Mr. Spinnington
I know it's a bit early to decide, but I'm making plans for the weekend but I only have enough cash for one film : [
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
Ocean's TwelveDigDugDirkDiggler said:Finding Neverland for sure.
Ocean's Twelve is just more mainstream hollywood trash.
DigDugDirkDiggler said:Finding Neverland for sure.
Ocean's Twelve is just more mainstream hollywood trash.
I'm going to bump this thread instead of creating a new one, and quote this post because it's the only one on the board I can find that I agree with regarding Finding Neverland. I just rented it, and I can't believe how much people loved this movie. I thought it was indeed the epitome of the "overly-sappy-actors'-looking-for-an-Academy-award-music-swelling-in-the-appropriate-spots" Hollywood movie, and I haven't felt that way this much about a movie since Big Fish. Maybe I would have found it more interesting if the premise behind how he was inspired to make the story Peter Pan were based more on fact. But I thought it was one big predictably emotionally manipulative, sappy movie, and after it was over I felt I just sat through something contrived to make me weep at a string of formulaic "emotional" scenes. Bleh. Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels this way about this movie (aside from Smidget). Everyone has said it's such a touching, heart-warming movie, and I feel like some sort of soulless, black-hearted curmudgeon for feeling this way about the movie. But fuck sucked. am i rite?Smidget said:Well I didn't really like Ocean's 11, but Finding Neverland was an overly-sappy-actors'-looking-for-an-Academy-award-music-swelling-in-the-appropriate-spots kind of movie...and wow, me and my g/f were laughing at all the "tragedies" during it... maybe because we're horrible people, or I'm going with, because it was attempting to be an extremely manipulative movie that just didn't work for us.