fart said:to: new users
please buy my ToS and wireless card in the fs/ft thread.
Teh Hamburglar said:Why did they link to GAF?
MrAngryFace said:GAF is my source for world news, gaming news, and stupid passing thoughts.
deadlifter said:same here, where would we all be without GAF??!!!
yoshifumi said:how is this forum affording the server costs anyways? i thought we were going to have some sort of donation system up by now
WasabiKing said:That was done back in May, and we raised enough to cover about a year's worth of expenses. Google Ads are shouldering some of those expenses, and we're looking into some other possible revenue streams. I'm speaking for myself, and not the other mod/system admins, but I would hate to rely on users to solely fund the forums through donations. That's really the last straw...
As we move forward, you'll see more announcements. In the meantime, it's kinda nice to get the plugs from some of the heavy hitters, this is a nice stress test.
Lemurnator said:They won't last long...
Posting links to GAF on gamefaqs or IGN should be a suspend worthy offense.
Eh, upfront costs were a tad greater than expected... talked with EviLore recently about actual cash in the account.WasabiKing said:That was done back in May, and we raised enough to cover about a year's worth of expenses. Google Ads are shouldering some of those expenses, and we're looking into some other possible revenue streams. I'm speaking for myself, and not the other mod/system admins, but I would hate to rely on users to solely fund the forums through donations. That's really the last straw...
As we move forward, you'll see more announcements. In the meantime, it's kinda nice to get the plugs from some of the heavy hitters, this is a nice stress test.
I was here when the number of visitors was just over 1000 and it seemed to be running okay.Hitokage said:What I want to know is how well the server was running with that amount of users.