Its great to see both consoles selling very well...although it is NO SURPRISE at all to me. I've personally kept saying these first NPD numbers for these two new generation systems would be pretty close to each other and they are. Why there was so much hype for these numbers somewhat baffles me to be honest because these numbers were already a "given" considering they are new systems coming out during this Holiday season. Factor in how long last gen lasted...many gamers, even casual gamers were more than ready for new hardware and these numbers clearly show that.
To everyone thinking these numbers give a inclination how these two new systems will do from here on out are being way to hasty imho..if anyone is thinking one console will blow away another console, its simply not going to happen.. The true state of how successful these two consoles will be will be NPD numbers from a few months from now and of course next year's Holiday season will be the biggest telling story of the success of both X1 and PS4..although its pretty safe to say both consoles will sell very well throughout its lifecycles.
Regardless....i believe both systems will live a fruitful lifespan simply because there are more than enough loyal fans for each system to help make them be a complete success. If Nintendo was in this "race" with true next gen hardware like the X1 and PS4 that is targeting the same kind of audience as the X1 and PS4..i could honestly see one console limping far behind the other two systems but since X1 and PS4 are really the only two consoles going head to head...i believe there will not be a HUGE difference in popularity between the two systems for the simply fact that Wii U is targeting a some-what difference audience. Both systems will be fantastic this generation and both well sell a boatload of systems and this new generation will mirror last generation numbers to an extent...maybe the numbers will be a bit more diverse and switched around but both X1 and PS4 will clearly be popular systems unlike Wii U imho.
In the end of it all...all gamers will win! That is the most important thing.
Killzone to me and most other people i know personally have felt it was very rushed and mostly there at launch to showcase the visuals the PS4 is capable of. That game should have and would have been much better if time constraints were not an issue. Obviously this is very apparent with most of all launch games on both platforms so to be fair i can understand i suppose but they really need to make that story far more compelling in the single player campaign. It's a decent game at most but the visuals really helped me stay into the game as weird as that sounds. Its a great looking game especially for a launch game. Killzone on PS4 really has me VERY EXCITED for what-is-to-come for the future of PS4 graphics.