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Official Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer Thread & Gamertag Roundup(PC/PS3/360)


kassatsu said:
What gametypes were you trying to play. I can find a Search and Destroy match fairly quick. Free for all and Team Deathmatch are quick to join as well.
Domination seems to take a little longer to find matches. I love playing Domination matches:D


PS3 | NoStyle | No_Style | GMT -5 (EST)

Quite impressed with how the PS3 version works compared to the X360 MP beta. IW did a good job. Kudos to them.


Oh shit, I never noticed this thread and i've had COD4 for about 2 weeks. I was wondering if there would be a topic with Gaf players' names listed! Anyways, heres mine:

PS3/ Aladuf23/ Aladuf23/ -5 GMT (EST)


Played some games yesterday with a couple of friends, had to relearn the buttons as I havent played since the 1st week it was out. I forgot how bad the lag seems, I'd be shooting someone and then die in like 1 hit and then see through the kill cam I'm not even aiming at the guy headon like I thought.


Aeon712 said:
Played some games yesterday with a couple of friends, had to relearn the buttons as I havent played since the 1st week it was out. I forgot how bad the lag seems, I'd be shooting someone and then die in like 1 hit and then see through the kill cam I'm not even aiming at the guy headon like I thought.

Below is a repost from the beta thread, though it was posted earlier in this tread as well. Though slightly annoying, I think it's important people understand what they are seeing from the kill cam. While lag does play an issue, a majority of the time this is not what you are witnessing.

One of the devs, Rayme, addressed this in the beta thread awhile back:

"At any time, your client is just predicting what it figures will happen. It doesn't know "for sure" what the state of the world is until the server tells it, it's just a best-guess until it gets the next authoritative state from the server.

So your client might be all "SWEET, dude, you just unloaded five MP5 rounds into this guy's hea-", but then the server's update will arrive that says "Nope. See, JohnnyStarZippo turned 23 deg to the left and sent an M16 burst into your skull. You've actually been dead for the last 1/4 of a second." And when you watch the killcam, that's what you'll see. It's an authoritative record from the server, a recording of what "really" happened.

Of course, the longer the communication time between you and the server, the more and more jarring the server's corrections will seem."

Rayme's Post


Hammer said:
"At any time, your client is just predicting what it figures will happen. It doesn't know "for sure" what the state of the world is until the server tells it, it's just a best-guess until it gets the next authoritative state from the server.

So your client might be all "SWEET, dude, you just unloaded five MP5 rounds into this guy's hea-", but then the server's update will arrive that says "Nope. See, JohnnyStarZippo turned 23 deg to the left and sent an M16 burst into your skull. You've actually been dead for the last 1/4 of a second." And when you watch the killcam, that's what you'll see. It's an authoritative record from the server, a recording of what "really" happened.

Of course, the longer the communication time between you and the server, the more and more jarring the server's corrections will seem."

Rayme's Post
So umm dumb it down for me, am I dying because the server isn't sending me data fast enough or something? If so then wow :lol...Hugs Resistance :D


djkimothy said:
My stats won't update! :(

The game doesn't save my stats, I can't rank up or anything! Is there a solution to this?

The patch to fix this bug has been sent to both Sony and MS for approval, so as soon as they give it the OK, we should be able to have our stats save...

Until then though... back to Wowhawk...


h3ro said:
The patch to fix this bug has been sent to both Sony and MS for approval, so as soon as they give it the OK, we should be able to have our stats save...

Until then though... back to Wowhawk...

D: I tried deleting my saved game file/profile but to no avail. It seems to be a problem on their side?

Anyways, thanks for the info. I hope it gets approved soon, I'm just playing "for fun" now. :/


sparkle this bitch
Heya ya all. I just picked up COD4 today for 25 at BB. So Im ready to take on the world...Be gentle. So if you guys ever need like just someone to stand there and get shot. I wouldn't mind the job:lol

Anyways playing the game. I love it lol. So very just...flow. I can't really think of the word right now. Like polish but not. It just all flows together really well with multiplayer. Love the Knifing too:lol I haven't really used any other weapon then the M4A1 but it is a really sound gun. Also love the Aiming system...This is my first COD also. Even though I owned the first for PC. Just never played it.
Just in case also, gametag is my username. So if you needed someone too


Has problems recognising girls
After getting used to TF2's system of quick weapon swap I'm not enjoying the weapon swap layout.. yet.

Biggest hate for online play at the moment are the players who throw grenades at their feet whenever they are getting shot.

Other than that.. enjoying the game quite a lot. Demolitions is getting played the most - RPG's are one-hit kills in most circumstances in an open area, and the Shotgun coupled with smoke grenades and extreme conditioning perks are great both indoors and outdoors. Been many times where I've ran from one block to the next under cover of the smoke, confront a group of 3 or so players and they're all dead within a few seconds.


speedpop said:
Biggest hate for online play at the moment are the players who throw grenades at their feet whenever they are getting shot.
It actually takes a heap of time to prep and throw a grenade — if you've got a bead on somebody you should be able to drop them before they can cough the grenade up.

speedpop said:
Demolitions is getting played the most - RPG's are one-hit kills in most circumstances in an open area, and the Shotgun coupled with smoke grenades and extreme conditioning perks are great both indoors and outdoors.
Only two RPGs, though, and you should probably be reserving those for helis! That said, I haven't used them since I unlocked claymores, and I sucked at using them even when I did :lol. I was terrible at leading other players into the RPG's blast radius, and found that if they were stationary I was better off just shooting at them with a gun.

Actually, on the RPGs — do any of you guys know if equipping them slows you down, like carrying a LMG does?


speedpop said:
Biggest hate for online play at the moment are the players who throw grenades at their feet whenever they are getting shot.

Could you be referring to martyrdom? That is a perk that causes you to drop a grenade upon death, and theres not a whole lot you can do to about that. The only time I see anyone activly throw a grenade at their feet would be if they got shot during the baking process (which is twice as fun if they have martyrdom equipped as well. -_- )


After playing this game for a couple of weeks, I've concluded that the netcode and design decisions are extremely flawed.

Respawn locations are poorly placed, allowing for easy spawn camping in domination games. Also, having the computer respawn you on the other side of the map in sabotage games is pointless. I've also had many instances where I've respawned right in the middle of crossfire, i'm sure the opponents love it when I magically appear in front of them with my back to them.

But the coup de gras has to be the "Host left the game" therefore game must end retardedness. I mean seriously. Is it that hard to pass hosting privaliges to another person? They can't keep track or a vector of users or something? Give me a break. I've lost and won so many times because of this flaw. Patch this shit!

Seriously, this is the last IW game I buy if this is the norm. It's obvious why I prefer a solid single player game than multiplayer games.
I've got nothing but good experiences with the online play so far - but then again I have played on few stable, fixed 'finnish' servers. Not too many players ( 8-16 ) and hardcore settings make the experience just AWESOME. I am loving it to death and beyond. :)


djkimothy said:
After playing this game for a couple of weeks, I've concluded that the netcode and design decisions are extremely flawed.

Respawn locations are poorly placed, allowing for easy spawn camping in domination games. Also, having the computer respawn you on the other side of the map in sabotage games is pointless. I've also had many instances where I've respawned right in the middle of crossfire, i'm sure the opponents love it when I magically appear in front of them with my back to them.

But the coup de gras has to be the "Host left the game" therefore game must end retardedness. I mean seriously. Is it that hard to pass hosting privaliges to another person? They can't keep track or a vector of users or something? Give me a break. I've lost and won so many times because of this flaw. Patch this shit!

Seriously, this is the last IW game I buy if this is the norm. It's obvious why I prefer a solid single player game than multiplayer games.

I thought they're fixing the "host left the game" thing in a new patch.

yeah, some of the respawns in team deathmatch are kind of ridiculous.

One of the things I'd like is for there to be a seaparate Hardcore Search and Destroy and Hardcore Team Deathmatch.

Hardcore Search and Destroy is pretty much perfect (although I'd like to have a timer). But Hardcore Team Deathmatch is way too boring and slow.


Has problems recognising girls
I haven't played on a Hardcore server yet.. most of the local servers are all TDM's anyway. I tried Search & Destroy and it was fun till you get the cocks splashing their shit onto you in chat just because you're the last person alive and you get shot in the back. It was like stepping into CS again.
Well I no longer think search and destroy is as awesome as before. The other modes are much more fun and getting a 4:1 kd ratio is always nice. I love the standard bolt action sniper rifle, just got the blue skin for it. Don't use the scope much prefer just holding my breath. Although the dodgy bullet spread is still annoying.


PS3 | MoxManiac | MoxManiac | -5 GMT EST

Love the game. I mostly play TDM.

I don't mind Matrydom so much anymore. I've trained myself to stay away from people after they drop so I haven't been hit by one in awhile.


MrPing1000 said:
Well I no longer think search and destroy is as awesome as before. The other modes are much more fun and getting a 4:1 kd ratio is always nice. I love the standard bolt action sniper rifle, just got the blue skin for it. Don't use the scope much prefer just holding my breath. Although the dodgy bullet spread is still annoying.

Yah, my favourite sniper rifle is by far the R700. that with stopping power, bandolier and iron lungs equate to total ownage if you're on a team that knows what they're doing.


GT = Un4rmedBl4ckM4n

recently while driving I was listening to the Big O & Dukes radio show and he announced his gamertag. Closest thing to playing with a celeb.
PS3| rotaryspirit | rotaryspirit | PST

I've had it for a while but just recently started getting back into the game more. I've found in pickup games that my teammates really make or break a good game for me. If I have decent teammates, I normally have above 1 k/d. If I have shitty teammates it winds up being hovering around 1.

I use the m604 and the one above that exclusively, although I'm finding the m604 to really be lacking in damage. I'll probably start running through the assault guns quickly as well this weekend.


This is a question for the few people in here that may have been addicted to Soldier of Fortune 2's multiplayer.

If I really enjoyed that style of game... fast paced but still tactical and with a hint of realism (versus something like the early Tom Clancy PC titles, which were too "real" for me to enjoy) would CoD4 be a good pickup? It's obviously taken off in a huge way and I've never found a game that quite captures that SoF2 feeling.
So yeserday I tried to connect to games, but it was 'downloading game settings' and I couldn't do anything (PS3 version). My 360 copy worked fine.

Anyone else, or just my location? (Midwest)


Everything works for me at the moment. That's after I installed the latest 1.1 patch. Does anyone have the changelog?

I know connecting to games is a lot better now.
To the people that is having the "downloading game settings" crap, do this: Turn off your modem and the router..then turn on your router and wait until everything gets set up then turn on your modem again. I fixed my problem by doing that. I hope that helps. :)
I'm getting a bit annoyed with the multi-player in general, mainly the match making and respawns.

I hate the fact that in team-deathmatch it never revolves the team selection, so if one side has better individuals players it's very hard to win a match.

The spawn points are an absolute joke, I understand what they were trying to do but it can sometimes end up in a cluster fuck.

Some of the maps are atrocious, Bloc is quite possibly the worst map I've ever played in a game.

Air-Strikes and Attack Helicopters should have a timer in between calls across all players on the team, it's far too easy for someone to get an inflated score of 20-2 without actually doing much.

Recently the ballistic calculations seem off, my kill to death ratio over the last few days has almost reversed (it was nearly 2:1 a week ago).

But by far the most annoying thing is kids who are on Prestige level two or three and think they are the best COD4 players around. All you get is 'I owned you', 'You suck', and general racist and childish remarks. I wish muting people was easier.


Wow, I've never encountered racists remarks online but I agree with everything you've mentioned.

The map designs are flawed big time and I find my self skipping over many of them other than crash, vacant and overgrown.

Wet works is by far the worst map of the game and can lead to massive spawn camping in domination type games. I had a record of 28-1 just sniping from my side. If it wasn't for the lag I would have had more... That map needs to fix spawn locations to make the domination games more competitive or include a "basement" part so you have a chance to take a flag.

And shipment is not fun at all, just a cluster fuck of grenade lobbing and shot gun whoring.


i actually find the community pretty good.

that said, i only play mercenery team death match. i don't play objective games if i'm not in a party of people i can work with. communication is kind of overrated anyway. team deathmatch is perfectly playable without it.


Junior Member
360 | DashJH | Dash | -5 GMT EST

Even though I'm on EST, I usually play between 12:00am to 6:00am, so I guess I should preferably be playing with people in PST :p.

Has anyone noticed that CoD4 is more frustrating than other multiplayer FPS's? After going 24-2 in one round due to airstrikes/helicopter, I get an inflated sense of my ability, only to have it crashing down the next match :lol . I seem to either own or be 0wned, without much middle ground :/


360 | TerraRhythm | FightyF | -7 GMT MST

Do enough people still play this to warrant making a GAF 360 "Clan" using the friends of friends feature?
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