October Wrasslin' |OT| Dia de los Mil Muertes

Some naito talk




So after watching the HIAC event and then getting some sleep it's sad to see how strongly everyone is complaining about the show.

Rusev vs Reigns had their best encounter yet and while the finish felt "unfair" it was still a good effort that took a little while to get going was overall was still entertaining.

Owens vs Rollins was excellent in my eyes and played well off the clash of champions main event. It had the high impact style with big spots and it really helped cement Owens as the heel and Rollins as totally completing the face turn. Jericho was just ace at the end. It made me want to see what happened next and that's great.

Sasha vs Charlotte was crazy, it had the dramatic start and had them beat each other up like both wanted to win. It lost its steam as the match went on and the awkward table spots just didn't pay off at all. It certainly wasn't bad and the finish wasn't to everyone's taste but it was an important match that felt special, it felt like THE main event, which it was.

A PPV about Hell in a Cell matches and each generated talking points yet somehow it's all deemed totally shit and unwatchable? You force yourselves through RAW week after week and yet some how people are saying this show was worse? Was it a masterpiece? No but it wasn't the complete and utter drizzling shits it's been labelled as. Also if you can't enjoy a match beyond just its finish then what's the point?


A PPV about Hell in a Cell matches and each generated talking points yet somehow it's all deemed totally shit and unwatchable? You force yourselves through RAW week after week and yet some how people are saying this show was worse? Was it a masterpiece? No but it wasn't the complete and utter drizzling shits it's been labelled as. Also if you can't enjoy a match beyond just its finish then what's the point?

How dare you accuse me of watching Raw. Why would I do such a thing when their PPVs are the drizzling shits?


Did I hear this correctly? They did an angle where Kendrick asked TJP to take the fall for him last night?


God... I'd rather have Nia vs Charlotte than Bayley vs Charlotte right now. It sucks that one, women only have one title to go for and two, WWE, especially Raw is really shit at running two separate programs with women that can be kept interesting, hell they struggle with one. Then there's the fact at how much "creative" sucks at building talent up and it seems like many who are over are so either despite creative or because they're allowed more freedom and not at creative's mercy.


Shoot: Time to have Nia Jax try to shook Charlotte.

Only if they keep Charlotte the heel.
I refuse to buy into some kind of goody Charlotte horse shit after how tedious she has been.
Even last night's match Sasha took ten times the bumps that Charlotte did.
She has that "approved legacy" horse shit that the WWE likes to do and she can do no wrong.
Boy I'd love to watch this HiaC business with the WWE network that I decided to pay 9.99 this month for but would you look at that, constant "fatal errors" on PS3 and PS4 that their troubleshooting doesn't even touch and even watching on the laptop it just drops out during the intro...

So why did I give this company my money again? fuckin' hell I'm trying to dodge spoilers while finding a solution.


Boy I'd love to watch this HiaC business with the WWE network that I decided to pay 9.99 this month for but would you look at that, constant "fatal errors" on PS3 and PS4 that their troubleshooting doesn't even touch and even watching on the laptop it just drops out during the intro...

So why did I give this company my money again? fuckin' hell I'm trying to dodge spoilers while finding a solution.

Sounds like an old version of the app.
I would try deleting the app, rebooting and then reinstall
Sounds like an old version of the app.
I would try deleting the app, rebooting and then reinstall

Aye I tried this but to no avail, it also claims to be up to date.

It's odd because it worked fine last night when the PPV was happening, I planned to check the pre show before going to bed only to see Roman Reigns walking up the ramp victorious because I'd failed to account for the change in UK clock times.
It took me a moment to realise that Reigns and Rusev had not in fact been bumped down to the pre show.

Ah well.
Only if they keep Charlotte the heel.
I refuse to buy into some kind of goody Charlotte horse shit after how tedious she has been.
Even last night's match Sasha took ten times the bumps that Charlotte did.
She has that "approved legacy" horse shit that the WWE likes to do and she can do no wrong.

They can both be heel. Have a sorta top heel type of scenario. Like Seff and KO

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'll believe they move on to a solo Charlotte/Bayley feud when it happens.
I mean Dave said it's happening so I guess that's the direction. I can only guess that Sasha is gonna job to Nia Jax for whatever fucking reason.
We are probably going get another Sasha versus Charlotte title match as SS.

TBH I dont even know what I want anymore with the RAW womens division. At the least I want Charlotte out of the title picture. I like her. But they are driving her into the ground fast. She needs to do something not involving the belt.

Let's be real here.....how can they fix the Cruiserweight Division?

I hate to say it.... but they need more flippy shit.

When people hear Cruiserweights. Heck... When WWE was advertising the Cruiserweight divison it was all about the flippy shit. And when they debuted on RAW they all wrestle the exact same style everyone else wrestles on RAW. They need to work a fundamentally diffrent style then the typical WWE TV match.


I hear alot of complaints but has raw screwed over the Cruiserweight division?

It's just kind of....there. No necessarily bad nor unsalvagable, but they haven't really done much with it.

Let's be real here.....how can they fix the Cruiserweight Division?

Stop sticking them in the third hour. Have them on somewhere between middle of the first hour to middle of the second at the latest.
Let them wrestle a more exciting style.
Let established talent like Neville and Xavier Woods have matches with them to generate interest.
Ditch the purple ropes and all the added bells and whistles and let them just be a part of Raw.
Give them mic time and start building stories and feuds for them. Again, include them in the main roster. Let some of them try to challenge for other titles so that people can get interested in them and they'll have heat when they go after the Crusierweight title.
Send some of them to Smackdown. You don't need to give Smackdown a CW belt, but you can use it to build more of them. Plus, Smackdown could use more talent.
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