bean breath
This is going to be known as the Miami Screwjob for years to come.
DM. Ninja Scooter.
It's time.
They've said Big Show is banned from the arena so get ready for some Big Show interference.
HBK has to screw D-Bry here.
They've said Big Show is banned from the arena so get ready for some Big Show interference.
They've said Big Show is banned from the arena so get ready for some Big Show interference.
Forgot Hell In a Cell was tonight, first news I see is that John Cena OVERCAME THE ODDS AND WON, and AJ OVERCAME THE ODDS AND WON.
Ugh. I'm sick of those two. I'll be happy when AJ becomes irrelevant in a year and she becomes just another Diva who comes out to job, and no one cares.
Bryan's gotta win. So that means he's going to lose.
It's been a long time. I don't think I remember how to do it anymore.
Orton has to win this or he's basically dead. He's been made to look unimportant this could send him to midcard or job to Cena
Not only do you see his forehead wrinkles come in, he gains a fourth one in his COO form.
Bryan is much more important than Orton in this story, and with good reason. Orton is better off in the mid card.
isn't orton one of the higest paid in wwe and have a long term contract?
wwe can't let him just rot in mid card
They have for the last 3 years.
that was punishment for screwing up
Time for Summer Rae.
Time for Summer Rae.
>Implying AJ even faced adversity when her opponent was Brie Bella
Brie has in fact improved noticeably.
Brie has in fact improved noticeably.
Still a little too fat tho.