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NYC Peeps: Anyone know where to get an XBOX modded?


Chili Con Carnage!
thought about getting a solderless chip? they really are as easy as slotting a graphics card into your PC.
theres a little game shop in an underground mall(elizabeth station mall maybe?) in chinatown to get your consoles modded at on elizabeth st.....maybe a few doors down from the police station


Ante Up
The solderless chip definitely sounds interesting. Link?

happy: Thanks; hopefully I can find it. How much do they charge approx?


They charge way too much, IMO. But that was for PS1 modding and it only let you play imports not backups, I don't know their current pricing.

Solderless chips tend to have a few less features and aren't as secure, but will get the job done if all you want is to make/play backups.

I'd say, just mail order the chip and do it yourself... if you can't, then find someone you trust to do it or bring it to a highschool electronics class and get the teacher some cold beer.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
mash... You could mail me your sh!t and I'd mod it for you. I'm at work slapping in a X2 chip now. Or, you could just do it yourself. Really easy.

You'll pay a whole lot more loot for a pre-modded.

thought about getting a solderless chip? they really are as easy as slotting a graphics card into your PC.

No, it's not quite that easy, for the d0 alone.

Then there's the BIOS flash... Where you can really fuck sh!t up (on the chip).


Ante Up
It sounds like a good idea to do it myself. I'm going to get a soldering kit and treat this as a learning experience.

DaCoco: Does the X2 have some sort of switch that allows me to still go on Live?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
But of course! All the chips do pretty much.

I don't fuck w/ Live anymore though.


Chili Con Carnage!
DaCocoBrova said:
No, it's not quite that easy, for the d0 alone.

Then there's the BIOS flash... Where you can really fuck sh!t up (on the chip).

Well installing my xecuter was easy as pie, the tutorial on the offical site definitely makes it as easy as installing a graphics card. flashing the bios and making the dummy file are talked up as complicated but they are totally straight forward aslong as you have the right guide. The hardest part was finding the slayer iso.


Ante Up
But of course! All the chips do pretty much


I don't fuck w/ Live anymore though.

True, but you never know when something good is gonna come out and make you want to be on it again. I want to see what's good with some of the upcoming FPS's with online modes.

Doth Togo

DaCocoBrova -

How much do you charge to mod an Xbox? What can you mod for me? Hard drive and chip together? Do you offer the install of games too? I'd be interested in getting hooked up if you can swing it. Some boys and I'll be around the DC area for the next few weeks... Interested in helping us out?


Heh, maybe you don't want Live now but down the road you may change your mind (Halo 2, maybe?). I opted for the hassle free way to mess with my Xbox. I bought the SmartXX chip that has an onboard OS which allows a little more flexibility and lets you fiddle with your xbox without any Bios loaded; stuff like FTP'ing, Formatting HD, flashing your bios through the IE browser, shit like that. It's a few more bucks than the popular X2 chips but I think it's worth it.

As for the d0, you should solder the alternate one on the bottom of the motherboard.. much easier.

If there are some of you in the West Coast that needs some modding, I'll be happy to do it!! ;p
someone wants an xbox modded in nyc?

get a modchip and we can discuss the installation price :D

yes, X2 has an on/off switch

you need a torx10 and torx20 to open your xbox, oh and a philips screwdriver too...

and yeah, swapping the xbox hd is basically like doing it in a PC


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
DaCocoBrova -

How much do you charge to mod an Xbox? What can you mod for me? Hard drive and chip together? Do you offer the install of games too? I'd be interested in getting hooked up if you can swing it. Some boys and I'll be around the DC area for the next few weeks... Interested in helping us out?

Order the chip, I can take it from there. Or, I'll sell you a premodded one w/ a stock HD for 250.00.
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