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'Off-grid' couple faces hearing to regain custody of 10 children

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I should clarify - I'm more curious as to what they're doing for an income (aside from donations). How is dad using his associates' degree? (In other words, can the couple's income allow them to support the family? Can they choose to do something else? Or are they choosing this option because they find it preferable to/more palatable than others, like public assistance?)

Wife has a dog grooming business but I'm not sure what the husband does other than taking care plants and animals. I wouldn't be surprised if they also hunt for a lot of their food. Can you get welfare for children that don't have SS numbers? Here is his quote about the Gwenth Powlltrow welfare story from last month or so:
so $29 a person, thats $348 for my family.. we live on $200-$250 of food a week... But I don't shop in NYC.
Typical week menu.. Oatmeal for breakfast x5 = $2.48 for canister of oats. We use 2 a week $5+$1 worth of fruit in the oatmeal $10
Breakfast tacos x1 2 dozen eggs $3 + $3 bag of potatoes + $2 tortillas+$3 bag of cheese $11
Pancakes x1 $1 to make a pancake mix ( flour, baking powder, etc) and $1 of fruit. $2
so I just made 7 meals for 12 people ( two are teenage boys) for $23 I haven't even broken the budget for one person.


They think they live off the grid and their diet is motherfucking breakfast tacos made out of ingredients from the nearest Wal-Mart? lol


Live off the grid but need to run to town to get groceries, bullets for your gun to get more water from your neighbor and gas for the generator to recharge your phone to keep Facebook updated.

This isn't off the grid...


Disagree with this. It's not homeschooling that is the problem it's that most who do it are not up to it and have messed up reasons and also shelter their kids in other ways.

But homeschooling itself is fine if done properly and you take advantage of the laws about it to use available resources so your child still socializes and has extracurricular activities.

Yep. Many people homeschool successfully.

Issue here is that they totally have their kids in a form of insecurity. I mean, not having water?

The Amish at least have a decent setup as well and they life off the grid.

These people are just sloppy and careless.
Wife has a dog grooming business but I'm not sure what the husband does other than taking care plants and animals. I wouldn't be surprised if they also hunt for a lot of their food. Can you get welfare for children that don't have SS numbers? Here is his quote about the Gwenth Powlltrow welfare story from last month or so:
so $29 a person, thats $348 for my family.. we live on $200-$250 of food a week... But I don't shop in NYC.
Typical week menu.. Oatmeal for breakfast x5 = $2.48 for canister of oats. We use 2 a week $5+$1 worth of fruit in the oatmeal $10
Breakfast tacos x1 2 dozen eggs $3 + $3 bag of potatoes + $2 tortillas+$3 bag of cheese $11
Pancakes x1 $1 to make a pancake mix ( flour, baking powder, etc) and $1 of fruit. $2
so I just made 7 meals for 12 people ( two are teenage boys) for $23 I haven't even broken the budget for one person.

OK. This is what I was getting at.

It's one thing to choose a rustic lifestyle when you have the means and ability to support yourself. But no source of income? Stealing water from your neighbors? Twelve mouths to feed on that menu? An infant, delivered in the middle of winter, in a tent?

This is reinforcing my original suspicion, unfortunately: This screams "poverty" to me, not bootstrappy-ness, despite what they may call it. It looks like they've chosen a rustic lifestyle over public aid. Some people find the latter option so intolerable that they'd rather live in the sticks. (I don't get it, either.) And as you say, that may not be an option for them if the kids don't have SSNs and documentation.

Hence: CPS. I doubt the kids will be returned to the parents as long as they are living in these conditions.
So when their kids get sick, is it pretty much "let nature run its course" or what?

Kids shouldn't suffer for their parents decision. I understand wanting to "rough it", but this is a little much.


Seeming as their parenting is limiting their children's choices in life, then they don't deserve to be parents.


Commit to living "off the grid" while using a Facebook account...?

Hey man, they may live in a hut made out of sticks and tarps with 10 kids and borrowed water, but they're not cavemen.

I don't know much about living off the grid, but I don't think they're doing it right.

Cat Party

Live off the grid but need to run to town to get groceries, bullets for your gun to get more water from your neighbor and gas for the generator to recharge your phone to keep Facebook updated.

This isn't off the grid...
Yup. These people are paranoid loonies, nothing more.


Disagree with this. It's not homeschooling that is the problem it's that most who do it are not up to it and have messed up reasons and also shelter their kids in other ways.

But homeschooling itself is fine if done properly and you take advantage of the laws about it to use available resources so your child still socializes and has extracurricular activities.

What you are arguing is that regulated education (done "properly") is better than non-regulated education which is the antithesis of homeschooling. People do it because they disagree with the regulation. But another major issue is that few parents have enough of an understanding of even high-school subject matter to really teach it authoritatively and not enough of a diversity to give children options and other viewpoints.


I just noticed that they take the time to copyright stamp every single image they post to Facebook too, and they post a lot of them... Making sure your copyrights are in order is totally off the grid, guys.

I'm beginning to suspect that these people are simply insane.
I have no problem with their lifestyle besides the living in horrible conditions and having to use water that's not on their property. You can do off grid living and not live in a stick hut.

They chose poorly and these are the consequences.

They can live whatever lifestyle they feel suits them, but not with kids. As soon as their last child has successfully moved out and is self sustaining, they can go back to living under a pile of rags.


What you are arguing is that regulated education (done "properly") is better than non-regulated education which is the antithesis of homeschooling. People do it because they disagree with the regulation. But another major issue is that few parents have enough of an understanding of even high-school subject matter to really teach it authoritatively and not enough of a diversity to give children options and other viewpoints.
I know quite a few well adjusted people that were homeschooled and none of them had to do with parents wanting to avoid regulation, and everything to do with living in bad school districts.

To act like every parent that home schools does it for the same reason, or that it's always a " keep your government out of my kids" attitude is painting a very large disparate group under one broad brushstroke.

I stand by what I said. If the kids are learning to the same or better standards than public schooled children, and all the requirements in place whether public, private, or homeschooled are being met it is really no ones business but the parents.


I never knew about preppers until reading about Adam Lanza's mom.

I then went to google and was amazed that its pretty wide spread.

I do agree that preparing for emergencies prudent, but it seems many just hate society in general.


If they had a well, roof, and a functioning out house I think it would be fine. No roof or water supply is going to far with kids.

Sadly the only people I know about living off the grid in a good way had money to start with. They have goats, chickens, solar panels, small wind turbine, a well, and recycle waste water for plants.


Post Count: 9999
The guy threatened to kill someone for not providing him free water. He clearly doesn't have access to the resources he needs to raise his children.

Not to mention this 'free-schooling' bullshit that's illegal and will handicap the kids for society.

We'll likely be paying welfare for all 10 of them in the future, assuming they aren't removed out of the parents' care.


The guy threatened to kill someone for not providing him free water. He clearly doesn't have access to the resources he needs to raise his children.

Yeah pretty much.

There's eccentricity and then there's an unsuitable environment for children, and this clearly strays into the latter.


Real life Cletus and Brandine



Edit: To clear some things up, it seems that they choose to live this way. It's not just a result of being poor. For instance, their kids don't have Social Security numbers and don't want them to.

Isn't it like really tough to get on in life without a SSN? Seems pretty unfair to impose that on your kids should they decide to not pursue this lifestyle.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle

Go live whatever the way you want but don't disturb others and especially be responsible at least for the well being of your children.

Absolutely moronic in my eyes. The only thing they're making a grandstand on is idiocy and stupidity.


Post Count: 9999
Isn't it like really tough to get on in life without a SSN? Seems pretty unfair to impose that on your kids should they decide to not pursue this lifestyle.
You know what would be tougher? The kids trying to join society without having had any traditional education of any sort.


"Off the grid"... until they need water. Or food. Or donations. Or access to Facebook.

Sounds like they're just parasites to me that can't provide for their kids.


So they live "off-grid" but borrow water from others and have a Facebook? I don't think "off-grid" means what they think it means.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
As a former carpenter I am in awe of how fucking terrible the framing is on their new place. These aren't mysteries of the unknown. Crack a book, watch a Youtube video... something... Jesus. Better yet hire someone with half a clue. Seriously, WTF.


As a former carpenter I am in awe of how fucking terrible the framing is on their new place. These aren't mysteries of the unknown. Crack a book, watch a Youtube video... something... Jesus. Better yet hire someone with half a clue. Seriously, WTF.

hope it doesn't fall apart for the children's sake.


Isn't it like really tough to get on in life without a SSN? Seems pretty unfair to impose that on your kids should they decide to not pursue this lifestyle.

You basically don't exist without one. They wouldn't be able to work, pay taxes, have credit, etc.

hope it doesn't fall apart for the children's sake.
I doubt child services will approve even the new house seeing as it doesn't meet code.


The bit where they don't want their kids to have SSNs or birth certificates but Facebook is alright is the most absurd thing.

This is out and out neglect though, I hope their kids get the help they need to put this behind them and live semi-normal lives.


Rodent Whores
The bit where they don't want their kids to have SSNs or birth certificates but Facebook is alright is the most absurd thing.

The allure of online narcissism is strong enough to overcome even their strong feelings of disdain for authority, governmental or corporate alike.
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