As of the end of 2016,
its attach rate was bigger than PS2's or Wii's?
That means it's selling more software than any other console in history, which would mean that software consumption is bigger than historical consoles?
There's nothing exotic about these observations.
I'm not saying that PS4 has a bigger install base so of course it sold better. I'm saying
PS4 sells games like crazy, and open-world games in particular sell like super crazy, so I'm not at all surprised that its big exclusive open-world game sold like crazy.
It's still great that it did, and still impressive that PS4 sells so much software. But I'm less impressed that it outsold Switch supply than I am that Switch sold as well as it did.
Who said I'm shrugging it off? It's a really great result, just not one that surprised me. I would have expected it to sell more than Switch because Switch will, as a new console, obviously would have an insane time reaching the needed supply levels to outsell a big new game like Horizon, new IP or otherwise.
I don't expect every new IP to sell 1 million units.
I did expect Horizon to, though.