Okay, how come that Austin-Hart Wrestlemania match didn't have Ken Shamrock in it?
Okay, how come that Austin-Hart Wrestlemania match didn't have Ken Shamrock in it?
Botches everywhere.
Dolphins posted the spoilers for the WHC and WWE title matches.
Do not touch if you don't want to be spoiled.
-----------------Cena wins, Orton wins-------------------
If true, I worry that Cena is going to end up hurt again in a few months.
Give Kane back the full mask.
It's better-looking, but he's mentioned in the past that the full mask is very uncomfortable for him.
Ratings for the Fandango v Great Kha...
...oh, wait, this is on PPV.
Ratings for the Fandango v Great Kha...
...oh, wait, this is on PPV.
To absolutely no surprise.If that's true, and Bryan doesn't win, they will have completely fucked-up their handling of Bryan
The real question is why is everyone in this match but Summer Rae wrestling.Why is Summer Rae wrestling?
No, seriously.
Why is Summer Rae wrestling?
No, seriously.
Why is Summer Rae wrestling?
No, seriously.
This PPV is basically Raw with two matches in a cage. This is dumb.