Huh, well It wasn't advertised, that's a strange deal.when did it start?
Yesterday (June 21)
Huh, well It wasn't advertised, that's a strange deal.when did it start?
Huh, well It wasn't advertised, that's a strange deal.when did it start?
Another question: Does your data cover multiple regions (South, west...)? Or just specific region?
Ok, so that explains the 1tb boost.
However acu was already hovering around batman bundle so that's weird.
How many acu bundles did amazon receive? No one else has it so I mean they must have gotten the majority, no other explanation makes sense.
Region? Of what? State?
New England, West, Mid Atlantic, regions like that I'm assuming.
ACU Bundle had the extra controller & 3 month of live deal that just ended today.
Edit: Also, Amazon doesn't have stock from ACU Bundle since End of March, They have been mostly teaming up with third party sellers to empty out the sellers stock also. That is why it says "Sold by This Seller and Fulfilled by Amazon"
That deal was around for awhile and did nothing and amazon has stock themselves, evidence by that same promotion and the sellers list.
Again, it looks as if amazon got the majority of the acu retail wise.
Not necessarily, and I personally doubt it. The only conclusion we can get is the stock of ACU bundle (greatly) exceeds demand in Amazon.That deal was around for awhile and did nothing and amazon has stock themselves, evidence by that same promotion and the sellers list.
Again, it looks as if amazon got the majority of the acu retail wise.
Can't get to in location without fiddling around, all I can say is all states sans hawai the retailers are spread out into, can't be more specific than that. I could, but not worth it.
I made a topic about how with the advent of digital libraries not providing BC was a huge mistake for MS because it allowed the reset button to be pressed.
BC is a huge deal. Microsoft in the pre-Ballmer-fuck-everything-up era went to great lengths to ensure a software continuum in Windows, because it meant vendor lockin.
Chobel why are you Knacke'd?
Again, this combined with the free game deal is what made the ACU bundle go up, it's not so hard. "That deal was around for a while" excuse doesn't work on neogaf just so you know.
Bit early isn't it? Game still has a few months of release.
Rise of the Tomb Raider Targeting 1080p/30fps
I would thought that it was obvious by now that casuals don't care about BC anywhere near as much as the internet would like to believe. Especially since apparently 40% of PS4 owners never owned a PS3, so the feature would be unimportant to them anyhow.
But anyway enough of amazon, we need to see how GS and BB are doing. Those will give a better understanding since they have more market share.
Saw it now my mistake xDJune is 5 weeks, so Batman would be 2 weeks, not 1.
Agreed, but basically it's the same on GS & BB:
-Best Buy had the trade in deal for PS4 last week of May and first week of June
-GameStop had free PS Plus with PS4 second week of June
-Best Buy had the trade in deal for Xbox One third week of June
-GameStop had Free Bloodborne with PS4 third week of June
-All Retailers have Free Xbox Game for the fourth week of June
-All Retailers have Two PS4 Batman Bundles for last two weeks of June
I'm sure I missed a couple of deals, but basically this is the entire month of deals excluding Amazon weekly deals.
Hey Doctor Professional, please make use of NeoGAF's multiquoting function, no need for so many multiple posts in a row, it's something the admins worked very hard to give us so it'd be nice if you'd taken advantage of (it's the + symbol next to quote, or " if you're on mobile GAF). You can quote and reply to up to dozens of posts all at once using that, super useful. Also, when you want to add something to a previous post there's the edit function.
Online GS had Xbox ahead for a few, however Batman fever made a come back, stll the $1 XB Sku: http://www.gamestop.com/browse?nav=28-xu0,1343
Online BB had Xbox ahead for a week and still does, 1TB is pretty close up as well: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchp...d$abcat0700000&lid=Products: All New Releases
Online Walmart has had Xbox ahead for weeks: http://www.walmart.com/browse/video...:Xbox One||video_game_platform:Nintendo Wii U
So take it as you will, I don't think this month will be as lopsided as even I originally though. From what I've seen sudden interest in 1TB bundle across multiple retailers once E3 was over after starting ok and then falling off. That will probably continue where the White Bundle left off, which loss ground second week of this month.
PS4 is still selling quite well though, and still has a winning chance, I just don't think the domination will now be possible.
Oh I didn't know that, good looks.
Online GS had Xbox ahead for a few, however Batman fever made a come back, stll the $1 XB Sku: http://www.gamestop.com/browse?nav=28-xu0,1343
Online BB had Xbox ahead for a week and still does, 1TB is pretty close up as well: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchp...d$abcat0700000&lid=Products: All New Releases
Online Walmart has had Xbox ahead for weeks: http://www.walmart.com/browse/video...:Xbox One||video_game_platform:Nintendo Wii U
So take it as you will, I don't think this month will be as lopsided as even I originally though. From what I've seen sudden interest in 1TB bundle across multiple retailers once E3 was over after starting ok and then falling off. That will probably continue where the White Bundle left off, which loss ground second week of this month.
PS4 is still selling quite well though, and still has a winning chance, I just don't think the domination will now be possible.
Oh I didn't know that, good looks.
2 months of the batman bundle will go into June sales, there should be a sizeable gap. That will not be seen any any sales charts.
LOL, with all the E3 hype, this thread was almost forgotten. Anyway, I'm surprised to see someone thinks the XB1 might win June. The Batman PS4 bundle will do really well. But how close the XB1 will be to the PS4 in June is still impossible to tell.
LOL, with all the E3 hype, this thread was almost forgotten. Anyway, I'm surprised to see someone thinks the XB1 might win June. The Batman PS4 bundle will do really well. But how close the XB1 will be to the PS4 in June is still impossible to tell.
Two months in the middle of a dead season though. Destiny had 4 months and September was only like 500-600k( I don't have the exact numbers at the moment)2 months of the batman bundle will go into June sales, there should be a sizeable gap. That will not be seen any any sales charts.
When is the 1 TB ps4 launching?
LOL, personally, I don't believe that E3 hype will boost sales. I simply meant that the E3 hype almost made me forget about this. Regarding the person who said the XB1 might win, I could be misinterpreting his posts, but didn't the junior member in the previous page say this?I see people posting x1 get a bump from e3 ? What? Wouldn't sony too then? I don't think there is such a thing as an e3 bump, most outside the hardcore probably know little about it, correct me if I am wrong.
Who says that?
Two months in the middle of a dead season though. Destiny had 4 months and September was only like 500-600k( I don't have the exact numbers at the moment)
I think is virtually impossible Xbox One sell more than PS4 in june.
July 15, but only in PAL regions.
2 months of the batman bundle will go into June sales, there should be a sizeable gap. That will not be seen any any sales charts.
When is the 1 TB ps4 launching?
LOL, with all the E3 hype, this thread was almost forgotten. Anyway, I'm surprised to see someone thinks the XB1 might win June. The Batman PS4 bundle will do really well. But how close the XB1 will be to the PS4 in June is still impossible to tell.
I see people posting x1 get a bump from e3 ? What? Wouldn't sony too then? I don't think there is such a thing as an e3 bump, most outside the hardcore probably know little about it, correct me if I am wrong.
Who says that?
Well, to each his own, but I'm predicting a very large gap between the two. And again, my post has nothing to do with which console got a sales boost because of the E3 hype. I'm talking about MY hype.No one directly said Xbox might win june, but there probably won't be any big gap either way. Also Xbox also has E3 hype, and so does the Wii U, Well ok, partially the Wii U,
Te best selling charting Batman bundles during the other months whas the Limited edition consoles, how many of those do you think they made?
Apparently it's launching in Japan first. I may be mistaken.
No one directly said Xbox might win june, but there probably won't be any big gap either way. Also Xbox also has E3 hype, and so does the Wii U, Well ok, partially the Wii U,
First, the person mentioning E3 bump was talking about Sony not MS.
However, At E3 MS had announced games that were released at the conference has to games coming out in 30 days that have good pre-orders, and also has 2 of it's big 4 franchises in the next 2 months coming out. Along with the 1TB consoles which also came out the day after E3.
Sonys E3 bump seems to be focused on Batman, which is still very important for the month. So it could still go either way imo.
However one thing to notice, for Sony and Microsoft, E3 does hit casuals, via either E3 itself, it's announcements and marketing on sites such as Youtube (which had a big E3 icon and related videos and millions of people use Youtube everyday and will see that) among other ways. E3 is the most impact-ful conference because of it's reach.
I think more casuals will buy Batman AFTER E3 than before.
Well, to each his own, but I'm predicting a very large gap between the two. And again, my post has nothing to do with which console got a sales boost because of the E3 hype. I'm talking about MY hype.
I dont think that's true? I think their will be a sizeable gap, you are underestimating batman. If their is an e3 bump it will effect both consoles so it's a moot point.
It's a great feature to have at launch because it encourages people to stay on your ecosystem. Adding it this late in the game is basically worthless. Fans are already jumping ship to the PS4 and now gamers will want to join their friends. That plus once people assume your console is missing a feature it's hard to turn that perception around.
I agree that going forward this may be an important feature but I don't think this move by MS will have any impact.
I'm not basing my opinion on E3, I'm basing it on 1Tb Sku, White Halo bundle expansion, pre-orders for games coming out in the next month or so, and current free game promotions.
But again we'll just have to wait and see. July 11th right?
No, I'm not underestimating batman, people are overestimating batman, to one consoles, a game which will still sell well on Xbox One. Also an E3 bump would help MS especially short-term more than Sony, why would Sony get another significant E3 bump outside of batman (it did get a bump on that) MS had games release day of E3, with 1 TB bundle the day after, with games announced for the start of august, and has deals. In short-term I think my logic makese sense, and trends seem to show it.
But we'll just have to wait and see. I think we'll have a better idea, middle or end of this week.
So I'm not sure why you said XB1 has E3 hype and Wii U has E3 hype in your post. Either way, we'll see.I'm not basing my opinion on E3, I'm basing it on 1Tb Sku, White Halo bundle expansion, pre-orders for games coming out in the next month or so, and current free game promotions.
But again we'll just have to wait and see. July 11th right?
Rise of the Tomb Raider Targeting 1080p/30fps
Isn't it a timed exclusive though? So other versions might be 60?
I disagree....bundles like that can cause signifiicant bumps batman is a big seller. I also think you are grossly overestimating e3, if their is a bump it would be for both.
Destiny sold well on x1 too, the bundle gave ps4 a massive month. I think you are projecting some mythical e3 bump that MS somehow will have a better bump? Because of halo which has been revealed at every e3 since 2013. You are projecting there is no indication MS has this E3 hype you talk about
You are aware that a bundle even of a Multiplayt game can really cause a big bump right? Also see GTA 5 alone allowed PS3 to break 360's 32 straight month streak.
I am also pretty sure you are wrong about batman (Someone correct me if I am wrong), you could pre-order the regular bundle for a couple of months.
So I'm not sure why you said XB1 has E3 hype and Wii U has E3 hype in your post. Either way, we'll see.
7.) NBA 2K15 (360, PS4, Xbox One, PS3, PC)
I said the best selling bundle was the Limited version. From what I saw, not that it was the only bundle.
Also I do not agree with PS4 getting a bigger, especially short-term, bump than MS in June. Doesn't logically make sense imo, since in this same time frame a bunch of Xbox games will be coming out.
Also better E3 bump =/= win, you seem to be implying I think Xbox will win june, but as I have said I only think the gap will be marginal and it will go either way.
I think you have too much emphasis on pre-orders and such. Opinion of course.
You're using hype the wrong way, think in terms of side effects, Xbox One has games releasing in this time frame and games THAT HAVE released in this time frame including a new bundle. That's all right off E3's baking oven, Wiiu/PS4 aren't going to have the same short-term interests.
But let me clarify once more all I'm saying it can go eitherway, just that there won't be as big of a gap this month as originally though, including me.
You're missing my point completely. My point is my original post meant that I was caught up in the E3 hype that I almost forgot about this thread. Ain't got nothing to do with any consoles. Why you keep ignoring my clarification is beyond me, but stop it. You're starting to annoy me.You're using hype the wrong way, think in terms of side effects, Xbox One has games releasing in this time frame and games THAT HAVE released in this time frame including a new bundle. That's all right off E3's baking oven, Wiiu/PS4 aren't going to have the same short-term interests.
But let me clarify once more all I'm saying it can go eitherway, just that there won't be as big of a gap this month as originally though, including me.
Yeah you could say the same last September with the Destiny PS4 bundle..look out how that turned out. Months of pre-orders are going into june and batman bundle from insiders here (Again correct me if I am wrong) were flying off the shelves.....I think you are greatly underselling the batman bundle. Bundles have historically caused bigger bumps..not sure what you are getting at?
What are all these x1 games coming out in June?
You're missing my point completely. My point is my original post meant that I was caught up in the E3 hype that I almost forgot about this thread. Ain't got nothing to do with any consoles. Why you keep ignoring my clarification is beyond me, but stop it. You're starting to annoy me.