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NPD Sales Results for May 2010


Came for the GIFs and I leave disappointed.....

Considering the USA economy is still in the shitter, I think this month was solid. Great sales for RDR and SMG2. I'd imagine both games will have some legs since I'm sure there are plenty of gamers like me who want to play those game, but haven't bought them yet. Hardware-wise, eh, seem about right. It's time for some price cuts.

And I'm not all surprised with UFC 2010's performance after seeing how SSFIV performed.

VALIS said:
Pre-slim, pre-price drop 360 outselling the PS3 by ~25%. This forum is going to fucking freak the rest of this year when it's outselling the PS3 1.5:1

:lol No. Worldwide sales will quickly be quoted if that happens.
All the mid tier core games like Alan Wake or Lost Planet 2 should be $40, these are games aimed at the core gamers who can put a price on games. Evergreens are the only games that should be $60 since they have such strong word of mouth or brand and target the more casual players.


LazerRanger said:
I was talking more on a experience level then sales potential; I feel that Alan Wake was a truer Next Gen equivalent of the RE4 experience than RE5 was. I'm just hoping it does enough so that Remedy can survive and possibly do a sequel; Microsoft needs to consider bringing them inhouse as they sorely need an interesting non-FPS/Racing Game studio at the moment. They can't coast on Gears of War and Halo forever.

Oh yeah, I completely agree with AW being a better RE than RE5. It was also a FAR better Silent Hill than even the original SH games.

That said, the market for those types of games is just not conducive to million selling blockbusters. The games that sell are huge time sinks with maximum replayability. For as much as I loved Alan Wake, I've played World Cup 2010 for far more hours and I don't even like soccer all that much. :lol

I consider myself lucky that I have the disposable income to spend on games like Alan Wake and support the genre, but if I could only buy 6 games a year, AW would not be one of them. The bang for your buck simply isn't there.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
3 other games?

Weren't two of those the demo for GT5 (Prologue) and the PSP port of GT4?

Tourist Trophy, GT5 Prologue, GT PSP

AdventureRacing said:

I'm not going to reply to your whole post, but the point of your post was that the game would be a huge disappointment because:
-it wouldn't sell 10 mil copies and be the worst selling title
-it has costed a bunch to make
-it's been in development for a long while.

I replied to all of your points:
-Being the worst selling iteration in a series that has always sold 10 million is hardly a disappointment when it's poised to sell at least 8 million based off of how good a demo of the game sold.
-The cost of the game has been highly subsidized due to the aforementioned demo
-Polyphony Digital has developed three other retail titles and this game in the last six years.

I don't get why the fact that PD may or may not develop another GT PS3 game is relevant to the argument that GT5 will be a disappointment... What is the relevance?

Concerning whether or not they made the game for a profit, of course they did, why else would a business make something to sell?

And why is it relevant that this game outsells previous entries of the series? I mean, no PS3 game has done it yet, and GT5 will probably not reverse the trend. The PS3 userbase is about 100 million or so lower than the PS2 (shipped), so I'm not too sure Sony believes that GT5 can achieve a 27-28% attach rate, and I think that they're fine with that. I will say that it could happen though. Look at GoW3. That launched on the PS3 with the lowest install base that a GoW game has ever launched on, and in a month where three other huge games came out and managed to sell even more than GoW 1 or 2 did on their opening months... It wouldn't surprise me in the least if GT5 did extremely well.
AdventureRacing said:
No matter how you spin it GT5 will be by far the least successful GT ever released.

We shall of course see, but I think the availability of the Top Gear test track is a stroke of genius. Hardened race pros can test their mettle against The Stig's lap times in a wide variety of hypercars, whilst race muppets such as myself can test their mettle against Terry Wogan's lap time in a Suzuki Liana. This feature alone gives it monster appeal, particularly if it gets a mention on Top Gear itself (which seems very likely). Can't wait!


AdventureRacing said:
I considered mentioning this in my post as i knew someone would reply by saying that.

Just a few things to consider. That 5 million number is shipped, includes download sales and includes bundles.

The only reason prologue got anywhere near 5 million is due to heavy bundling mostly in Europe. If you look at it's sale figures in NPD and media create they really aren't that high.

Using these sales numbers as a barometer for GT5 really doesn't work.

How did you come to that conclusion? Is there some calculation whereby the main game must double the sales of the prologue?

IMO the sales of the prologue are inflated by bundled sales and i think this will be reflected in the sales of GT5. I think GT5 will be bundled like prologue and will eventually stop at around 8 million.

Where are you getting all this from? I know GT5:p was heavily bundled in Japan in 2008 for a few months but cannot recall it being bundled with hardware in EU or NA for an extended period of time. There was a bundle for GT5:p with a 40GB system released but besides that nothing I can think of. All big new games are bundled, Halo 3 got a bundle, GeOW3, Killzone 2 etc so you need to understand the difference between a bundle and a pack in. A pack in is something like Wii Sports or that Forza 2/Viva Pinata bundle which came with every pro for a period of time.

No one cares about youre opinion that GT5:p sales were due to "heavy bundling mostly in Europe" and that inflated sales, cold hard evidence would be best in a situation like this. That said I agree with you about GT5 being the worst selling mainline GT game to date but still think it will reach 8-9 million with ease.


Capcom should give lessons in franchise killing. Making a sequel completely different than the previous multi-million selling game is probably not a good idea.


Seems nearly impossible to divine a good metric for what would make GT5 a success. On one hand, the demo sold millions of copies and probably financed the full game. On the other hand, had they been able to release the actual game two years ago, they would have sold a lot of consoles and had time to make a sequel this gen, which could have sold millions more. There's definitely a lot of variables.
DMeisterJ said:
-Being the worst selling iteration in a series that has always sold 10 million is hardly a disappointment when it's poised to sell at least 8 million based off of how good a demo of the game sold.

Again you miss the point. Certain franchises have higher expectations. If the next COD game comes out and sells less than 10 million will it be a dissapointment? In isolation yes selling that much is good but when you factor in the history of the franchise it doesn't look so good.

DMeisterJ said:
-The cost of the game has been highly subsidized due to the aforementioned demo

Hasn't this been the case for the other GT's as well?

DMeisterJ said:
-Polyphony Digital has developed three other retail titles and this game in the last six years.

And this matters why? Again i addressed this already. I am not discussing what PD spends their time doing rather the relative success of the GT franchise.

DMeisterJ said:
I don't get why the fact that PD may or may not develop another GT PS3 game is relevant to the argument that GT5 will be a disappointment... What is the relevance?

I already explained this. If PD only gets out 1 GT game this gen instead of 2 they are essentially halving the earning potential of the series.

DMeisterJ said:
Concerning whether or not they made the game for a profit, of course they did, why else would a business make something to sell?

Yet again you completely miss the point. Of course GT was made to make money but simply breaking even isn't enough. You were talking about GT5 prologue helping to make up the budget. To me this means little, GT5 isn't a game that should just make back it's budget. This is sony's biggest franchise and they need it to pull in big numbers.

DMeisterJ said:
And why is it relevant that this game outsells previous entries of the series?

Because in general businesses tend to like growth. Going backwards in sales usually isn't a good thing.

Oh and than theres the slight issue of the massive increases in cost associated with making games on a HD consoles. Selling less copies of games that cost more to make can't be good for business.

DMeisterJ said:
I mean, no PS3 game has done it yet, and GT5 will probably not reverse the trend. The PS3 userbase is about 100 million or so lower than the PS2 (shipped), so I'm not too sure Sony believes that GT5 can achieve a 27-28% attach rate, and I think that they're fine with that.

These are likely reasons that GT5 will have disappointing sales i don't see how that improves the situation. I guess when Sony is explaining the failures of the PS3 to investors they can just say "well considering we launched at $600 we have actually done pretty well".

I also don't see why they would be fine with earning so much less money with GT this gen. Not only will GT5 almost certainly be the lowest selling game in the series it will also be the only one released this gen. That is a huge loss of profits.

DMeisterJ said:
I will say that it could happen though. Look at GoW3. That launched on the PS3 with the lowest install base that a GoW game has ever launched on, and in a month where three other huge games came out and managed to sell even more than GoW 1 or 2 did on their opening months... It wouldn't surprise me in the least if GT5 did extremely well.

Poor example for 2 reasons. Firstly because of the size of the franchise. The GOW series sells less than 4 million each iteration and is more targetted towards the core crowd. It's not a franchise that would be handicapped by a small userbase.

GT5 on the other hand is a series that has traditionally sold well over 10 million. It also appeals to a much broader base of gamers. It is much more likely to be hamstrung by a small install base.

Also selling more in the opening months means little. How does GOWIII compare to 1 and 2 in ltd sales?

KingDizzi said:
Where are you getting all this from? I know GT5:p was heavily bundled in Japan in 2008 for a few months but cannot recall it being bundled with hardware in EU or NA for an extended period of time. There was a bundle for GT5:p with a 40GB system released but besides that nothing I can think of. All big new games are bundled, Halo 3 got a bundle, GeOW3, Killzone 2 etc so you need to understand the difference between a bundle and a pack in. A pack in is something like Wii Sports or that Forza 2/Viva Pinata bundle which came with every pro for a period of time.

Kind of hard to source this type of thing. I am almost certain i remember there being a few bundles with prologue in it.

KingDizzi said:
No one cares about youre opinion that GT5:p sales were due to "heavy bundling mostly in Europe" and that inflated sales, cold hard evidence would be best in a situation like this.

Again im not sure what evidence i can really provide. Short of scouring the internet looking for the specific bundles and trying to find out exactly how much each one sold.

Also even if we assume that there were absolutely no bundles it changes little else of what i posted.

KingDizzi said:
That said I agree with you about GT5 being the worst selling mainline GT game to date but still think it will reach 8-9 million with ease.

And considering the franchises history and the fact that this will almost certainly be the online maing GT released this gen that would be a huge disappointment.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
AdventureRacing said:
Hasn't this been the case for the other GT's as well?

wasn't this the first time the prologue came out in the West?
AdventureRacing said:
If PD only gets out 1 GT game this gen instead of 2 they are essentially halving the earning potential of the series.

It's really not as straightforward as that, though, is it? You have to not only consider the excellent sales of Prologue (also "this gen") but also the possibility of huge quantities of tracks and cars as future DLC for GT5, something that wasn't a possibility in previous gens. Prologue plus that lot may not quite add up to the same as both a GT5 and a GT6 this gen, but it would be a lot more than half.

EDIT: Not that any of this has anything to do with the May NPD figures. Perhaps this discussion should move to the GT5 thread.


Y2Kev said:
I think Capcom's bombas are proportional to how western they pretend to be.
I wish Japanese devs would stop pretending they can make good western style games. It's like a Russian trying to build a clone of the shuttle.

The game creators may like western games 'better' or something like that, but that's not what made their previous games sell. :(

In 5 years we'd be in backlash mode of western games anyways, i already feel it happening.


RE: Alan Wake

I played the demo of Alan Wake on the PS3 and honestly despised it. Now perhaps the game is better (even far better) than the demo, but my experience with it and my strict purchasing habits basically made it a no-buy for me. For those who enjoyed the game: I'm glad to hear it and hope you get the sequel you clearly want.

I'm basically putting this out there to make clear that it isn't necessarily an experience that everyone would enjoy - and I know several other people who turned away from buying it based on the demo.

But truly, best of luck to Remedy.


Water is not wet!
sflufan said:
No, you can expect that Remedy will cease to exist.
You think AW might sink Remedy? i can see it hurting them, especially with any future publishers, but id be shocked if they folded because of this.

As for a PC version, it might be petty but no way would i ever buy a PC AW now.
Cheech said:
Alan Wake is essentially an Americanized Silent Hill with a FAR better story and characters. It has more in common with that series than RE!

AW has one of the worst script/story of the generation.


Second-rate Anihawk
Vinci said:
RE: Alan Wake

I played the demo of Alan Wake on the PS3 and honestly despised it. Now perhaps the game is better (even far better) than the demo, but my experience with it and my strict purchasing habits basically made it a no-buy for me. For those who enjoyed the game: I'm glad to hear it and hope you get the sequel you clearly want.

I'm basically putting this out there to make clear that it isn't necessarily an experience that everyone would enjoy - and I know several other people who turned away from buying it based on the demo.

But truly, best of luck to Remedy.

Am I missing a meme. o_O


Not sure if this has been mentioned in this thread, but with the RDR numbere why would Rockstar still want to make a ps3 only game in the agency. It seems like they would be leaving a lot of sales on the table.


Draft said:
Blur and Split/Second both bombed because they're 30fps racers. Those are crimes against gaming, and I am glad to see both developers sacrificed so that others may learn from their mistakes.



harriet the spy said:

AW has one of the worst script/story of the generation.

uhhhhhhhh no. You only say that because most games don't HAVE stories so when Alan Wake falls short putting it all together it stands out.

and Vinci has finally gone crazy. He had a good run.


topramen said:
So Capcom's string of good luck seems to be in trouble. They had a period where they could do no wrong critically or commercially

Dead Rising
Lost Planet
Street Fighter 4
Resident Evil 5
RE4: wii
Monster Hunter portable

Bionic Commando
Dark Void
Lost Planet 2
Darkside Chronicles.

I think all performed way under expectations. Sure Super Street Fighter 4 did okay, but what happens if Dead Rising Bombs? Capcom comes out of this generation with what they went into it with - Resident Evil and Street Fighter. hopefully MvC and MH3P get things cooking again.

When it comes to fighting games, Capcom will be fine. Both versions of SF4 sold well enough and even Tatsunoko v. Capcom managed to sell past expectations and have relatively decent legs. MvC3 will sell based on hype alone.

But I'm pretty worried about their other efforts at this point. While I really don't want them to fall back into old habits (Re-hashing Resident Evil and Mega Man by the year), they're definitely setting themselves back to square one with these consecutive super bombas. Bionic Commando and Dark Void might have encountered problems due to their outsourcing strategy, but Lost Planet 2 was mostly a result of bad decisions by Capcom internally. I wonder how Capcom will handle things if Dead Rising 2 also bombs, especially since their big hitters (Mega Man, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry) are MIA at the moment.

They could bring back older, popular franchises and see how that goes (Onimusha and maybe Breath of Fire), but something at Capcom has definitely gone wrong in the past year or so.

Also, how much did Monster Hunter 3 sell anyway?


Water is not wet!
Vinci said:
No. I literally played a demo of Alan Wake on the PS3. It's the only HD platform I own and there was a demo for it a while back.
Huh? Are you sure the game you played was Alan Wake?


water_wendi said:
Huh? Are you sure the game you played was Alan Wake?
I think he's trying to make a joke implying that some people giving impressions of Alan Wake never played the game.
sillymonkey321 said:
uhhhhhhhh no. You only say that because most games don't HAVE stories so when Alan Wake falls short putting it all together it stands out..

better not try than fail miserably. It does have a pretty bad and incredibly cliché story, and the writing is beyond awful - 'intentionally bad' bs excuse or not. It is a bad episode of goosebumps.

RE5 scripts makes me chuckle because it's so bad it's kind of funny.

I feel torn, though - i wish the game had sold a bit more - good enough sales so that remedy doesn't get financially hurt that much, bad enough so that they decide not to make AW2.


paid requisite penance
Am I missing something? I don't have a PS3... Is it that there's no Alan Wake demo and Vinci's clearly confusing AW with another game or something?


Kilrogg said:
Am I missing something? I don't have a PS3... Is it that there's no Alan Wake demo and Vinci's clearly confusing AW with another game or something?
Alan Wake is an Xbox 360 exclusive and it doesn't have a demo.

For some reason people are taking him seriously though.


water_wendi said:
You think AW might sink Remedy? i can see it hurting them, especially with any future publishers, but id be shocked if they folded because of this.

As for a PC version, it might be petty but no way would i ever buy a PC AW now.

I'm being somewhat melodramatic, but Remedy has come right out and stated that they put "all of their eggs" in the Alan Wake "basket". They must be at least a little nervous over there in Finland.


paid requisite penance
Nirolak said:
Alan Wake is an Xbox 360 exclusive and it doesn't have a demo.

Oh :lol. That's what I get for not being interested in that kind of games. For some reason I thought it was multiplatform.


water_wendi said:
Huh? Are you sure the game you played was Alan Wake?


I'd like to apologize. I played a demo on the PS3 that my friend originally informed me was Alan Wake. It was, however, Alone in the Dark. I called him on the phone to confirm and he was like, "Dude, that was Alone in the Dark - it sucks. Alan Wake sure as hell doesn't."

So I don't know if I'm remembering what he told me back then wrong, or if he was playing a joke, or whatever. Suffice to say, I'm going to kick his ass later.

EDIT: I'd like to say I was being clever, but really, I was duped.


water_wendi said:
You think AW might sink Remedy? i can see it hurting them, especially with any future publishers, but id be shocked if they folded because of this.

As for a PC version, it might be petty but no way would i ever buy a PC AW now.
Well, here's what they said.

CVG said:
Alan Wake developer, Remedy says it's "betting the farm" on the success of its Xbox 360 exclusive.

Speaking to CVG at a spooky event in the middle of the woods last month, Remedy's head of franchise development (your guess is as good as ours), Oskari Hakkinen painted a disaster picture for the developer if Wake doesn't sell.

He said: "We are betting the farm on [Alan Wake] and if this isn't a success we'll be selling hotdogs in Helsinki. Really.

"We were in a good situation after Max Payne 2 and we invested everything after selling the intellectual property and putting it back into the love of making videogames."

He added: "Everything's gone into this project so this will ultimately set us up for how we continue and how many videogames we can make in the future."

It's good news on the critical side at least, because we dished up a nine out of ten score in our Alan Wake review, in which we conclude that though Wake's flawed in terms of late pacing and variety, it delivers one of the most thrilling, cinematic action games on 360.

Well it sell though? Only time will tell.
Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=245729

That said, I doubt they would actually go bankrupt, but this definitely isn't great for them.


Kilrogg said:
I knew you were being serious :lol. You've never been an Astrolad.

Yeah. I was being serious. And yes, I deserve mocking for this error.

EDIT: What I now need to find out is how many of my other friends were party to this bullshit, 'cause they all told me they played the demo too and hated it. WTF.

EDIT #2: And truly, if my negative comments towards Alan Wake have contributed to anyone having misgivings about the title, I do apologize. I never intended anything like that to happen.


Water is not wet!
Nirolak said:
Well, here's what they said.

Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=245729

That said, I doubt they would actually go bankrupt, but this definitely isn't great for them.

sflufan said:
I'm being somewhat melodramatic, but Remedy has come right out and stated that they put "all of their eggs" in the Alan Wake "basket". They must be at least a little nervous over there in Finland.

Oh.. i did not know that was the case.
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