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NXT TakeOver: The End [OT] My Only Friend, The End...

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Roman should build a 12-Samoan faction of little buddies while still getting pushed as an uberface by commentary.


lol@the full sail idiots chanting "who are you" at Precious Paul. Really exposes just how little they know about wrestling.

I don't know, I think a lot of people, even those watching here and elsewhere didn't know who he was until Corey said it. Myself included, frankly
Shame at no reaction for Andrade.

I was going to say AA was heading to the main roster until those new guys debuted, I thought NXT signed a new twin brother team but I guess it's not those guys.

MOTY incoming.


A pretty solid debut from Cien Almas, a pretty good tag match with a whole lot of what, now Nakamura v Aries...y'all I can't. My heart cannot.
man I think Nakamura's accent is sadly probably going to keep him from ever doing anything significant on the main roster. Hope I'm wrong.


This crowd is what happens when you take NXT mainstream and run it like a second, legit promotion and not a developmental program.
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