Deadly Cyclone
Pride of Iowa State
Folks the Polygon tweet says "sold-in" which is exactly what the press release says...
Or am I missing something?
Or am I missing something?
They said over 5m. We don't know how much they've shipped yet.
Did Ghosts sell more than TF?
Nobody is talking about the fact that Yoshi's New Island was the #10 highest-selling Individual SKU (but didn't chart in the Combined SKU Top 10 list).
Probably not going to happen. It clearly didn't meet whatever absurd projections people had, although it probably sold decently well.
But, decently well will translate to bomba for enthusiast blogs and forum trolls, so they probably won't say anything at all.
Here is a random, inaccurate example (doesn't reflect the NPD reality):
Combined SKU Top 3:
1. Titanfall (XBO, PC)
2. Infamous: Second Son (PS4)
3. Call of Duty: Ghosts (360, PS4, PS3, XBO, NWU, PC)
Individual SKU Top 3:
1. Call of Duty: Ghosts (360)
2. Titanfall (XBO)
3. Call of Duty: Ghosts (PS4)
See the difference?
first time ive seen this gif man, im dying hahaha
C'mon. Sony doesn't deserve to be Chris Bosh.
More like this![]()
It's actually a long-standing term used in retail to refer to shipments.
Yep, the X1 and PS4 are selling incredibly well. Microsoft and Sony have to be very happy. I can't wait for E3!
Yep, the X1 and PS4 are selling incredibly well. Microsoft and Sony have to be very happy. I can't wait for E3!
So we sit at 7 million to 5 million. Consoles are not dead.
We're too busy making stupid Microsoft jokes and banning their people from posting on here to pay attention to that system.
MS shipped over 5 million. We don´t know how much they sold.
It's over, period. Microsoft lost their last ace, and that's the end of their Xbox One hopes and dreams.
It's not hyperbole, it's not fanboy drivel. It is LITERALLY it for Xbox One. Microsoft has nothing left, nothing they can reveal tomorrow would fix the hole now created. There is no reason left for any one, hardcore or casual, to substantively invest in a Xbox One. Except if they want to play Titanfall. Which will also come to PS4 at some point.
Sony took the last reason away that anyone would NEED to own a Xbox One over a PS4 (except TV SPORTS KINECT LOL GAMING), and the cavalcade of tiny titles that will be nice but won't stir up any sales is not going to salvage the bloated, overdesigned behemoth that was Xbox One.
There may be some hardcore gamer's that stick around. Some did it for Gamecube. But the last bell tolled. Maybe next decade.
The age of Microsoft is done.
Folks the Polygon tweet says "sold-in" which is exactly what the press release says...
Or am I missing something?
might I suggest stepping away from your keyboard for a small time?
might I suggest stepping away from your keyboard for a small time?
And what verifiable sources are there exactly? Why doesn't MS just turn around and say that they sold 8 million worldwide if it's so easy to get away with straight up lying? This is some conspiracy level shit.
I'm kinda more shocked to see Infamous at #2. It's exclusive to one very new platform and it is almost at the top of a chart full of multiplatform dudebro sales giants and other guaranteed winners.
I'll rock a pony avatar for 3 days if PS4 outsold XBO. That's how confident I am that it didn't.
Are you just making an example to explain or is that real? I don't understand how ghosts 360 could outsell infamous given the combined SKU data.
thuway said PS4 has 60k lead. So 371k.
Polygon is correct.
Sold-in means shipped to retailers (sold into the retail channel).
Sold-through means sold to consumers (sold through to consumers).
Of course they did. I'm just citing the obvious hypocrisy of the team players. It's definitely a fun thing to watch.
Now I wish someone would address the point about combined sales figures. That's very interesting and I'd love to get some honest opinions. Why would a company need to combine sales figures with their previous hardware? You don't see this with the Wii / Wii U or the 360 and the Xbox One. That stuff is always sorted out in their company reports.
And does anyone think we'll get a solid PS4 number? Because if it's much higher, say in the 400k range, this thread will go atomic.
But Noah hasn't won shit.![]()
we dont know if that 5 million is shipped to retailers or to consumers.
might I suggest stepping away from your keyboard for a small time?
Folks the Polygon tweet says "sold-in" which is exactly what the press release says...
Or am I missing something?