any of these peeps 'shocked' PS4 won?, just wondering.
Nope, as one of the few who predicted it, I was not shocked. I knew that the ps4 would sell more and i couldn't shake the feeling that titanfall's hype was manufactured. Did you read IGNs preview? God, it was embarrassing. The reason Titanfall didn't do gangbusters is because of its poor value proposition and poor marketing. No single player campaign and $60? That's not going to fly anywhere and the lack of a single player campaign makes it hard to market the game. Cod also dropped it's price to $20 during the month and as a consumer, it's a lot easier to justify a $20 expenditure for a known entity than $60 for an unknown entity.
Shocked? Nope, I saw it coming from a mile away. Price is not the issue with the xb1 and Kinect is not the issue either. The issue with the xb1 is their screw up in may, poor messaging, nodrm campaign, and horrible word of mouth.
Their screw up in may was an epic failure; they were basically setting up Sony a pr win at every step. This led to the nodrm campaign which led to horrible word of mouth on the xb1. The playroom demo on Jimmy Fallon essentially solidified Playstation as the number one console to get in the USA.
Really, at this point, even casuals know that the xb1 is weaker and its value proposition is so poor. Dropping the price won't do shit. It's like the iPhone 5 vs iPhone 5c. Why would you buy a 5c when you can buy the iPhone 5? It's just pointless and these weekly resolution articles aren't helping. All you need to do is go to N4g or youtube and you'll see comments like "xbox 1.5" or "xbox off". You really can't fight that kind of pr. It's like guerilla warfare. It's just too spread out and there is no blanket solution for it.