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Official February 2008 NPD Results - "Last Gen" > "Next Gen" - Industry Gone Wild.

davepoobond said:
i thought the 360 would sell WAY more devil may cry 4s than the ps3 did, considering its userbase.

and here i was thinking it would sell way more on ps3 considering the xboxers don't know nothin' bout no devil may cry and ps3 owners definitely do

i don't actually believe that


Well glad to see the PS3 making a comeback. I did my part if buying the Collector's Edition of DMC 4 for PS3. And wow at the LO numbers, so 360 isn't just a FPS console anymore, I'm hoping more JRPG's make their way to the 360 *cough* Atlus *cough*, as I gave up hope that SE will ever release any FF or DQ game on the 360, seems SE won't go multi-console, but rather support the industry leader or graphical processing leader, whichever suits their needs :p
WickedLaharl said:
and here i was thinking it would sell way more on ps3 considering everyone the xboxers don't know nothin' bout no devil may cry and ps3 owners definitely do

i don't actually believe that

The only difference is next month DMC4 will sale lots more on the 360 then PS3. Take Call Of Duty 4 as an example.


BakedPigeon said:
People have been underestimating the Wii since launch. Why stop now? Really though you can't accurately guess the Wiis final numbers because the Wii really is spreading into territory that's unique to it. It has it's own Gamecube/N64 Fanbase still with a few other people who like the motion control Idea then it also has the "Toy for the house" crowd. Hell My Dad, both grandmas, sister, and possibly my moms b/fs mom are all Wii owners purely because they played Wii Sports once and decided it would be a cool toy to have around the house.... they view it more as something like a Pool table/Dart board then a video game console.


NolbertoS said:
Well glad to see the PS3 making a comeback. I did my part if buying the Collector's Edition of DMC 4 for PS3. And wow at the LO numbers, so 360 isn't just a FPS console anymore, I'm hoping more JRPG's make their way to the 360 *cough* Atlus *cough*, as I gave up hope that SE will ever release any FF or DQ game on the 360, seems SE won't go multi-console, but rather support the industry leader or graphical processing leader, whichever suits their needs :p
I think Lost Remnant is there test to see if the 360s worth developing for as well...... Do you really think Sonys going to completely ignore the 360 if Lost Remnant puts up similar numbers on the 360 as the Ps3? Especially now that they've said they want to go for the Western side of gaming now as well. I very much doubt SE will stay on just PS3/Wii if Infinite Undiscovery does as good or better then LO and Lost Remnant 360 more then matches the Ps3 version outside of Japan.

Ranger X

Speevy said:
No console will ever outsell the PS2's lifetime sales.

Well, the Wii is a great contender so far. And seeing how lesser hardware can sell for so long, i wouldn't surprised to see Wii reach the PS2 at some point.
Thunder Monkey said:
Kind of an odd statement when the industry is so young Speeves. The PS2 is just the beginning for this industry.

Well, it's not like we've got that long to go until the apocalypse. Then we can get around to seeing if the afterlife has videogames or not.


Crystal Bearer
Ranger X said:
Well, the Wii is a great contender so far. And seeing how lesser hardware can sell for so long, i wouldn't surprised to see Wii reach the PS2 at some point.

I see one issue with that, and that's the Wii's third party support. :/ Compared to what the PS2 had, it's quite poor.
Kagari said:
I see one issue with that, and that's the Wii's third party support. :/ Compared to what the PS2 had, it's quite poor.

Given how the primary driving force being the Wii is, uh, Nintendo, I don't see this being an issue for quite a while.


BakedPigeon said:
Are you including the DS, or do you mean "console" consoles?

I mean consoles, because the DS is a handheld.

And the 3 current consoles have to sell a combined 170 million + to expand the console market.
Professor Layton selling 90k is cool. They have great word of mouth and I think it will get plenty more sales. They should make a profit on the localization no problem.

Wipeout Pulse at 10k is disappointing. Hopefully many potential buyers are like me. I'm saving my money for superior controls and superior online with Wipeout HD. I think this is the case.

Awesome to see Rock Band still outselling GH III on 360 even though GHIII Wii and PS2 rocked it. Guitar Hero is going to be around and make shitloads of money (Red Octane acquisition may be the best acquisition ever, financially), but Rock Band is here to stay.

Turok at 198k for 360 plus whatever it sold on PS3 is not horrible at all given the time of year.


Crystal Bearer
Pureauthor said:
Given how the primary driving force being the Wii is, uh, Nintendo, I don't see this being an issue for quite a while.

I don't think the Wii can survive on first party and third party shovelware games forever... there's only so much of that consumers will play until they get tired of it.

Before I get attacked, note that I enjoy the Wii, I just wish it had more than just Nintendo first party games and the occasional third party game(read: No More Heroes) that were worth playing :/


Kagari said:
I don't think the Wii can survive on first party and third party shovelware games forever... there's only so much of that consumers will play until they get tired of it.

Before I get attacked, note that I enjoy the Wii, I just wish it had more than just Nintendo first party games and the occasional third party game(read: No More Heroes) that were worth playing :/
You'd be amazed at how long someone can Survive with only Wii Sports


Next-gen should have waited another year or so. Graphics would have looked so much better if both the 360 and PS3 had 1gb of ram and a Geforce 8 GPU. I bet one of the main the reasons why the PS2 and WII still sell so well is that people aren't blown away by what they see on the PS3 and 360.
Z3F said:
Next-gen should have waited another year or so. Graphics would have looked so much better if both the 360 and PS3 had 1gb of ram and a Geforce 8 GPU.

Why stop waiting there? Imagine what they would have looked like with 3½gb and a GeForce 11!


Rockband- just amazing to sell those kind of number at $169.99 (but fix your damn equipment!)

Wii- Still in demand of course

PS3- definitely looking good and picking up steam, MS might want to drop the price of the 360 again soon.

360- shortages or not thats two months in a row the PS3 has beaten you and sold extremely well post Christmas.

DMC 4- First time on the Xbox and always known as a Playstation title means fairly close sales on this one. I'm sure some of the other 360 games that came out for the month took away from it's sales.

PS2- price plus software equals continued sales, the next gen machines don't stand a chance at the current pricepoints. The Wii/PS2 combo will continue to outsell them every month until Christmas.

Overall definitely a good month for hardware and software across the board.


charlequin said:
Why stop waiting there? Imagine what they would have looked like with 3½gb and a GeForce 11!

1yr made a lot of sense. Games were still selling well on the PS2 and Xbox. Also, as we can see, both the PS3 and 360 can barely handle games at 720p.
wowfactor said:
MS didn't sell that many software anyway.

They sold less than twice the amount of software with almost three times the install based hardware.
PS3 software sales are very good indeed.

i dont see why people keep saying this. the original xbox had like ONE EIGHTH the userbase and games like splintercell, madden and GTA sold quite alright.


1.5 million to go for the Wii...

is it going to catch up to the 360 within this year..? or even until june like reggie said...

its going to be tough thats for sure


farnham said:
1.5 million to go for the Wii...

is it going to catch up to the 360 within this year..? or even until june like reggie said...

its going to be tough thats for sure

Does it matter? I don't think the 360 will be losing software support to the WII.


farnham said:
1.5 million to go for the Wii...

is it going to catch up to the 360 within this year..? or even until june like reggie said...

its going to be tough thats for sure

It will depend of the stocks of Wii and the effect of GTA IV on 360.


Speevy may be right

PS2 was a special case, it's the perfect of example of a console that was released at the right time and the right price. It got a year's head start on it's competition and is also benefiting from the expansion in the industry that is occurring right now. As long as sony continues to keep it on store shelves for another 2-3 years (has it officially reached $99 yet?) it m ay be hard to match.

The wii is the only contender, but thats only been out for a year and ANYTHING CAN happen between now and the next 6 years. What NEEDS to happen is for nintendo to improve their manufacturing and supply issues.
MobiusPigeon said:
i dont see why people keep saying this.

Because it's a good way to turn a local victory (a game selling well on a non-market-leader console) into a "global" victory (by describing said game's sales as a sea-change, tide-turning, or other nautical metaphor for imminent victory!!!)
neptunes said:
Speevy may be right

PS2 is a special case, it got a year's head start on it's competition and is also benefiting from the expansion in the industry that is occurring right now. As long as sony continues to keep it on store shelves for another 2-3 years (has it officially reached $99 yet?) it m ay be hard to match.

The wii is the only contender, but thats only been out for a year and ANYTHING CAN happen between now and the next 6 years.

but think about this. does ps2s sales make good for future 360 arcade sales? ps2s strong sales, hell wiis strong sales prove that gamers dont necesarily need a hard drive. $199 core 360 plus GTA4 may get VERY interesting. Thats a price advantage that ps3 wont have for awhile.


GottiDC said:
I totaly agree. there will be no other system like the ps2 ever. I mean the ps2 didnt have to use its last gen tech to be cheap. it was not some ps1 wit a new controller. it brought dvd, into the field of gaming, and the ps2 was a multimedia machine to its fullest, with the best games, and could play dvds too.
the wii on the other hand may be a big succces to nintendo, and to early joiners of playing video games, but i really dont see the wee as anything but a system 3rd parties will make shovelware for. I mean even now wit wii leading in just sells it still has no 3rd party support. the game cube seemed to have better 3rd party games than the wii does.
the wii is clearly for the begginers and for people who are just getting into gaming to have a lil mini part game fun.

the real compatition here is the ps3 vs the 360, and i think everyone in the back of there minds knows this.
check out the minigame Nintendo released in March.
the console war of gloom and doom makes me think how funny it would be if we had internet forums back in 1910 and 1920.

"omg, ford had 80% of the market before and now has only 30. ford is doomed"

one of the steps for videogames to actually get out of the ghetto is expanding the market, letting multiple companies run the show. maybe the only thing we can say with the constant record breaking months, is that, everybody is winning. speacially me, as a gamer. i have so much good stuff to play that if they stopped releasing games, i would be locked until 2009.

great times.

looking foward to the record breaking march of '08
-Still no Apollo numbers? It did great numbers in Japan. Also I'm surprised that Proffesor Layton didn't do better, there were a lot of ads for this game and it appeals to both hardcore and casul gamers.
-Also nice to see AW and NMH keeping up with good numbers.
-I'm also surprised SMG totally dropped out, as a huge SMG fan this saddens me. Also can we consider Burnout a bomb? It doesn't seem to be dong great numbers so far.
-And finally WOW at CoD and LO, I'm really happy this is getting picked up. I'm busy with BD and loving it and everyone says that LO is better so can't wait to pick it up.


MobiusPigeon said:
but think about this. does ps2s sales make good for future 360 arcade sales? ps2s strong sales, hell wiis strong sales prove that gamers dont necesarily need a hard drive. $199 core 360 plus GTA4 may get VERY interesting. Thats a price advantage that ps3 wont have for awhile.
Anyone who bought a ps2 within the past 2 years has no intention in jumping into next for another 3-4 years from now.
Kagari said:
I don't think the Wii can survive on first party and third party shovelware games forever... there's only so much of that consumers will play until they get tired of it.

Before I get attacked, note that I enjoy the Wii, I just wish it had more than just Nintendo first party games and the occasional third party game(read: No More Heroes) that were worth playing :/

It's worth saying that even though there might not be a heck of a lot you personally enjoy outside of Nintendo's titles, it's really REALLY not fair to classify Wii offerings as first party software and third party shovelware. There are a lot of good third party titles, or at the very least a lot of titles that don't deserve the shovelware connotation attached to them.
Kagari said:
I don't think the Wii can survive on first party and third party shovelware games forever... there's only so much of that consumers will play until they get tired of it.

You mean like the N64 and the GC?

Last time i checked they did fine on the Nintendo fan base alone. Pokemon is a Fad, Animal crossing is a fad and Nintendo won't survive. Nintendo going 3rd party since 1985.

I can't fucking believe how ignorant some people truly are when it comes to Nintendo.


Crystal Bearer
Toy Soldier said:
It's worth saying that even though there might not be a heck of a lot you personally enjoy outside of Nintendo's titles, it's really REALLY not fair to classify Wii offerings as first party software and third party shovelware. There are a lot of good third party titles, or at the very least a lot of titles that don't deserve the shovelware connotation attached to them.

They are few and far between, unfortunately :( But what I mean really is there's not really any third party system-sellers for the Wii right now. Nothing that really makes me say, "I'd buy a Wii for that game!"
Microsoft has a situation on their hands if this continues. They've let the price of the Xbox 360 remain too high for too long and that, mixed with the perception of unreliability in hardware, is going to cost them the one region they actually thought they would dominate.

It's time for a pricedrop and I don't mean the $30 variety.
its pretty obvious its coming.

Anyone who bought a ps2 within the past 2 years has no intention in jumping into next for another 3-4 years from now.

what i'm referring to is cheap consoles in general. $199 arcade with its lineup is going to be nuts. ps2 in early 2000s style nuts. nuts like my bawls nuts. :lol
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