All I want to know - Is he back and better than ever?

All I want to know - Is he back and better than ever?
I'd like to see Cena lose the belt during the open challenge on Raw just for the sake of something interesting happening on the show. Also last Monday the commentary was really pushing the idea that one day the open challenge will backfire on Cena. That sounds like the best payoff to me.
Yeah, that would be the best. Have him win at HIAC to surprise everyone, then the next night they could do some hot angle where he loses and gets the shit beat out of him.
Well, Sandow still owes him 'payback' over his failed MITB cash-in, enough time has passed since Hogan's sudden departure to banish the Meta-Powers elephant in the room and he's massively over with crowds during house shows.
Standing away from my position as a Sandow-mark, I still think it's a slim possibility it could be the way they put him back on TV again.
Negative 5 percent chance of that happening.
infinity scarves are dope
All the way, why not? What's to hide? At this point, who cares?
didn't austin talk about snorting coke on his podcast
i'm pretty sure that's as candid as it gets. unless it's on the wwe network, I don't see why anyone would bullshit/stick with the wwe script on the steve austin show
*takes a swig of beer for the working man*
Because you craft your narrative differently when your financial interests are involved. You can own up to personal things like doing coke, but when it comes to telling the story of WCW's downfall, you craft your message to not deviate too far from the version that the WWE tells.
Did you ever listen to him? Why are you so angry with Bischoff? I mean, I got my answer, just kinda curious if you ever listened to his story. I sense no weird bullshit from him.
Share it with meAs carny as fuck as ever.
If you thought what he said on that JBL show on the Network was candid, I have a Raven gif to share with you.
Now that everything has shaken out with Eric Bischoff and he's spoken at length, candidly about how everything went down, what's your opinion of him?
As carny as fuck as ever.
If you thought what he said on that JBL show on the Network was candid, I have a Raven gif to share with you.
His story never changes, and I have listened to him on every other podcast, and interviews..
Dude is as real as it gets, and has seen things we would never understand.
I see, why is that?
Seth is a terrible heel and total channel changer, would be easy money as a face though.
Also, I'm sure this will be of use at a later date:
Dick concussion.I want to love this gif so much but the spelling error kills me. What the hell is a dicussion? On 2nd thought don't tell me.
The worst kind of concussion.Dick concussion.
Oh no, more Cena's?Every heel should be a face and every face should be a heel in the WWE. Ratings would multiply!
Also, I'm sure this will be of use at a later date:
He looks exactly like John Davidson.#AskWrassleGAFFriday
Now that everything has shaken out with Eric Bischoff and he's spoken at length, candidly about how everything went down, what's your opinion of him?
His restaurant was also on Bar Rescue.
Which of you fucks submitted something to Ringside Confessions
Since no one did it yet.
i don't think i've ever seen a photo of eva marie where she doesn't have soulless, dead eyes
Harry Smith has confirmed that he now officially owns all rights and trademarks to the name "British Bulldog" and he will now be performing as "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith Jr.
Which of you fucks submitted something to Ringside Confessions
Which of you fucks submitted something to Ringside Confessions
Corbin should lead an Aces and Eights style invading stable.
He's from Winnipeg, you idiot!Do you guys think Chris Jericho is excited about the Toronto Blue Jays being in the playoffs?
Guys, the Penguins shut out the Senators last night. Can I start planning the parade yet?