completion? It was slated for launch window just like Pikmin 3, so I'm not too sure anymore.
Sony and Nintendo are in opposite positions. One is going all in with their handheld and the other is going all in with their console.
I am now concerned that Pikmin 3 is going to implode upon release![]()
Well at least Nintendo can breathe a sigh of relief that the portable games market will still be there for them to go all in on after the WiiU definitively craters (which may be this month).
Will be good to get all Nintendo games of worth with just one hardware purchase rather than two! Just please dont region lock the next one, assholes.
Nirolak said:Honestly I'd be more surprised if it didn't implode.
What the hell
If the 3DS is dead then what do you call the Wii, the Wii U and the Vita? You guys are exaggerating.
North America a supposedly dead market? Huh.
The 3DS figures are still good (power of weegee and MH) though don't get me wrong.
Usually I'd say 'yes', but with third party ambivalence and the ps4/720 round the corner (and an apparent lack of casual interest in the Wii U) I'm having doubts. Nintendo should just focus their efforts on the 3DS for now.
I am now concerned that Pikmin 3 is going to implode upon release![]()
Still the game was advertised and is probably one of the biggest titles in months for Wii U. Not even charting is quite bad.
The absence of SimCity is a little startling even on a multi-SKU chart.Not a single EA game in sight.
Clearly they do. Diablo III topped the multi-SKU charts in its release month. And PC sales are being counted here.Do the NPD sales charts list PC games because I'm also curious to see how Heart Of The Swarm sold. Anyone?
But can Nintendo do the same with Wii U?
I am now concerned that Pikmin 3 is going to implode upon release![]()
Wii U owners have a ton of great games to look forward to from Nintendo and its third-party partners, including Game & Wario on June 23, Pikmin 3 on Aug. 4, Disney's Planes from Disney Interactive on Aug. 6 and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell® Blacklist from Ubisoft® on Aug. 20. At the upcoming E3 trade show in June in Los Angeles, Nintendo expects to show attendees upcoming Wii U games from the Mario Kart, Super Mario Bros. and Super Smash Bros. franchises.
3DS is set for the forseeable future. I think it's time for them to focus on the Wii U. I'm still wondering about Wonderful 101...I mean, I can understand Nintendo teams taking forever to make the HD transition (or whatever reason) but Platinum should be used to it and the game should be done. I don't think Platinum has a history of game delays do they?
Probably coming out for the holiday. Trying to delay it to when there's more systems out there. Makes no sense to date it now.
It's not the sort of franchise that's likely to drive hardware sales in a big way, and we all know the overall state of the Wii U, so.... uh, think happy thoughts?
Yep. People want to play dumb now. The 3DS was getting dogged and we all know that.uhh no. The 3DS was pretty much all but dead according to many Gaffers, analysts, etc. due to consumer brand confusion, smartphone sales, lack of interest towards Nintendo franchises, and no casual audience.
I'm talking about a time before the Vita even launched.
3DS is set for the forseeable future. I think it's time for them to focus on the Wii U. I'm still wondering about Wonderful 101...I mean, I can understand Nintendo teams taking forever to make the HD transition (or whatever reason) but Platinum should be used to it and the game should be done. I don't think Platinum has a history of game delays do they?
3DS is set for the forseeable future. I think it's time for them to focus on the Wii U. I'm still wondering about Wonderful 101...I mean, I can understand Nintendo teams taking forever to make the HD transition (or whatever reason) but Platinum should be used to it and the game should be done. I don't think Platinum has a history of game delays do they?
So, how bad were Wii U hardware sales in March?
3DS sales weren't bad at all (they were good actually), but the fact they wanted to avoid any hardware mention whatsoever in their PR is strange.
Maybe they want to surprise us and Wii U sales were actually good this month too...
I thought iOS was competing against the 3DS?
Isn't that the Wii U?
Quite different, Vita had most of its big Playstation hits released already.3DS is in a pretty comfortable position going forward, it has a steady slew of software for the foreseeable future.
Wii U is a barren wasteland, I actually think the Wii U problem (no software to sustain hardware sales) is pretty similar to the problems the Vita is having.
3DS February 2013 - 190k/4 weeks = 47.5k
3DS March 2013 - 245k/5 weeks = 49k