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Odd Azureus problem

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Is it normal for your download rate to go to shit when you don't have any limits set on your global upload speed?

My download rate always drops down to around 1k/s when I turn off my normal 15k/s upload speed.


You on dsl or cable? What's your speed? You probably have a symetrical connection, meaning saturating your upload speed will kill off your download speed. Seems like you have a 128 Kb upload cap. 128/8 = 16 KB/s.......

I have a cable 3 Mb download/256 Kb upload, if I upload anymore than say 20+ KB/s, my download speed will plummet.


Heh, I am on Adelphia Powerlink too. So I don't know what's wrong.

Damn, I rarely hit past 250 k up and 22k down.......
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