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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Mortrialus said:
Something simultaneously horrible and amusing just occurred to me. Glenn Beck constantly warned of wide scale civil unrest, and socialists marching in the streets and this being a worldwide phenomenon. I mean you could literally feel the gradual buildup of displeasure in the government and the situation of the United States citizen over the past ten years, but still, the guy was right about something .
Conservatives caused what they had been saying was happening in America (even if it wasn't). They have nobody to blame for this than themselves. You can only push the poor (and now even the middle class) before they snap and fight back. It happens throughout history, and this is just another one of those times. The former regime is dying (literally), and the newcomers have new ideas and the leftover stranglers from the old era aren't going without a fight and making sure the new comers are made as sour and bitter at the world as they are.
Alpha-Bromega said:
yeah, if this was taken to a court of law, which it damn well better, the driver would be abso-fucking-lutely done for. No contest.

They're gonna be shaking in their boots once they find out how many people have seen that video. They should honestly just turn themselves in, because media/public pressure is going to end up forcing the police to make an arrest.

But hey, with the way Oakland police have been handling everything lately (you know, shooting people dead in cold blood in BART stations, Occupy, etc), they'll probably send the driver a bouquet of roses and a 'thank you' card.


BoobPhysics101 said:
After closer examination of the video, you can clearly see the driver of the car keep rolling for a bit even though there's two pedestrians stopped in front of him.

They're walking, and the car just keeps rolling and THEN they stop to look at him like 'really, dude?' and he's STILL rolling at that point. Then the male pedestrian gets angry and has an exchange with the driver, presumably because the driver is carelessly about to roll right into the guy and his girlfriend (?). All the driver had to do was apologize, and if the pedestrian continued to get angry and STILL banged on his car, he could've got out and confronted the guy directly.

Instead he commits attempted murder with a vehicle and potential vehicular manslaught, AND a hit & run violation. Wow.

I would've reacted similarly to the pedestrian, btw. If you're such an asshat that you keep rolling that close to pedestrians, you deserve to get your car banged on because you're a dipshit driver. And obviously the driver should NOT have a license if that is the way they react in a somewhat heated situation, ESPECIALLY AGAINST A PEDESTRIAN.

No judge or jury would fail to convict with that video evidence and the 20-30+ witnesses.

I'm with you on attempted murder or at least assault with a deadly weapon ... whatever the legal charge would be, he certainly could have killed the guy. That said this guy is strolling along in the middle of the street and STOPS right in front of the car, which came to a complete stop. I dont know about you but if you ever walk around in NYC, a car rolling slowly towards you and beeping happens roughly 40 times per second. Speeding towards you happens 45 times a second.

So the protester was definitely the instigator here, especially when he slams on the guys car, but then the guy floors it which is just nuts. He either snapped or hit the gas instead of the break. Cops need to bring him in after seeing this video.


BoobPhysics101 said:
I would've reacted similarly to the pedestrian, btw. If you're such an asshat that you keep rolling that close to pedestrians, you deserve to get your car banged on because you're a dipshit driver.

If I was that protester and some crazy, unsafe driver (judging by how he approached the intersection) nearly hit me, the first thing I would do is get my butt out of the way. Who knows, the driver might be angry/drunk/high/all of the above, I am first going to make sure I'm NOT in danger of being killed if he decides to go through.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
BoobPhysics101 said:
They're gonna be shaking in their boots once they find out how many people have seen that video. They should honestly just turn themselves in, because media/public pressure is going to end up forcing the police to make an arrest.

But hey, with the way Oakland police have been handling everything lately (you know, shooting people dead in cold blood in BART stations, Occupy, etc), they'll probably send the driver a bouquet of roses and a 'thank you' card.

Just for the record, the Oakland police didn't execute the guy on the BART platform. That was the BART police, although it happened in a BART station in Oakland.

Slappers Only

Junior Member
I hope that anyone who acts like a jackass gets sprayed with something unsavory and/or put into a Full Nelson in front of their friends.
Don't go around banging on people's cars like an asshat and you wont get run over by asshat drivers
Everyone just needs to stop being an asshat, everywhere, all the time.
sagi446 said:
It's really funny how the American media is trying to shove this under the rug.
There was actually a recent Washington Post poll that showed that readers actually think the media is paying too much attention to the protests.
South Park kind of nailed it..

Today, it's the 99%

Next, it'll be the 83%

After that we'll all be little %s everywhere. JUST AS WE WERE BEFORE WE EVEN STARTED.

Life's not fair; we're all different; dogs chase cats. Deal wit it.


kurtrussell said:
South Park kind of nailed it..

Today, it's the 99%

Next, it'll be the 83%

After that we'll all be little %s everywhere. JUST AS WE WERE BEFORE WE EVEN STARTED.

Life's not fair; we're all different; dogs chase cats. Deal wit it.

Never thought of it that way...
It's South Park. Why people actually look to it as a source of legitimate political commentary/ philosophy is beyond me. I seriously can't stand its fans who pop into every discussion and say "Well South Park said this."


kurtrussell said:
Today, it's the 99%

Next, it'll be the 83%

After that we'll all be little %s everywhere. JUST AS WE WERE BEFORE WE EVEN STARTED.

Life's not fair; we're all different; dogs chase cats. Deal wit it.
I did not watch the latest south park episode (it's DVRed) but I don't really understand what you're saying here.

Like, what does it means in practical terms?
That because "life isn't fair" we should stop striving for a better society?

Or that because "we're all different" we should care about equal opportunity?


slopeslider said:
Don't go around banging on people's cars like an asshat and you wont get run over by asshat drivers
Everyone just needs to stop being an asshat, everywhere, all the time.


Just, no.

There is no justifying this. If the driver accidentally hit the wrong pedal then maybe. But saying that a driver is justified to run someone over for slamming on their car's hood? Just stop right there. No amount of asshatery justifies flooring it directly into a pedestrian.

Chichikov said:
I did not watch the latest south park episode (it's DVRed) but I don't really understand what you're saying here.

Like, what does it means in practical terms?
That because "life isn't fair" we should stop striving for a better society?

Or that because "we're all different" we should care about equal opportunity?

Sounds about right. That kind of tends to be South Park's MO.
kurtrussell said:
South Park kind of nailed it..

Today, it's the 99%

Next, it'll be the 83%

After that we'll all be little %s everywhere. JUST AS WE WERE BEFORE WE EVEN STARTED.

Life's not fair; we're all different; dogs chase cats. Deal wit it.

Hence the point of the movement.
Fenderputty said:
Hence the point of the movement.

Would this be the same movement that features swathes of the unbathed using iPads, iPhones and Macbook Pros at their media station? Way to stick it to the corporate man, hipsters!
kurtrussell said:
Would this be the same movement that features swathes of the unbathed using iPads, iPhones and Macbook Pros at their media station? Way to stick it to the corporate man, hipsters!

Do you have any idea how many times your argument has been addressed throughout the course of this thread?


kurtrussell said:
Would this be the same movement that features swathes of the unbathed using iPads, iPhones and Macbook Pros at their media station? Way to stick it to the corporate man, hipsters!

Mortrialus said:
Do you have any idea how many times your argument has been addressed throughout the course of this thread?

Not really an argument, just pointing out the irony of a group of people protesting against an entity with unimaginable resources gained at the every man's expense....holding devices manufactured by a corporation with $76.2 billion cash who pay assembly line workers cents a day.
kurtrussell said:
Not really an argument, just pointing out the irony of a group of people protesting against an entity with unimaginable resources gained at the every man's expense....holding devices manufactured by a corporation with $76.2 billion cash who pay assembly line workers cents a day.

Wait, so you're saying they're right?
kurtrussell said:
Not really an argument, just pointing out the irony of a group of people protesting against an entity with unimaginable resources gained at the every man's expense....holding devices manufactured by a corporation with $76.2 billion cash who pay assembly line workers cents a day.

oh, so it's nothing of value but rather a broad strawman. yes, we see the irony, yes it's quite funny ain't it, and no it doesn't devalue the movement in any way.
kurtrussell said:
South Park kind of nailed it..

Today, it's the 99%

Next, it'll be the 83%

After that we'll all be little %s everywhere. JUST AS WE WERE BEFORE WE EVEN STARTED.

Life's not fair; we're all different; dogs chase cats. Deal wit it.

South Park's amoral view of things was cool when I was in middle school laughing about it with my friends. Things have increasingly gotten worse and by not taking the side with reality and then make jokes, they are in danger of appealing to only the ignorant %. That still might be a majority unfortunately due to the failure of the supposed to be respectable media.




steals Justin Bieber DVDs
kurtrussell said:
Not really an argument, just pointing out the irony of a group of people protesting against an entity with unimaginable resources gained at the every man's expense....holding devices manufactured by a corporation with $76.2 billion cash who pay assembly line workers cents a day.



Going to Occupy for about 3-4 hours tomorrow evening. I've occupied collectively for a couple hours total, but only in 20-30 minute spurts.

Then afterwards, to TGI Fridays nearby to get drunk and celebrate a job well done.

If anyone wants to meet up with my friend(s) and I, do not hesitate to PM me.


Mortrialus said:
I'm referring to the illustration of black slaves working.
I guess what I was trying to say is that I think this one is better.
But it's probably mostly because I'm a Kubrick fan(boy).
An Occupy Boston protester/mother of 3 was caught selling Xanax to undercover cops.

It's too bad, as she seems like a real classy lady and a great representative of the cause.


Occupy Boston’s so-called “Mama,” who appeared yesterday in Boston Municipal Court on charges she sold Xanax to undercover cops from her post at the camp’s clothing tent, denied the charges and accused cops of setting her up to discredit the movement.

“It was a complete setup by Boston police,” Martina Martin, 41, told the Herald after her arraignment. “They’re discrediting (Occupy Boston). ... I’m a strong point in the camp.”

Police spokeswoman Elaine Driscoll said the accusation was “irrelevant” to the case.

“The bottom line is undercover officers purchased pills from her, which would be an illegal transaction,” Driscoll said.

Martin was arrested Monday evening after two undercover cops, acting on a tip, approached her and allegedly negotiated the sale of 10 Xanax pills for $20. She then hugged the pair and told them to call her “Mama,” according to the police report.

Uniformed officers searched her tent and recovered other prescription bottles, including one that contained pills matching the ones she sold to the officers, prosecutors said.

“They were able to locate multiple prescription bottles inside that tent. That is the basis of the charges before the court,” Assistant District Attorney Katherine Powell said.

Martin pleaded not guilty. Defense attorney Amy Freedman said Martin had a “valid prescription.”

“It was duplicitous,” Freedman said of the undercover operation.

Martin, a short, slight mother of three with an Irish accent, was greeted by cheers yesterday when she returned to Dewey Square — despite a court order to stay away from the site. Judge Raymond Dougan Jr., who denied the prosecutor’s request for $1,000 bail, allowed Martin to return to reclaim her belongings with a police escort.

“She’s done nothing but good things for this camp,” Julien Jacquelin, 18, said.
Chichikov said:
I guess what I was trying to say is that I think this one is better.
But it's probably mostly because I'm a Kubrick fan(boy).

Nothing against Kubrick, I just think the illustrated one has a better critique of the arguments and a better pay off at the end.
Mortrialus said:
When someone new pops into a thread to post the same argument that has been made every single page of the thread.

I know, I was sarcasticly joking with you while knocking kurtrussle at the same time :(


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