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NPD Sales Results for October 2014 [Up3: All of Nintendo's 3DS million sellers]


Don't forget all the digital games boughten with that GameStop Xbox Cash giveaway over the summer!

I haven't bought a single pphysical game. Strictly digital. I work quite bit so screw going to a store when I can just queue a game and Download it. I imagine I'm not the only one.


Is it?

The VentureBeat quote says "That said, Bethesda still has to consider The Evil Within a success. It set a new record for the highest first-month sales for a release in the “survival horror” genre, according to the NPD."

Yeah that doesn't sound like new IP to me. Maybe they messed up their wording though


Both Forza Horizon 2 and DriveClub did not show up. What the hell , people don't like Car games anymore?

Sure they do, I hope a lot of ppl bought Driveclub digitally.

Weather update should be next week hopefully and updated server fix.
You're missing the point. My question is, "why?"

Why are these consoles selling so much better than PS3 and 360?

Because this gen should have started in 2012/late 2011. People got sick and tired of ps3/x360 and wanted to jump to next gen asap once new machines were out.
No Alien is surprising. Another bomb for Sega. Though Colonial Marines may have killed the series. Bayonetta not being on the list is the least surprising thing ever. Had bomb written all over it. Limited da base or a limited install base. Also the "no show" for SO is also no surprise. The only thing saving that game from total bomba territory was the White Bundle. Otherwise it would have sank without trace.


Don't think Phil is going to be like; Well, SO sold like crap to be honest. We might start making Kinect games again...

SO would have been #9 on the individual list of SKU's. Add to that digital plus bundled sales and it's not shocking to see why he might have been pleased.


Kind of sad to not see Alien Isolation up there in the top 10. It deserves it. :(

I was interested but didn't buy it because of the preorder nonsense. If the Nostromo edition had come with the additional content on its disc instead of a single-use download code, I would have bought it. There is no reason not to press separate discs in a case like this, it costs very little. Now I'll wait for it to hit the bargain bin.


Are you crazy? Even with the sheer number of 3DS owners/sales it didn't break the top spot, it's going to be in very tough against CoD, Halo etc.

LOL. I got a little excited there. Forgot about the existence of COD for a bit.

Smash WiiU will be in the top 5 then?


I really thought Xbox players wouldn't react very kindly to the short end of the stick they're getting with Destiny DLC.


Another month, another PS4 win. Looks like sunset bombed.

Wow, people don't have comprehension skills sometimes.

SO bundles all sold out, no digital numbers. In order to top 10 it would have to beat all those games on one system vs the 4 systems multiplayform is on.

All this means is it didn't sell a huge amount of physical copies its first week. Game is amazing too

Miles X

SO would have been #9 on the individual list of SKU's. Add to that digital plus bundled sales and it's not shocking to see why he might have been pleased.

We don't even know what it sold, just becaused it ranked below multiplats doesn't mean it sold bad.

Smash, NBA X3, and Evil Within PS4 likely occupy the first 5 spaces with great sales for instance.

Mory Dunz

well it was only counted for just a couple days last month.

...Huh? Isn't that excuse given when something doesn't do well, and people hopelessly expect better next week/month?

It did 705K (with digital) in October. Smash isn't frontloaded like some games, but that's still a huge chunk. To move up in place next month is impressive to me.
Not sure why people expected Sunset Overdrive to be such a hit.

But then again, I would never have guessed the The Evil Within could possibly end up so high in sales.
As a PS4 owner i really don't know why they keep selling, PSN sucks and they have no exclusives at all at the moment and I can't really see that many on the horizon either right now

I honestly want ps4 to stop selling a little, might give them a kick up the arse to sort PSN out and get some games out


Is it?

The VentureBeat quote says "That said, Bethesda still has to consider The Evil Within a success. It set a new record for the highest first-month sales for a release in the “survival horror” genre, according to the NPD."

I took that as highest first month for any survival horror game instead of for a new IP.

Hmm. I had read on http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2014-11-13-npd

The Evil Within was the highest-selling first month of sales for new survival horror IP

...Maybe that doesn't make any sense given Resident Evil.

Yeah, new ip makes more sense unless NPD doesn't count RE as survival horror.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Good to see Shadow of Mordor perform well, game is superb. I already want a sequel.


Forza 2 and Sunset overdrive bombing out
of the gate is a good way of finding if microsoft's new found love for real gamers* is true and just.


What? Weather was going to be sometime in December...and that was before the server mess

Well i heard they are gonna announce something cool tomorrow so fingers crossed. People working on weather stuff are probably not coding away at network stuff anyway ya know.
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