Gang Warfare has broken out on RAW. DOA, being basically a neo-nazi biker gang, get cheered on their debut against the now 100% black Nation of Domination because of course they do. Not that both aren't heels. 1997 is the year of heel on heel violence. In fact this might be a good time for the update to my late 1996 post about who is heel and who is face in the Fed in the summer of 1997.
Undertaker was a face who did slightly heel things. Is the same, except he's being blackmailed. Also circumstances have forced him back into the Taker zone despite being, you know, the Champion.
Austin was a heel, and evil, but treated like a face. Now he's slightly less evil, and treated like an even bigger face. Par for the course.
HBK was a whiny face who did heel things that the fans treated as a tweener and has basically remained the same. Had to help a special olympian to get a face reaction at KotR.
Bret was a whiny face who did some very subtle heel things but was treated as a face, and is now an evil anti american blowheart who also never tells a lie and is the most hated man in America. Has repaired his long standing family feud, and now leads the best faction in the history of the WWF. Also manages to get heat while getting beat up in a wheelchair every week. Note that they are days away from starting a Canadian tour.
Sid is/was/always will be the MASTER AND RULER OF THE UNIVERSE. He was a face doing heel things to get the belt, but was treated as the biggest face in the company. He's now just come back as a pure face, treated as a face.
Mankind was a heel doing evil and wacky shit to Undertaker. Now he is a face just looking for love from SCSA.
Ahmed was a face, treated as a face. Now he's a heel who joined the people he was seeking revenge against because, well, too many uppercard faces.
Farooq was a heel, treated as a heel. Nothing changed, except they finally decided to play the race card hard in their black panther knock off gimmick.
Goldust was a heel, who got basically no reaction. Now he's a face, getting a strong reaction. He's also gone from freaky sexual predator to freaky family man.
HHH was a floundering heel who got a mild heel reaction. Now he's a super heel because his lady body guard just dismantles everyone. Also got the sweetest theme song upgrade in history.