Nice PS3,PSP,PS2 rolling strong
This is a sign of things to come from now on 
(neutral) smokeychanBildi said:
DMC4 was an awesome PSP game.Paracelsus said:That besides DMC4 there was NOT another game really worth being purchased?
My guess is that they're thinking that way.
Raw64life said:Everything not in the OP so far from various sources...
February 2008:
Nintendo family sold 1019600 consoles and handhelds for an average of 509800 units per family member. The Playstation family sold an average of 283333ish units per family member.Tabris said:This really is an improvement for the PS3 and shows that eventually the PS3 will start outselling the Wii on total numbers once the pre-Brawl and post-Brawl craze dies down.
Playstation family sold 850000ish consoles and handhelds. I would consider that quite a success for Sony.
And 10k sales for the best PSP release in February is a sign of things that are.AmericanNinja said:Nice PS3,PSP,PS2 rolling strongThis is a sign of things to come from now on
Tabris said:This really is an improvement for the PS3 and shows that eventually the PS3 will start outselling the Wii on total numbers once the pre-Brawl and post-Brawl craze dies down..
Raw64life said:WII PLAY W/REMOTE - 1 year+ and going strong:
February - 371K
March - 273K
April - 249K
May - 227K
June - 293K
July - 278K
August - 257K
September - 282K
October - 240K
November - 564K
December - 1.1 million
January - 298K
February - 290K
Raw64life said:Everything not in the OP so far from various sources...
February 2008:
Rough LTDs:
WII WII PLAY W/ REMOTE - ~4.7 million
360 CALL OF DUTY 4: MODERN WARFARE - ~3.60 million
360 ROCK BAND - ~1.12 million
Hardware LTD:
PS2: ~41.7 million
GBA: ~36.0 million
NDS: ~18.4 million
XBX: ~14.5 million
GCN: ~11.8 million
PSP: ~11.0 million
360: ~9.6 million
Wii: ~8.1 million
PS3: ~3.8 million
WII PLAY W/REMOTE - 1 year+ and going strong:
February - 371K
March - 273K
April - 249K
May - 227K
June - 293K
July - 278K
August - 257K
September - 282K
October - 240K
November - 564K
December - 1.1 million
January - 298K
February - 290K
Being more specific might get you banned._Alkaline_ said:Just being more specific.![]()
TheIroning said:It isn't really that complicated.
What the fuck kind of logic is it to believe that the PS3 is in direct competition with the PS2 and DS?
Segata Sanshiro said:And 10k sales for the best PSP release in February is a sign of things that are.
I have faith those two are going to do well, probably both will break into the top 10, which would be stellar.diddlyD said:yeah thats probably the most depressing thing about this npd. i wonder how bad god of war and final fantasy are gonna be hit this month.
diddlyD said:yeah thats probably the most depressing thing about this npd. i wonder how bad god of war and final fantasy are gonna be hit this month.
Stealth said:Wow. When PS2 hits $99 the world is going to break. And DMC4 is almost even across the systems... given the install bases that's a huge success for Sony. And CoD4 won't die! Overall unbelievable. Hot damn.
Segata Sanshiro said:Being more specific might get you banned.
acabado said:I'm also really impressed by PS2 numbers.That's why I think it will take a while for a price drop.
Umm so from Wii release -> Brawl release = Pre-Brawl craze? It just makes you look idiotic to still doubt the Selling power of the Wii.Tabris said:This really is an improvement for the PS3 and shows that eventually the PS3 will start outselling the Wii on total numbers once the pre-Brawl and post-Brawl craze dies down.
Playstation family sold 850000ish consoles and handhelds. I would consider that quite a success for Sony.
Tabris said:This really is an improvement for the PS3 and shows that eventually the PS3 will start outselling the Wii on total numbers once the pre-Brawl and post-Brawl craze dies down.
Same goes for the eventual $100/$150 PSP.duk said:$99 PS2 will be insane :lol
$99 DS Lite will be insane :lol
$149 Wii will be insane :lol
$199 360 Prem will be insane :lol
$249 PS3 will be insane :lol
Too much to play *faints
TheIroning said:It isn't really that complicated.
What the fuck kind of logic is it to believe that the PS3 is in direct competition with the PS2 and DS?
Did you seriously just take the number of Ps3s sold and times it by 400 and then do the same thing for Wii and even try to pretend that's an accurate representation of anything? The Ps3 costs almost twice as much, and Nintendo probly makes 4x the profit per console sold.Tabris said:PS3 sold over $120 million dollars worth of consoles.
Wii sold only $108 million dollars worth of consoles.
krypt0nian said:They should bundle halo 3 with a free controller.
PhoenixDark said:![]()
PlayStation 2 351.8K
_Alkaline_ said:What? Why?
The LOTR pics make their return to the NPD thread! :lol :lol :lolPhoenixDark said:![]()
PlayStation 2 351.8K
PlayStation 3 280.8K
Xbox 360 254.6K
Wii 432K
sonycowboy said:The hardware is steller as well. Units were up 19% to over 2.1M systems combined (and that's compared to last year which was up 60% over the prior year).
Kobun Heat said:When would it be okay? Name a month.
FixedHcoregamer00 said:In 2011 when Wii 2 comes out and Wii sold 130 million consoles.
Raw64life said:Everything not in the OP so far from various sources...
sonycowboy said:Hardware
PlayStation 2 351.8K
PlayStation 3 280.8K
PlayStation Portable 243.1K
Xbox 360 254.6K
Nintendo DS 587.6K
Wii 432K
Because as businesses, companies are going to end up showing whose business ideologies work better. So far, Nintendo's rolling in the money. MS and, to a lesser extant, Sony, have lost a lot of money going with their plans.BobM said:THe NPDs make me happy because of that fact. There are exponentially more gamers now, then 10 years ago. That means i can now talk to friends and even co-workers about my hobby without being looked at as strange. I can walk into any major retailer of electronics and pick up the latest game on MULTIPLE awesome systems.
I could care less about who wins the "console war" why does there have to be a war? It seems to me that each major player is sucessful in thier own rights and in different ways.
frAntic_Frog said:one thing that sony needs a GOOD ASS KICKING in is marketing of PSP games......who the hell do they have in charge of promoting psp games? catatonic zombies in comas? where the hell are the TV ads for pulse? patapon? where is the friggin ad blitz thats supposed to be running months ago? its one part of sony that is still sorely sorely sad state. someone at SCEI needs to fire their entire psp marketing team and start from scratch
batbeg said:I think he thought you were citing the chartz of VG.
frAntic_Frog said:one thing that sony needs a GOOD ASS KICKING in is marketing of PSP games......who the hell do they have in charge of promoting psp games? catatonic zombies in comas? where the hell are the TV ads for pulse? patapon? where is the friggin ad blitz thats supposed to be running months ago? its one part of sony that is still sorely sorely sad state. someone at SCEI needs to fire their entire psp marketing team and start from scratch
Tabris said:This really is an improvement for the PS3 and shows that eventually the PS3 will start outselling the Wii on total numbers once the pre-Brawl and post-Brawl craze dies down.
Playstation family sold 850000ish consoles and handhelds. I would consider that quite a success for Sony.
Tabris said:This is the month PS3 outsells Wii.
[360] 220K
[NDS] 280K
[PS2] 190K
[PS3] 265K
[PSP] 190K
[WII] 245K
others saidI wonder how much the NA sales (For crisis core)will be? 100k-200k tops?
i expect it to do at least 400k-500k in the with good promotion and close to the same in the EU
This game better sell better in the US then it did in Japan or there is something wrong. The userbase in the US is larger then the Japan userbase and action RPG's have done well in the US in the past. I don't see why this one should be any different. Anything under 1mil for the US as well will be extremely disappointing.
I have high expectations of Crisis Core. It had a great development team and they made a GREAT game.
But it's possible that you were agreeing with Pureauthor that there was no way Crisis Core would only sell 100k-200k, because it's a PSP game and if it doesn't sell it'll just go on clearance and post the big numbers by default. The DS being mentioned only as the system that doesn't follow that pattern.
Analyst Jesse Divnich with virtual stock market The simExchange believes PS3's sale are significant, even in light of Xbox 360 shortages. "Whether there is an Xbox 360 shortage or not, it is clear that the PS3 has gained considerable ground on its rival. Given these past two months and the momentum that the PS3 has gained, Microsoft must react quickly as the PS3s momentum will only get stronger until Microsoft reacts.
"In the short-term, Microsofts only feasible and economical option is to look at reducing its hardware price in North America to at least slow down the PS3s momentum until it can implement more long-term solutions to winning the next-generation console war."