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NYC Gaf Meet Up 12/17/16: The ABCs of NYC

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I don't know why doing this to myself, but since Jhoan wanted/needed a break, I guess I'll be your guide for the next and final GAF meet-up of 2016!


I mean the weather should be turning bitter, but it seems to have a mind of its own so we're aiming to go out with a Bang!

We're aiming for December 17th, 2016 at 7pm

ABC Beer Co

Located in "lovely" Alphabet City

It has nice long tables. Cheap beer. And grilled cheese!

I think the idea is to do another board/card game thing, but we know it's really to get drunk, shoot the breeze about gaming...somehow anime usually comes up, Makai will drunk arm wrestling, people will consume too much bad food.

A grand ole time!

Now this is up to you, who's in, who's out, who's on the fence!
Who's In

Who's Out

Who's on the Fence
Gray Matter
The Last Wizard

MeetUp FAQ - Shamelessly stolen

How long have these things been around?
See the OP here for a documented list of all the NYC GAF meet ups to date: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=170651251&postcount=1

But I’m not a social butterfly and prefer to stay home to x activity. Strangers are weird.

“Do not be too timid or too unsure about your actions. All life is an experiment.” Yeah, we don’t know you and have never met but if you want to get over that, the best way to do it is to go out and socialize. We were all strangers at some point before we met.

I’m banned and/or stopped posting. Can I still come out?
The more, the merrier so feel free to show up!

How many people typically come out?
Typically 10-25 people; it consists of regulars and new comers. We've had GAF members visiting the city from abroad come out and join us as well. If you’re not a fan of big groups, like GAF itself, those big groups split up into smaller groups of discussion so no worries.

How long do these meetups last? Do you peeps always meetup at one location or move around the city?

In a nutshell, they go as long as they want so long as there's still a party left long after many people bail. The first location is the jump off point to other places once a decent party shows up. We've usually ended up in White Castle or walking several blocks north through the city during the wee hours of the night.

Do I have to drink to be cool with you all?
Nobody will pressure you to drink so if it’s water or soda you want, more power to you. But if you drink, make sure you keep an eye on how much you consume because we preferably want you to get home safe. A couple of GAF members have been unfortunate victims of muggings after we parted ways from past meetups.

But I’m poor and I’m trying to be frugal! Rent isn't cheap you know!
We all have bills to pay and are willing to take some of our time to meet up; one night out isn’t going to kill your budget. If anything, someone will buy you a drink and/or share food.

Oh no! It's too cold/hot to be outside! You guys are crazy!
Dress accordingly then. While weather is something to keep an eye on, it's not a factor so the show must go on.

What if I want to play the latest hot video game that came out?

Turn off your console/PC, bring your portable gaming device, and let’s play something with multiplayer.

This is going to be really awkward isn’t it?
It’s only awkward if you make it awkward for yourself. You’re welcome to bring name tags or get creative.

Where I can go air out my grievances about how expensive NYC is when there isn’t a meetup?
The NYC GAF OT. :)


So I have Munchkin Booty and Star Fluxx which are good many player drinking games. And both have the rules written on the cards and let people come in or leave whenever so minimum prep is needed.


Gold Member
Of course you pick the 1 weekend of the 3 my wifes not working...

I can never attend these!!! Have fun

Put me on the maybe list
This will depend on my seasonal job schedule and train access. Never really been to alphabet city and don't want to hop on 5 trains to get there.


LMAO! I designed that logo a couple of years ago. I'm not too proud of it since it can use an update. Pro-tip: Wrap that banner up in quote since she's a big one.

I definitely need a break until the next one so a huge thanks to Penguin for stepping up to cap things off. I think this is a much needed shot in arm. It allows me to procrastinate on other things in life. But no really, I've been terribly disorganized. I blame it on playing too much Dragon Quest VII this week and not listing my daily tasks in my to do list app.

This has my seal of approval! I'll see if I supply you with a quick and dirty banner of the place.
I'm hoping I can attend, but something ALWAYS happens last minute.

How do you guys and gals keep one another up to date with the meetups? I don't lurk GAF nearly as much as I use to. Is there a whatsapp group, subreddit, anything with a notification?


[Agent]ZeroNine;225847397 said:
I'm hoping I can attend, but something ALWAYS happens last minute.

How do you guys and gals keep one another up to date with the meetups? I don't lurk GAF nearly as much as I use to. Is there a whatsapp group, subreddit, anything with a notification?

Usually just the thread, but I mean that's a possibility more for when we move about, which we always do and folks wanna join in progress.


the thread title says 12/16, which is friday, but the content says 12/17, and you posted about 12/17 being the date, so i'm presuming the thread content is the correct date!


the thread title says 12/16, which is friday, but the content says 12/17, and you posted about 12/17 being the date, so i'm presuming the thread content is the correct date!



Confusing.. meant 12/16 as in Dec 2016... but realize why that's weird now...


[Agent]ZeroNine;225847397 said:
I'm hoping I can attend, but something ALWAYS happens last minute.

How do you guys and gals keep one another up to date with the meetups? I don't lurk GAF nearly as much as I use to. Is there a whatsapp group, subreddit, anything with a notification?

No Reddit/Whatsapp group here. Although you've brought up a good point about group communication. When I was at PAX East earlier this year, some members of Boston GAF set up a GAF Slack channel to communicate throughout the weekend. We would update/coordinate when meetups were happening and where we at in case folks wanted to turn out. It worked out pretty damn well!

The idea of creating a GAF Slack channel sounds good since I use it for work related purposes. There's also a few of us who are active/semi-active on Twitter if you have one. Otherwise, regular texting works wonders.

Say what's your secret to not lurking on GAF? When you have a sibling who also lurks GAF on a regular basis, it's hard to avoid it. I feel like I spend way too much time on GAF and want to cut down on it.

Shinriji said:
Too bad I'm not in town right now. I'd would love to and meet more gaffers.
Depending on who else is available, I'm willing to entertain something for tomorrow. Pop into the NYC GAF thread since smaller meetups have usually been happening or post what you would like to see do in here.
No Reddit/Whatsapp group here. Although you've brought up a good point about group communication. When I was at PAX East earlier this year, some members of Boston GAF set up a GAF Slack channel to communicate throughout the weekend. We would update when meetups were happening and where we at in case folks wanted to turn out. It worked out pretty damn well!

The idea of creating a GAF Slack channel sounds good since I use it for work related purposes. There's also a few of us who are active/semi-active on Twitter if you have one.

Say what's your secret to not lurking on GAF? When you have a sibling who also lurks GAF on a regular basis, it's hard to avoid it. I feel like I spend way too much time on GAF and want to cut down on it.

Slack might be too much to ask of people if it requires a subscription. I think GroupMe or WhatsApp or just a large group text.

I'm transiting to a pretty demanding career so a lot of my personal time goes to studying. It has affected how much I focus on games and things revolving around games for the better. So my suggestion would be find something (of value) that you want to get good at, invest in some studying and practice material, and put an actual effort into it. Just be sure to set a short term and long term goal for yourself.


I live right there. I'll be there.

Zum Schneider is a really nice German Beer hall across the street, big tables for groups as well. Just a suggestion for when the party wants to move on.


I live right there. I'll be there.

Zum Schneider is a really nice German Beer hall across the street, big tables for groups as well. Just a suggestion for when the party wants to move on.

Of course you're in, you suggested the location!


Thanks for setting this up. I already have plans that night with the girlfriend, but will keep my eye out for any future ones.
[Agent]ZeroNine;225851363 said:
Slack might be too much to ask of people if it requires a subscription. I think GroupMe or WhatsApp or just a large group text.


Slack is free

GroupMe is on death's door. It wont be shut down, but things are not pretty.


SO who is thinking of bringing a game or two?

I have my untouched box of The Witcher III Gwent as well a game called Lascaux and The Wisconsin Dance Hustle somewhere around the place. Random NYCC swag might get given away since I still have loads of it.

Unfortunately, I don't have access to my digital 3DS game library because I have to send my water damaged XL to Nintendo to repair in order to do a system transfer to my New 3DS. I seriously hope that Nintendo ties purchase history and data to accounts not the console with the Switch since it's a pain in the ass and archaic. :(

Renkax said:
are Junior members allowed to be a part of this ?:O
Juniors have to sit at the kid's table and go through a grueling initiation ceremony consisting of winning a game in order to join. :p

I'm still in favor making a GAF Slack channel as a means to communicate for group discussion. To add more security to it, it can be put wrapped in Email tags so lurkers don't troll the chat.
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